How to clean a glue paddle protection sheet when it's dusty?

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New Member
Jul 2019
Hey guys!

I was wondering and really want to know how I can clean my glue paddle protection sheet because it has dust on it. I'm using a Donic Formula sheet. It has one adhesive side and it's glue so it's really good for picking up the dust from your paddle after playing but I don't know how to take off the dust from the sheet anymore. Anyone please help!:p
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Aug 2016
What RidTheKid said. This comes with the territory when you go with those style of sheets.

I got lucky and was able to score a good supply but if you ever find those thick overhead protector sheets, you can just trace out your paddle and cut them out. They're not sticky on one side but stick to your rubbers just fine and they basically never wear out.
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Oct 2018
there was a thread on another forum that suggested water and a bit of soap for the thinner sheet protectors like the ones from Rev#3. I tried this method many times but it does not completely clean the sheet. It could work for you - the most you could lose is one used sheet.


says Aged and infirm of purpose
I use the thinner ones (Butterfly) . When they're not on the bat I keep them on the waxed sheets they came on. Every so often I just stick them in the washing-up water, give the adhesive side a gentle sponging, rinse them and let them dry before putting them back on clean rubbers. I never apply them to the bat unless I've cleaned the rubbers first. Simples !
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says Hello Mr. Jordan Thanks for reaching out. My email is...
Jan 2018
What RidTheKid said. This comes with the territory when you go with those style of sheets.

I got lucky and was able to score a good supply but if you ever find those thick overhead protector sheets, you can just trace out your paddle and cut them out. They're not sticky on one side but stick to your rubbers just fine and they basically never wear out.

Do you mean projector?
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Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
I currently use the Butterfly sticky sheets and I wash them about once a month with luke warm water. The glue is still ok afterwards. I used to do the same with Andro equivalent and that also worked great. Other brands like Stiga have got really poor quality sheets which you may just throw away when they become dusty.

(Using included the wax paper when not having the sheet on the rubber is also an option to avoid the dust all together but I'm too lazy)