Post-match interview question with Fan Zhendong at men's team world cup

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New Member
Feb 2018
I was watching Fan Zhendong's post-match interview after winning against Liam Pitchford in the men's team world cup. The interviewer asked the question:
What is it like for a Chinese national player to go 5-0 down in the first game and 5-1 down in the third game, this is unusual so how do you remain calm in this situation?

Hearing this, I was disappointed with the way the question was worded. This is a sport and players will have days when they come up against an in-form player like Liam was playing amazing table tennis. In that respect, the situation was not unusual in any way.

If it were me, I would have just asked:
You were 5-0 down in the first game and 5-1 down in the third game, how did you remain calm in this situation?

What are everyone's thoughts on this?
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I have no problem with the way the question was worded. LGL didn't, either. The folks said they prepared to go the distance against England, but I doubt FZD expected to "spot" 5 points like that.