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  • Hi ,

    May i ask if you like butterfly stuff ?
    I have myself many , plus my friends,
    Mostly brand new
    We can find most current and older blades in best prices and also cpen & jpen

    I use paypal with protection or transferwise
    So , if you need anything in future keep me in mind ??????

    Also if you are reputable player in your country and could bring some people to me ,i will grand some very generous offers for you

    Worth keeping me in mind ,
    I would love to try it, but not right now. I had a cataract op yesterday. The world looks so different at the moment:)
    But also I won't be playing again for about 3-4 weeks. So maybe then, that is if you are not using it for league stuff.
    Hello Andy,
    By any chance, are you selling the Kokutaku Alnon?
    My EJ instincts want to give it a try.
    Mới đây Kệ siêu thị công ty 3A mới Gia ke sieu thi thi công lắp Kệ siêu thị thanh lý đặt kệ bày hàng Khung lưới treo hàng tạp hóa cho Kệ để đồ vợ chồng anh Vinh kinh doanh kệ bày hàng tại Việt Hòa, Hải Dương trong lĩnh vực chăn nuôi, thức ăn gia súc, gia cầm tại Vụ Quang, Đoan Hùng, Phú Thọ
    I have ordered an OSP Expert carbon. I am not sure when I am going to try it, perhaps at the end of the season. If you want to try it, I can send it to you sometime in January
    Hello Andy,
    I remember you saying that you use soft rubbers on your FH. I always thought that you must have a weird style as I've never liked soft rubbers going back to Sriver FX days. Then I saw a new Bluefire M3 going cheap on eBay and bought it. I tried it on my FH and guess what?...it is very interesting. Once you get used to it, it is very fast and reliable. Most important for one of my low level and chronic injuries, it is very good at lifting backspin with a relatively wide margin for error. I used it on a Bty TBS (£40 s/h from Teessport would you believe!)
    I think that I'll carryon with it for a while.
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