
  1. Comparing Ma Long's first and sixth ITTF Finals wins

    I made this thread because I wanted to compare Ma Long's most recent ITTF finals win today to his first one back in 2008, and see how he's changed as a player. Here is a video of his 2008 quarterfinal (please let me know if you find a longer one!) 2008 semi...
  2. I've made a tool for comparing prices across chinese vendors with dedicated websites.

    I got pretty bored after EJing on stuff manually. So I got a little bored on uni lecture and wrote something like this: If you'll like it or find it anyhow useful I will make it public.
  3. Rakza P.O Review (Comparing to 802-40)

    Hi there again :) I bought recently Rakza P.O and acquired a 2nd hand 802-40. Im looking foward to try these SP's in the next week on a 7 ply Nittaku Ludeack FL 86gr. I can say in advance that rakza shotsheet is a bit thicker, just a little. Both horizontaly aligned. Rakza pips are thiner, way...
  4. Comparing traits of Xu Xin and Ryu Seung Min's footwork

    Amazing footwork and cross stepping from Ryu Seung Min! What is cross step? Photo by: Here is Xu Xin's footwork that got caught captured in training on multi ball. Can we see any similarities perhaps differences? These two players are known for there footwork, and its...