Using D05 for a week, it too fast and hard to control... how to use it ?

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Hi TT guys, I just bought D05 and put it on my FZD ALC, I using it for a week passed ....

I can't control my ball and very hard and ball usually hit the net and never feel dwell time on racket... I am not sure any mistake or any secret how to use D05 on forehand and backhand.. Previous It used D09C and it feel easier to play.

However for me D05 it too hard feeling some time dead feeling ... I don't know how much spin of my ball and not felt dwell time on blade, also made many error ball.

Can anyone share me how to using D05 or any technique required.
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Sep 2022
You are not the only player who has this with D05. Most players who switch from Hybrid or Tacky feel that D05 is harder to use.

To give a propper answer; train a lot so you get used to it. Mostly brush loop on half long balls will get you used fast rubbers like d05.

After two months you should be back to getting even better. If not, just switch back.💪
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Aug 2023
You are not the only player who has this with D05. Most players who switch from Hybrid or Tacky feel that D05 is harder to use.

To give a propper answer; train a lot so you get used to it. Mostly brush loop on half long balls will get you used fast rubbers like d05.

After two months you should be back to getting even better. If not, just switch back.
Agree. If this still doesn’t work, try to use the D05 as BH or use T05 instead.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
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Give it some time, Tenergy and Dignics takes up to a month to break in and play properly.

I have the same feeling with my Tenergy 05 and fx, I just know that after 3~4 weeks of hard training they will play good, soften up and feel easy to engage sponge, more controlable and easier to play.
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What you can also do is to stay with D05 and learn how to control it. It requires really good technique on passive shots (especially momentum absorbing techniques on block and short pushes) otherwise your shots are just gonna go fast and uncontrolled long all the time. For loops it's also the same thing, without good brushing fundamentals it is really easy to shoot the ball long.

Once you have fixed your technique it will become a monster.
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Feb 2023
When I first tried D05 I was thinking: Why the hell does someone play with that thing? I gave the racket back to my colleague.

Someday another colleague told me: I tries the D05, it is interesting. Get used to it and it is the best rubber you can play. So I tried. After a few sessions I realised it got much better to play with it. Today I love the rubber on my forehand. It is a beast. With a slower blade like a 84 g Viscaria it even seems to be user friendly for amateurs. Nevertheless it is good to have a very good technique.
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Is there a reason you want to use a rubber that you seem to be unable to use? Why not use something you already are able to use?
I used Rakza 7 for 2 years, it very suitable for me.... the reason that i changed it just want try new generation rubber.
If I can't , will back to old setup as your recommend.
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says Spin and more spin.
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I used Rakza 7 for 2 years, it very suitable for me.... the reason that i changed it just want try new generation rubber.
If I can't , will back to old setup as your recommend.

The important thing to know is, there should be no stress on the issue. Do some training, the regular stuff that everyone does for training, but also do some serve and receive drills. If you do a certain amount of training and can't get the feel for the rubber, then it is time to pull it off and put something you are able to use on.

You don't want to be frustrating yourself trying to use equipment that is hard for you to control while playing matches....unless you can convince yourself to take the approach with the matches as though it is training and winning and losing points and matches does not matter; and all that does matter is experimenting so you can sort out how to contact the ball for the new topsheet/sponge combination that you are using (D05).

You should be exploring what kind of contact works for that topsheet, how much tangential trajectory for the contact; how deep you want the ball to penetrate into the sponge; what arc for the stroke, more forward.....more up; how much of the top of the ball to contact; how much of the outside of the ball to should be exploring and testing what things work if you are having trouble.
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Jun 2023
Hi TT guys, I just bought D05 and put it on my FZD ALC, I using it for a week passed ....

I can't control my ball and very hard and ball usually hit the net and never feel dwell time on racket... I am not sure any mistake or any secret how to use D05 on forehand and backhand.. Previous It used D09C and it feel easier to play.

However for me D05 it too hard feeling some time dead feeling ... I don't know how much spin of my ball and not felt dwell time on blade, also made many error ball.

Can anyone share me how to using D05 or any technique required.
I'm using the same setup and I can throw some insights on this. I'm using D05 on both sides of my FZD ALC. I was using H3N(FH) and Rakza 7 Soft(BH). After switching to D05 literally all the balls were off the table and I couldn't loop at all. Now it has been 7 months and I can say that this is the most easy going rubber I've ever used. It forgives most of my mistakes and I can't switch to anything else now. I've recently tried my friend's FZD ALC with D09C, literally all the balls were off the table during my loop rallies. It is the nature of the rubber. Tacky rubbers like D09c tend to produce more arc and more spin whereas D05 is a bit faster and has a flat trajectory.
So switching from one to another kind needs some adjustments in the technique. It needs a little bit of time to get used to it. Give it a little time and I'm sure you'll love this setup.


says Spin to win!
All of these threads are very hard to judge without video context.

D05 is a very advanced rubber and would be hard to control for a lot of people who don’t have the skill/experience to use it.

My advice to a player who DOES have the ability to use it would differ to my advice to a player who DOESN’T have the ability to use it.

But, and apologies if this sounds harsh, if you have to ask the question, you probably don’t have the necessary skill to use it to the best of its ability.
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Jun 2023
What you can also do is to stay with D05 and learn how to control it. It requires really good technique on passive shots (especially momentum absorbing techniques on block and short pushes) otherwise your shots are just gonna go fast and uncontrolled long all the time. For loops it's also the same thing, without good brushing fundamentals it is really easy to shoot the ball long.

Once you have fixed your technique it will become a monster.
I can agree on this. For the passive game with loose balls with minimum or no spin, D05 is hard to control. Need a loose wrist and good technique. But for the top spin game with good technique, D05 is a monster.
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