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  1. Returning to ready position

    Hi everyone! I wanted to know if I'm learning the right "feel" of the forehand topspin, specifically footwork. I struggle with playing multiple forehands in a row and often use more arm movements than torso, which I know is a big no-no. The problem is, I often feel I don't have time to...
  2. Getting thrashed during office games?

    Thanks @Lawsy ! Can't see any cheap options for that price. Can anyone recommend a bat (Ideally under £20) that I could look for to donate? I think we used up our TT budget already...
  3. Getting thrashed during office games?

    Thanks everyone for the great responses. I think the general advice seems to be, use my bat based on the reasons: I am not a high enough level to switch between drastically different bats I may learn bad habits "forcing" techniques. It will be good to practise against "no spin"/ "short pip"...
  4. M

    Must...rotate... torso...

    Must...rotate... torso...
  5. Getting thrashed during office games?

    Thanks for the amazing in-depth feedback! Yes the office bats come across as anti spin. I guess the killer question is, on your point: "Just learn how to handle what they are giving you that is causing you trouble." Its not just them, but switching between my bat and the office no-spin bat...
  6. Getting thrashed during office games?

    Hi everyone! First post. Decided after my 5th loss I needed to take emergency steps! Ive been playing table tennis on and off for years. I'm playing much more now as I recently purchased a practice-partner robot. I play on leagues but Im fairly low ranked. I try to focus on spinny serves in...