
  1. How to explain why somebody must be passive when exercising

    Hello, I got into a heated argument with my dad about how we should practice. We both aren't TT geniuses and don't really know how to play much, but I took a few practices and there I learned some exercises. In almost every exercise one player was active and other one was passively returning...
  2. explain this

    what is Rheinlandliga?
  3. explain this

    https://www.schmetterball-tt.de/de/hoelzer/stiga-clipper-cr-master-konkav-92-gr-unbespielt.html this blade new you can get it for 70 dollar. why this price? there are many blades like this on this site https://www.schmetterball-tt.de/de/hoelzer
  4. New TT Ball...

    Hey, guys! Can someone explain to me why ITTF decided to change the ball?? Wasn´t the previous ball ok? And what is gonna change with this?? Thankss