Joo Se Hyuk Interview - Professional Player (World Rank 5)


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Thank you for all the fantastic comments guys, really glad you enjoyed this interview! :)

Nice interview Dan, I umpired Joo, Ryu and Oh Sang Eun at the World Team Championships last year against Chinese Tapei (Chih Yuan Chuan's team). The match went right to the wire and was spectacular throughout, it went on for a long time, we all got off the court at 1110pm and all of us rushed to the dining hall (which closed at 1130pm) to get some dinner, they kindly invited me and the other umpire to sit with them as we were the only ones in the dining hall. Joo is right when he said Ryu is a funny guy because I asked him who's fault it was that the match went on so long and he jokingly pointed at Joo and they all laughed. All amazing players to watch and umpire plus really nice guys off the table. I used to play same style as Joo (I was influenced by watching him play and liked his style) when I last played in the Hyndburn league as I was a lot fitter and thinner then. The good old days ha ha. I was at the WTTC in Paris 2003 as a spectator and watched some of Joo's matches including the final. He certainly came out of nowhere because at the time he was ranked 50 or 52 in the world - He soon moved up many places after that event. Let's hope there is another player who can follow in his footsteps regarding style :)

Haha that's a real nice story Dave! That must of seemed surreal, and I agree Ryu seems such a funny cheerful guy. I would love to meet him one day! Fantastic enthusiasm, and definitely athleticism! :p

thank you dan.. it is really interesting that even they cannot get the chinese rubbers..

No worries at all, and very true. Only the Chinese elite can get these rubbers it seems.

Hi Dan.
This is really good stuff mate. It's funny how by reading tru the interview it gives you this feeling of being close to Joo like he's just sitting in front of you, cool stuff.
A quick note: After something like this - something of such high standard - I wan to believe that can only get better so I say: - Maybe Zhang Jike or Ma Long next
Keep up with the great work.

Wow that's great to hear T. Joo sure is a nice guy, he certainly loves us all (his fans).

Haha love it! I can only try :)

Thank you Dan for organizing this !!! It was a great interview , especially JSK seems so forthcoming in answering the questions !! :)

No worries at all, Joo sure is very nice. I asked a lot of questions there, must of taken him a while.
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Mar 2011
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We Have Gone Very Far

My goodness! What do we have here :)

Personally, it's almost unbelievable for me to finally see a completed interview of such a highly-regarded player such as Joo Se Hyuk, conducted none other by our beloved forum TableTennisDaily!
With all the hard work, dedication and passion derived from the love of our sport of table tennis, it is now totally believable (and tangible) to see such feat to be completed by Dan as TTD's leader together with the support of everybody here in this forum.
This interview itself has become the very evidence of TableTennisDaily's milestone in becoming the best social media in the world representing the sport of table tennis. Yes, this is what I believe :)

We have gone very far, and very far indeed from the point where TTD has started in the first place.
It's only been nearly three years now since the start of the forum and look at what great this forum has done.

A little information found at the bottom of the site's home page, representing a little about where our forum stands at the moment.

Our huge thanks to our interviewee Sir Joo Se Hyuk for humbly answering our questions. Your great deeds in the sport, together with your legacy in table tennis shall never be forgotten through generations. Shall your name be carved in the history of table tennis!

Finally, huge thanks to Dan, the leader of TableTennisDaily together with team for making such quality interview possible.

Once again, everything we have achieved today together as a forum can't be separated from all the hard work we have been doing all along, esp. Dan's since the very start of this forum.
As much as I am excited and elated to see the fruits of labor of this great forum at the moment, my excitement is even bigger to expect even greater things to happen in the future through all of our amazing work NOW!

Let the snowball roll and roll, bigger and bigger! Make it HUGE!

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Jan 2012
Wow, learned so much reading this interview. Thanks for this one, so many interesting facts you've provided us with :)


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Fantastic interview, Dan, great work!!!

No worries Haggisv :)

Wow, learned so much reading this interview. Thanks for this one, so many interesting facts you've provided us with :)

No worries at all buddy! Thanks for reading! :)

My goodness! What do we have here :)

Personally, it's almost unbelievable for me to finally see a completed interview of such a highly-regarded player such as Joo Se Hyuk, conducted none other by our beloved forum TableTennisDaily!
With all the hard work, dedication and passion derived from the love of our sport of table tennis, it is now totally believable (and tangible) to see such feat to be completed by Dan as TTD's leader together with the support of everybody here in this forum.
This interview itself has become the very evidence of TableTennisDaily's milestone in becoming the best social media in the world representing the sport of table tennis. Yes, this is what I believe :)

We have gone very far, and very far indeed from the point where TTD has started in the first place.
It's only been nearly three years now since the start of the forum and look at what great this forum has done.

View attachment 3578
A little information found at the bottom of the site's home page, representing a little about where our forum stands at the moment.

Our huge thanks to our interviewee Sir Joo Se Hyuk for humbly answering our questions. Your great deeds in the sport, together with your legacy in table tennis shall never be forgotten through generations. Shall your name be carved in the history of table tennis!

Finally, huge thanks to Dan, the leader of TableTennisDaily together with team for making such quality interview possible.

Once again, everything we have achieved today together as a forum can't be separated from all the hard work we have been doing all along, esp. Dan's since the very start of this forum.
As much as I am excited and elated to see the fruits of labor of this great forum at the moment, my excitement is even bigger to expect even greater things to happen in the future through all of our amazing work NOW!

Let the snowball roll and roll, bigger and bigger! Make it HUGE!


Thanks so much Yosua for this wonderful post! It means a lot to me it really does! Thanks for being there at the beginning of the site up till now! Your a true star dude! I hope we will meet up one day for a tt friendly :) I new you would like this interview hehe, as soon as I released it I was thinking Yosua will love this read haha!

Thanks for all the support matey, I will continue to work my hardest in making this site the best it can possibly be! :)
says Where will table tennis be in the future? And what ideas...
says Where will table tennis be in the future? And what ideas...
Oct 2010
Read 12 reviews
This kind of interview is great for the sport as it lets the public interact more with the players and we can all learn more information about who they are and what they are like, more interviews like this will be good for not only the public but also very beneficial for the pro players as they will gain more fans and support as others can understand and feel more connected to them!!!
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
This kind of interview is great for the sport as it lets the public interact more with the players and we can all learn more information about who they are and what they are like, more interviews like this will be good for not only the public but also very beneficial for the pro players as they will gain more fans and support as others can understand and feel more connected to them!!!

Agreed Ripper! I have Ryu Seung Min's interview to upload shortly, it's great to learn and understand more about these fascinating players!
says Where will table tennis be in the future? And what ideas...
says Where will table tennis be in the future? And what ideas...
Oct 2010
Read 12 reviews
Agreed Ripper! I have Ryu Seung Min's interview to upload shortly, it's great to learn and understand more about these fascinating players!

Yeh man! Interesting how joo said that he can't get the hurricane national rubber, as lots of websites out there say that they sell it
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Yeh man! Interesting how joo said that he can't get the hurricane national rubber, as lots of websites out there say that they sell it

Yeah your right, I think some websites do have it tho as they get it from provincial players in the league teams out in China. Although, I believe For the National stuff I believe it is very rare and top secret.
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Jul 2013
I've just joined this forum and read this thread. Thanks for the interview.