My Bat Has Measles

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Dec 2023
I recently bought my first custom blade/rubber set up and had a lot of advice on here with my set up - so thanks to anyone who offered up advice.
On my backhand side I have the Xiom Vega Europe DF. I've played 5 or so times with the bat since getting it. I am very careful to look after the rubbers, and whilst I have yet used any specific rubber cleaner I've put a drop of water on the rubbers a few times and wiped them dry to keep the dust off and have always had the bat in a case with plastic rubber protectors on when not in use. However, when i got my bat out to play last night I noticed raised lumps all over the rubber. At my club night I showed it to the guys that run the club and they said it looked liked my bat had measles and that they've never seen this before. Can anyone shed light on this? I'm tempted to contact Dandoy and ask for a replacement but want to know what's happened first.

Thanks in advance

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Dec 2023
yes, it looks weird
but if it does not affect performance. why should it matter?
It's the aesthetics, some people will be ok with it and some people won't. I try to keep my rubbers looking like new and I don't like the fact that I've paid £100 for a bat that's spotty
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It's the aesthetics, some people will be ok with it and some people won't. I try to keep my rubbers looking like new and I don't like the fact that I've paid £100 for a bat that's spotty
I see, you do you.
Then I would probably ask dandoy customer support what was wrong / if you can get replacement
Good luck!
The glueing was done by Dandoy Sports. Is it normal in this instance that the lumps would only appear after a few weeks?
No, they stay, If it was glued by Dandoy I would definitely return it.

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Dec 2023
This looks localized to the topsheet only. It happens when you get oil or some other substance on the topsheet. I don't believe it has anything to do with how the rubber was glued
I managed to find another thread on here that suggested similar. Some people found that it was bobbling a bit like this if the bat was put in it's case (especially a certain cases that aren't breathable) when the rubber had moisture on it. I've had the bat out of it's case all day today and it's markedly better since this morning when i took the photos.
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Jul 2014
I managed to find another thread on here that suggested similar. Some people found that it was bobbling a bit like this if the bat was put in it's case (especially a certain cases that aren't breathable) when the rubber had moisture on it. I've had the bat out of it's case all day today and it's markedly better since this morning when i took the photos.
Bumps like this tend to fix themselves over time. Recently I crammed a lot of bats into my bag and one of my newer rubbers (Nexxus SS53) got a ridge imprinted in the topsheet from pressure from another bat, a week later it is no longer visible. I have had oil impregnation in topsheets from spilled booster/baby oil and also overuse of booster/oil on the sponge penetrating into the topsheet creating ugly bumps and swollen spots but they have all basically returned to normal after some time.
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