What rubbers should I upgrade to?

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New Member
Jan 2024
I currently use a ma lin carbon blade with Rakza 7 on fh and Fastarc g-1 on the backhand. Im looking to upgrade the rubbers.
On the forehand im looking for something similar to Rakza 7 but with a bit more speed and spin as I found it a bit too slow. On the backhand im looking for a a rubber that’s quite easy to spin with and good control as my technique is still developing on the backhand.
Any advice or recommendations are appreciated.
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Jan 2024
Rakza 7 isn't slow and it s spinny. Speed helps when you have direct line of sight shots. It can be a detriment if you are hitting balls that are low at net height or below where need to hit the ball up to clear the net and then hope it still lands on the table. I have found Rakza 7 has an almost perfect spin to speed ratio.

What force can you generate with a T05 that you can't with Rakza 7. T05 may be faster at the top end but that extra speed would only be needed if you are trying to hit the ball out of the court.

Again, Rakza 7 is good enough and I bet the Fastarc g-1 is too. Many seem to like Fastarc g-1. I would stick with what you have unless it is worn out and practice more. Use the saved money to buy a few hours with a coach that can pin point those things you need to work on most. There is always low hanging fruit.
You can still get great speed with Rakza 7 but it requires much more effort and bigger strokes. I tend to play quite fast and close to the table so having big strokes can cost me.

In regard to the Fastarc G-1 I just find it very inconsistent for bigger backhand shots. It is difficult to feel the ball and spin it upwards. It is good for drives but for spinny shots or open ups I personally find it difficult to use
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
I currently use a ma lin carbon blade with Rakza 7 on fh and Fastarc g-1 on the backhand. Im looking to upgrade the rubbers.
On the forehand im looking for something similar to Rakza 7 but with a bit more speed and spin as I found it a bit too slow. On the backhand im looking for a a rubber that’s quite easy to spin with and good control as my technique is still developing on the backhand.
Any advice or recommendations are appreciated.
What is your budget?

Forehand I would recommend either Xiom Vega Pro or Xiom Vega X. Xiom rubbers are not as durable as Butterfly or Yasaka rubber but good enough! And you are not going to break the bank on either Pro or X. I like Pro a bit more. Xiom Vega Pro does play like a toned down Tenergy with much cheaper price point! Heck you can go through 2-3 sheets of Pro (with 30% bulk discount) for one sheet of Tenergy.

Backhand. Let me think about it more before getting back to you. Maybe hybrid rubber like Dignics 09c, K3, Dragon Grip, etc. if you really want to spin the ball on your backhand side?
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New Member
Jan 2024
I’m looking at spending roughly £100.
I have a friend that uses xiom vega so I’ll be sure to try his.
What is your budget?

Forehand I would recommend either Xiom Vega Pro or Xiom Vega X. Xiom rubbers are not as durable as Butterfly or Yasaka rubber but good enough! And you are not going to break the bank on either Pro or X. I like Pro a bit more. Xiom Vega Pro does play like a toned down Tenergy with much cheaper price point! Heck you can go through 2-3 sheets of Pro (with 30% bulk discount) for one sheet of Tenergy.

Backhand. Let me think about it more before getting back to you. Maybe hybrid rubber like Dignics 09c, K3, Dragon Grip, etc. if you really want to spin the ball on your backhand side?
I’m looking to spend roughly £100. I have a friend with xiom vega pro so I’ll be sure to give his a try.
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Nov 2020
For the BH you could try Vega Japan, for FH, as suggested the Vega Pro (or X my fav.). Alternatively, you could try Rakza X on FH, it is just a very very slightly harder than Vega X, and feels a bit directer. Both have excellent grip.

Maybe Fastarc G1 feels that way to you, because it has a bit harder top-sheet than say Rakza 7, X and Vegas. That would mean you search for slightly softer top-sheet.
You can still get great speed with Rakza 7 but it requires much more effort and bigger strokes. I tend to play quite fast and close to the table so having big strokes can cost me.

In regard to the Fastarc G-1 I just find it very inconsistent for bigger backhand shots. It is difficult to feel the ball and spin it upwards. It is good for drives but for spinny shots or open ups I personally find it difficult to use
Wow, I play with a slow blade with Hurricane 3, and I can get all the speed I want.

It is better to have a slow bat so you learn a proper hard stroke. A too fast bat with a lot of catapult will make you hold back… Too much catapult and easy spin will make your short game go down the tubes. Tenergy 05 FX is a prime example of this…

Rakza 7 is already fast enough and very easy to create spin with. So think twice before changing.

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says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
I currently use a ma lin carbon blade with Rakza 7 on fh and Fastarc g-1 on the backhand. Im looking to upgrade the rubbers.
On the forehand im looking for something similar to Rakza 7 but with a bit more speed and spin as I found it a bit too slow. On the backhand im looking for a a rubber that’s quite easy to spin with and good control as my technique is still developing on the backhand.
Any advice or recommendations are appreciated.
Just switch the FH to G1 and BH to R7. Now you have a new and better set-up. More speed and spin.
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Apr 2023
On the forehand im looking for something similar to Rakza 7 but with a bit more speed and spin as I found it a bit too slow. On the backhand im looking for a a rubber that’s quite easy to spin with and good control as my technique is still developing on the backhand.

DHS GoldArc 8 is basically a more offensive Rakza 7 - with similar feel, higher throw, more speed, more spin and great control.
And it's also a great BH rubber.
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Sep 2022
I currently use a ma lin carbon blade with Rakza 7 on fh and Fastarc g-1 on the backhand. Im looking to upgrade the rubbers.
On the forehand im looking for something similar to Rakza 7 but with a bit more speed and spin as I found it a bit too slow. On the backhand im looking for a a rubber that’s quite easy to spin with and good control as my technique is still developing on the backhand.
Any advice or recommendations are appreciated.
This racket would work well for me if just turned around, R7 on BH and FA-G1 on FH.
I actually believe just doing that would be an upgrade on both sides.
7 should be easier to develop your BH strokes with, softer sponge and all the spin you need.
G1 is a brilliant FH rubber, if you like the throw angle. It's plenty fast (especially with MLC blade).
Rakza rubbers are relatively expensive imo so telling you to try Rakza X or X soft could be expensive mistakes, although I personally think they're great!
If you are still developing your strokes it's a matter of opinion as to whether or not your blade is probably too fast. When developing you want a slower blade with feel that aids development and should aim to win your points through control, precision and tactics.
Once you've mastered the footwork, 'arm whip' FH looping and various other shots then it's time to add some additional speed in your hand and think carbon blade. That's always been my approach anyway.
Bottom line is this, you have good equipment so it's probably a technique upgrade that's needed. Spend the cash on coaching first I would say