
  1. Happy Lunar New Year! 😘

    Hello dear TTD friends, thank you for your love for SANWEI over the past year.❤️ On behalf of SANWEI, I wish everybody all success and good heath in Chinese New Year. 😘
  2. SANWEI new type all wood blade — Echo and Parla

    Hello everyone, how are you?🙋‍♂ We have published a new series — the series. There are two models in this series at present, and . 👉 Click to get more info...
  3. An amazing test-report about the SANWEI EX-C Froster PBO - from mytischtennis.de

    Hello everybody🙋, we are back, hope you are all well! The cause was that our official distributor—Spinfacory in Germany sent a Froster PBO to mytischtennis for testing. Just last week we got that great news, they published the report in their own periodicals🥳. As we all know mytischtennis is a...
  4. Some updated information from SANWEI

    Hello everyone we are back! 🙋‍♂️ It's incredible😮, and this was a very successful effort. After all the valuable feedback, we have optimized some of our content. The details are as follows👇 1. We have optimized the overall speed of the website and the viewing experience of the homepage. 2...