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  • Hi Dipak,
    in fact they are quite similar. the main difference from my point of view is, that, although the sponge is have, the D80 is easier for open up loops due to its softer topsheet. D80 can produce more spin overall. In addition to that, D80 has more catapult than T05. This can be beneficial for softer strikes and rallies, while it can be tricky for passive blocks, where the balls can shoot off more easily. In this department, D80 will shoot off more forward, whole T05 will produce a higher arc.
    Anyway, D80 is a very nice rubber and worth a try if you want to have T05-like behaviour with a Little more spin and Feeling.

    Feel free to ask more. hope I can help you ;)
    Hi Creek. As you have now been using Dignics 80 for few months can u give comparison to Tenergy05 in terms of speed, spin, throw angle, touch game, serving, blocking and countering.
    I’m considering a move from T05 to Dignics 80 on my FH.
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