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  1. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    Hey All, I'm really happy with my setup. I mean it's great K3 FH A1 BH. Now comes the issue..... I'm finding my K3's really fade rather fast. I'm training quite a bit at the moment but my present K3 is showing heavy signs of wear after 6.5 weeks. It's a great rubber, Soooo how do I give it a...
  2. K3 to A1 or J&H or.... for backhand

    Been using K3 for a time. Needing a slightly more dynamic backhand rubber. Any ideas or suggestions?
  3. UK new season starting soon... Everyone ready ?

    The season kicks off in about 6-8 weeks in the UK. Everyone ready for it? New teams, Leagues, Players etc. I see the TTD lads have grabbed a space in the UK BL Premier divsion!! Exciting stuff.
  4. How did this season 22/23 go for everyone?

    As the season finishes for alot of the leagues in the UK and elsewhere. How did everyone do? Who got honors and who got washed out and exhausted!
  5. MK UK Training and Practice

    Hey everyone, Looks like I'm going to working in Milton Keynes for a couple of weeks end of next month and scouting out places to have a hit. Any ideas and takers ? Drop me line in the post or PM is good as well. Cheers
  6. Backhand change Dignics 05 to 09c or.....

    Been using D05 for a little while on my backhand and looking for a bit more bite on the ball but also need to be able to block, punch and topspin drive Anyone got any ideas or made the change or have any suggestions of anything else. I had even though of going softer Chinese maybe if it had...