Statistics software for table tennis

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New Member
Apr 2019
Hi to all,

This is my first post on this community and the idea is to get some help and feedback from the most experienced people of this forum. I'm a father of a 12 years old girl that plays table tennis. I'm an engineer and therefore I trust in the numbers as an efficient way to help improving table tennis performance. I can't help her much, in the technical part of the game, since I'm not a professional player, but if I can provide and analyse statistics, that will show us strengths and flaws and could be additional information for her TT professor. Do someone here know of a good software that I could use to collect and manage statistical information of her games? Do you think that my approach is valid? Any idea, feedback or suggestion of someone experienced on this topic?

Best Regards

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Nov 2015
Simple Excel spreadsheet will probably do here. Your main challenge is not how to analyze data, it's how to collect it. So, watching videos of her play and annotating it for things like: FH vs. BH win/loss, placement, 3rd ball, serve receive errors etc. Coach probably can suggest other metrics that matter.

And yes, it should be useful
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Nov 2017
Physicist/software engineer here. So your approach somewhat resonates. Dan's opponent here: might have the data to really do some analysis.
For us mere mortals without that machinery we have to do the inverse, I guess: throw bunches of data at our brain to let it learn all the ingredients for that game: the footwork and proper positioning to the ball, the angles of racket, arm and body movements for the strokes, the feeling of how much spin can be produced and how it affects the ball trajectory (yeah, Magnus effect), etc.
Each club should have its coach to show it to the kids... Or well, in the absence of that, just hit a thousands balls in the cellar. That's how I started as a kid. Just have fun, that's the most important with any sport anyway.

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says Aging is a killer
Multiball. Multiball. Multiball. Mulltiball

Hi to all,

........ I can't help her much, in the technical part of the game, since I'm not a professional player, .........


There's no coach as good as an interested parent.
The most important learning thing for a player is table time. Far more important than data gathering is working through the boring bits of getting good footwork as a natural part of her game. Anyone can learn to be a good multi-ball feeder whatever their playing standard. Spend the hours with her doing multiball and blocking. Look up videos on the different techniques and read TTD forum posts. Of course you manage how much professional coaching that she gets for the technical stuff. That's where the important data gathering is. You accompany her at the coaching sessions and note what the coach teaches. Then you apply that in your multi-ball sessions with her. Don't worry, after a year you'll be amazed how much your own skills will improve.
Plus the big benefit is that your personal relationship will be solidified in what is a quite stressful time of life for any youngster.

I speak from experience.
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