Suggest some new names for Adam to use in his commentary

says [IMG]
says [IMG]
Apr 2019
While we enjoy Adam's enthusiastic commentary, lot of people here are tired of his worn out usage of names like "The Dictator", "Queen of Hearts" , " The Dark Knight" . Let us please help him by suggesting some new ones that make some sense.. :)
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isn't he using the nick names based on what the Chinese media uses? I don't think he came up with them himself. Doesn't mean he can come up with his own, but I still can see why he would use those that are essentially just translations from Chinese media.
He is a very international guy who wants to bring people together around table tennis and I can imagine that he likes the idea of bringing aspects of THE table tennis country, China, to the common table tennis viewers. (Not sure if I could express what I meant clearly enough lol)
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Nope, he came up with all those corny Americanized nicknames.

That just blew my mind. I just thought the cringey nicknames were so cringey because they are translations from a language where these things don't sound stupid (like how I know some things sound fine in German, but if you were to translate them into English, it'd sound ridiculous)

That information just completely changed my opinion on these nicknames lol. Hopefully he DOES let go of them, haha
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Sep 2011
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T. "Der Zerstörer" Harimoto

D. "The under-side of table hidden explosives checker" Ovtcharov

Fan "Der Bestraffer" Zendong

Liam "Der Schlankenator" Pitchford

(Name Ur big player First name) "Never Later for Lunch (Last Name)

CWX "The Hornet Nest"

JSH "Wolverine Defender"

Timo "Left Coast" Boll

Suga "Kein Hesse" D
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
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T. "Der Zerstörer" Harimoto
Oh no .... why this one i do not see him ass destroyer better is
"Der Schreiendes halber Mann" ;-)
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Oct 2016
I think he just can call them by their given name.
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Sep 2011
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Our club just got a new coach with a common German last name, but he isnt German.

Still, I assigned him a nick name of "Der Bestraffer"...

So... when he enters the gym, the guy on the desk presses a button and 6 seconds of Rammstein "Bestraffe mich" plays over the gym loudspeaker.

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Patrick FRANZISKA "Brêle" [in French]

Jonathan GROTH "B..." [in French]

MATSUDAIRA Kenta "Key Fried Chicken"


FAN Zhendong "The Poet"

ISHIKAWA Kasumi "Please Retire"

HIRANO Miu "and them"

SATO "Hit or Miss"

Bernadette SZOCS "My d..k please"
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May 2015
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Ma Long dictates the game. The Dictator. Makes sense to me. People are just too sensitive these days.

It's actually the other way around. People are getting to 'Klutz'-like and far too selfish unable to see things from a different perspective.
Just go and ask my romanian teammate 'bout Ceaucescu...
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I kind of like his nickname for Calderano “The thrill from Brazil!”

Let me ask this: Would you prefer no nicknames at all?

I don’t have a problem with corny nicknames in other sports. (NFL Football: Fitzmagic, Shady, Beast Mode, Megatron, etc...)

At least he doesn’t refer to Fan Zhendong and Liang Jingkun and “Little Fatty” and “Big Fatty”.
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