I have tried this blade on an OFF+ carbon blade (Avalox Ruiba), an OFF all wood blade (Stiga Infinity), and an OFF- soft composite blade (Nittaku S-series SCZ). Currently, this rubber is on the BH of my main blade which is the Infinity. This is quite a heavy rubber but it doesn't feel boosted like the Evolution rubbers. The rubber is quite soft compared to the Powergrip, MX-P and it's even softer than Vega Pro. Due to this softness the rubber has a good amount of dwell and is not linear. The rubber also has a high throw angle. The spin this rubber can generate is very good and open ups are very good especially on the FH. This rubber has a bouncy nature and high throw which makes the short game difficult especially compared to the Xiom Vega Pro. This rubber is good on the BH due to its high throw which make flicks easy. This rubber has quite a pronounced catapult effect. It is very easy to do slow spinny shots and and quickly punch a low ball with this rubber. This rubber will pair best with the hard and stiff blades that are at least in the OFF category. One thing to note about this rubber is that it has ok durability and the topsheet gets messed up very easily. The rubbers also seem to be inconsistent in terms of characteristics. The one on my Infinity is softer than the other ones I have. Some are also faster and spinnier than others. If you like bouncy rubbers that have high throws and good dwell get this.