Which Hurricane 3 version?

True, but it's absurd for him to suggest that the chinese use off the shelf rubbers when they are known for getting an edge at every turn possible, from ma lin caught boosting to wang chuqin litteraly taking a photo with his racket and black oil showing in the background! They are also all sponsored by dhs and stiga, the actual team I mean, it's the reason they all play hurricane 3 and some of them use stiga blades. The clipper is a good example, tons of chinese use it. And of course Fan, Xu and Liu were all sponsored by Stiga and had custom blades, similar to what butterfly does nowadays with the custom blades, for example with dang qiu butterfly writes that he uses a custom super alc blade. It's all about getting the upper hand, Hu Heming says it all the time, all pros boost, he's an australian national team player.
Heming Hu also says himself in his videos that whatever he(as DHS sponsored player) receives and we can buy in stores are almost identical, non of us is probably able to notice the difference.

I am talking about hurricane 3.

And yes, Ma Long would probably still beat everyone on this forum with cheapest H3 boosted with a couple of layers of Seamoon.

I (again) don't get the existence of this discussion. If you're already willing to spend the money - go ahead and try, see it for yourself, everyone's skill and feeling is different.
If you're not ready - why bother ?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Heming Hu also says himself in his videos that whatever he(as DHS sponsored player) receives and we can buy in stores are almost identical, non of us is probably able to notice the difference.

I am talking about hurricane 3.

And yes, Ma Long would probably still beat everyone on this forum with cheapest H3 boosted with a couple of layers of Seamoon.

I (again) don't get the existence of this discussion. If you're already willing to spend the money - go ahead and try, see it for yourself, everyone's skill and feeling is different.
If you're not ready - why bother ?
This is true. Practically speaking, H3 commercial should be good enough for most players.

But its just a game, and its fun to feel what playing with pro's rubber feels like.
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Oct 2022
From what I understand, tony doesn't understand what a chinese rubber's advantages are. It's absurd to suggest that less tacky rubbers are better for the new ball since the rotation has been killed with the 40+. It's the reason every manufacturer has been making hybrids, even butterfly for fucks sake.

Tacky rubbers are much safer than grip based rubbers in every situation, even Timo uses d09c, TIMO OF ALL PEOPLE. More tackiness allows for more time on the ball resulting in a more consistent and even contact. Comparing a hurricane to a tenergy 7 years ago would be an even match. Nowadays the hurricane is edging above because it doesn't have any disadvantages.

The hurricane doesn't have an extreme catapult that minimizes your time with the ball, that's tenergy. Hurricane doesn't require a quick and crisp contact to make a basic topspin, if you carry the ball with the hurricane, you can make the simplest of topspins. Do the same with the tenergy and the ball will dig a hole in the net.

And another thing, my h3 classic holds the ball for about 10-15 seconds, it was the same with my neo. My teammates hurricanes are all like this, mine is one of the least tacky in the club, I can't see how you guys have such bad luck to where your rubbers can't hold the ball for even a second. Yeah the new ones are less tacky, and the old ones could hold the ball for a literal minute, but a second is just insane!

The h3 should be very tacky, there's no excuse for the neo to have such little tackiness, do you clean it after every practice? Maybe boosting with some national white could do good things for the rubber, hell, I've had some good results with boosting the top sheet with olive oil, it makes the rubber tacky again. Just don't use sunflower or seed oil, for some reason the only that worked was very little olive oil. And after that, expect premature separation of the top sheet and sponge.
haha idk man. I am inclined to trust Tony's posts here for a lot of reasons:

1) I've read many of his posts and they are all well articulated and make sense

but the most important reason is:

2) he posts videos and pictures to back up his claims. I have seen him hit the ball, which confirms that the posts he makes match up to the skills he demonstrates.

I am still reading your posts with an open mind. However, I do not believe that I have been unlucky with a "bad batch" of HN3 rubber. many reputable posts here have reported the same thing. @JJ Ng is a long time user of HN3 and he reports the same thing as well. Since you mentioned video evidence of pros, to me, it seems like their rubbers are also more matte and not very glossy. For all of these reasons, I am inclined to believe that this is how DHS is making these H3N rubbers now.

So then the question becomes- why? Since DHS sponsors so many of the top players in the world, surely these pros have had some input into the decision. Tony's answer about the sponge seems logical. I will also agree with you that a Tackier (stickier/more shiny) topsheet should grip the rubber more....but how much grip do you really need to produce a quality shot? I was able to lift backspin balls with tenergy 5...this was not a tacky rubber. I am able to do with my H3N too...I would say its easier but its also a different technique than i use with tenergy05.

To answer your question about my rubber- yes i clean after every practice. I use water sometimes, and other times i used Tibhar GRIP. but this test was done right out of the box. also after i boosted with 2 layers of regular seamoon. The tackiness did not change with boosting, but the performance definitely did. Also, since i played with the rubber unboosted for 2 weeks before actually boosting, i was able to visually see the expansion of the rubber from the boosting effect. I had to trim boosted rubber down to fit nicely on the paddle again.

anyways, I digress.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
Active Member
May 2020
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Heming Hu also says himself in his videos that whatever he(as DHS sponsored player) receives and we can buy in stores are almost identical, non of us is probably able to notice the difference.

I am talking about hurricane 3.

And yes, Ma Long would probably still beat everyone on this forum with cheapest H3 boosted with a couple of layers of Seamoon.

I (again) don't get the existence of this discussion. If you're already willing to spend the money - go ahead and try, see it for yourself, everyone's skill and feeling is different.
If you're not ready - why bother ?
I agree with tensor. I wanna play with something fun, now regarding rubbers and what not, I imagine that chinese stars get something that's custom made for them. I can't imagine ma long settling for anything less...
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
Active Member
May 2020
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haha idk man. I am inclined to trust Tony's posts here for a lot of reasons:

1) I've read many of his posts and they are all well articulated and make sense

but the most important reason is:

2) he posts videos and pictures to back up his claims. I have seen him hit the ball, which confirms that the posts he makes match up to the skills he demonstrates.

I am still reading your posts with an open mind. However, I do not believe that I have been unlucky with a "bad batch" of HN3 rubber. many reputable posts here have reported the same thing. @JJ Ng is a long time user of HN3 and he reports the same thing as well. Since you mentioned video evidence of pros, to me, it seems like their rubbers are also more matte and not very glossy. For all of these reasons, I am inclined to believe that this is how DHS is making these H3N rubbers now.

So then the question becomes- why? Since DHS sponsors so many of the top players in the world, surely these pros have had some input into the decision. Tony's answer about the sponge seems logical. I will also agree with you that a Tackier (stickier/more shiny) topsheet should grip the rubber more....but how much grip do you really need to produce a quality shot? I was able to lift backspin balls with tenergy 5...this was not a tacky rubber. I am able to do with my H3N too...I would say its easier but its also a different technique than i use with tenergy05.

To answer your question about my rubber- yes i clean after every practice. I use water sometimes, and other times i used Tibhar GRIP. but this test was done right out of the box. also after i boosted with 2 layers of regular seamoon. The tackiness did not change with boosting, but the performance definitely did. Also, since i played with the rubber unboosted for 2 weeks before actually boosting, i was able to visually see the expansion of the rubber from the boosting effect. I had to trim boosted rubber down to fit nicely on the paddle again.

anyways, I digress.
I don't know man, I don't trust him saying that he knows things about dhs rubbers that dhs themselves have never confirmed. I still can't understand why they are so secretive though, butterfly, stiga and donic (esn) are very open about the technologies they use and changes they make. I guess it has to do with the ccp, like everything else in China...
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Oct 2022
One thing you have to know their rubbers are ready for tournament, our rubber even after boosted still need time awake.
How long do they need to be awoken? Will i know for sure?
I don't know man, I don't trust him saying that he knows things about dhs rubbers that dhs themselves have never confirmed. I still can't understand why they are so secretive though, butterfly, stiga and donic (esn) are very open about the technologies they use and changes they make. I guess it has to do with the ccp, like everything else in China...
fair enough. i'm still new to chinese rubbers so definitely trying to learn all that i can. I am a student of life. i take in all the info (usually with a grain of salt) and then my personal experience will usually validate or invalidate many claims.

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Active Member
Jun 2023
How long do they need to be awoken? Will i know for sure?

fair enough. i'm still new to chinese rubbers so definitely trying to learn all that i can. I am a student of life. i take in all the info (usually with a grain of salt) and then my personal experience will usually validate or invalidate many claims.

I only have national version on hand now, after boosted I will hit the ball around 5 hours , you can feel the bouncer. Province and commercial maybe the same time, you try it and feel it.
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says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
says Serve, top, edge. Repeat.
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May 2020
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How long do they need to be awoken? Will i know for sure?

fair enough. i'm still new to chinese rubbers so definitely trying to learn all that i can. I am a student of life. i take in all the info (usually with a grain of salt) and then my personal experience will usually validate or invalidate many claims.

An average for tenergy 05 to break in would be what, about 10-15 hours of play or about 2 weeks?

The normal version of hurricane doesn't break in from what I've seen with mine, it stays relatively the same with constant minor drop over time that get fixed with regluing, or minor boosting.

The neo does break in though, but I haven't bought one in years, so I don't remember exactly how long it took me to break it in the first time, I just remember that I liked it when it was brand new, while tenergies are horible until they break in.
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Sep 2013
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I don't know man, I don't trust him saying that he knows things about dhs rubbers that dhs themselves have never confirmed. I still can't understand why they are so secretive though, butterfly, stiga and donic (esn) are very open about the technologies they use and changes they make. I guess it has to do with the ccp, like everything else in China...
I posted a OOAK public info from DHS, and you say it is fake.
I thought of sharing with you my emails/whatsapp/wechat between DHS and myself, but I gather you will think it is fakes too and why should I waste my time to prove any point to you? who are you? as I said before - you just sound like a troll- unless you willing to show things about yourself - videos or what not.

Out of Chinese brands where I have direct communication channels or relationship with, is not limited to just DHS, but also Double Fish, 729, Yinhe, Loki to name a few

at the end of the day, Tony's Table Tennis is a brand name - a company in the table tennis space.
No insane businessman will use a company name and lie about things.

But what is John S?
You can just disappear and come back tomorrow as John Z

So, until you can come up with evidence on DHS using non H3 rubbers and labeling as H3, you are the biggest lie in this forum today.
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