Currently I am searching for less spin sensitive rubbers for my FH and I came to this rubber. Some say, that it is an upgrade to the Vega Pro. Usually I play modern looping/attacking rubbers on my FH (Like M1, Omega V PRO, MX-P, Nittaku Fastarc G1). I was searching for a fast, but bit less spin sensitive and forgiving gear. So this rubber has a soft upper rubber, that absorbs the ball and helps to get a prolonged contact during your hit. But when you engage the sponge it simply explodes. This rubber is fast. The general throw of the rubber is flat, but it always clears the net, I did not have to alter my technique from them M1 to play with this rubber. When you loop, the throw angle can get really high. This is a really stable rubber, mainly for FH. Cut down to standard butterfly head size it is 53 g. Compared to the modern tensors it does not have a huge spin potential, it is only decent. On the other side, this rubber is simply a confidence booster, it has insane amount of controlled speed paired with resistance to incoming spin. If your game is about (fast) looping and counerlooping and quickly playing the ball out of the reach of your opponent, this rubber will help you to do that. The price is really good, the durability is also good. Maybe this is not recommended generally to pro players, because of the lack of monster spin, but every intermediate player should check it out if it suits their playing style.