Search results

  1. Swapping from Harimoto ALC

    I want to swap my Harimoto ALC for a new similar blade. I play the Harimoto ALC for 2-3 years and Im quite satisfied with the blade, but I feel the urge for a new sensation. I tried the Timo Boll ALC in the past, but found it to bouncy. Maybe because of the koto layers? My movements tend to...
  2. LF Butterfly Hadraw Shield

    Hey everybody, Im looking for the Butterfly Hadraw Shield blade. Unfortunatly the Blade is not on the market anymore. Does anybody in this community have this blade available and would be willing to sell it? Thanks a lot in advance!
  3. ITTF livestream region block

    Hey guys, on ITTF TV and i get an error massage, while opening the livestream. "Due to existing TV rights it is not possible to broadcast this stream in your country." As there is no TV station i know of broadcasting the swedish open Im quite confused. Do you guys have an idea for a...