Odd number at the venue/table - what are some exercises?


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This user has no status.
Dec 2021
I’ve been quite unlucky recently where I arrive at the training hall and I’m the odd number.

I feel bad as there are a select few members that are really considerate and after 5-10mins feel the need to give up their place. I do the same thing too if I’ve been on the table long enough.

Are there any exercises that are suitable for intermediates to join in where there are 2 more advanced players at the table?

I’ve tried doing 3-4 balls, though with the different spin and power it’s hard for the intermediate to “lock in” as they otherwise could when against the same person.

Another one is the 2 stronger on the same side playing doubles, though this doesn’t really work intensity wise as we end up putting 50% of our shot quality, etc in order to keep the rally going.

It would be nice to reinforce positive behaviours 😀