Need advice for a allround+ blade with a big handle

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Jul 2019
P Korbel has kind of a small handle. I think the allwood Primorac is a much more suitable option
Primorac all wood flared goes towards the side of thinner handle.
These are the flared handle measures:
Lenght: 100,2 mm

Within: 25,3 mm (at thumb); 27,9 (at bulge); 26,4 (middle or narrowest point); 34 (at end).

Height: 22,2 (at thumb); 23,3 (middle); 25,3 (at end)

Wings: 28 mm
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Jul 2022
Primorac is thicker handle than the korbel. I put butterfly grip tape on the korbel to thicken it up, also made it less head heavy. The new nittaku acoustic g revision is a good size handle.
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Apr 2024
Its probably worth it if i get a Primorac. its not expensive and its easy to sell if i dont like the handle. I also looked at the blades from Soulspin. The basalt blade looks nice. Its seem like a allround blade with the characteristics i like. Maybe its on the faster side? I can get good speed with a allound blade, so i prefer control and feeling over speed.
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Jul 2022
Primorac can be reasonably fast with the right rubbers. Son uses butterfly Rozena on both sides. Started with sriver then moved up to Rozena


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Apr 2024
Sound like a smart start. I have played with Rozena some times, nice rubber wich remind me of Yasaka Regan, but with more spin. I have played Disc golf for some years and think its so many discs to try and and every disc change with the type of plastic that is used. But table tennis is even much more complex. One time i complained in disc golf and a elite player said "It would not be so fun if it was easy" And that its true. When you learn about equipment or make a blade thats just feel great its a big win. Then its all worth it (Or learning a new teqnique). Thank you to everybody who give advice in this forum!
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I agree with you about speed and feeling. I keep on buying new blades, but always go back to Donic new Impuls 6,5.
I really like this blade except for the small flared handle. I try to go 7 plies or slower carbon blades, but i miss the feeling/control of the Donic blade very fast. I wrote about me trying a Harimoto alc with Dignics 64 some weeks ago and this combination was just beautiful for drive/looping. I Didnt test it good enough for the short game to know how it is in total. I guess my level starting to reach intermediate. i have joined two clubs for training 3-5 days a week and also focus on fitness. I also bought a Powerpong robot to practice. I play in the 4 devision (Norway) and have won around 85% of my matches this season. I get coaching, but unfortenately not on a regular basis. I would say i am very focused on getting better. The Violin have been on my radar for some time, but i am uncertain if its to simular to my Nittaku Ma Long seven. I got the same rubbers on Nittaku Ma Long Seven, Tibhar BS Signature 1 and Donic new impulse 6,5 and the feeling from the Donic blade is unmatched.
Interesting, I think new impulse 6.5 feels dead. Try grip tape to expand the handle it works great for me. Two great blades made by soulspin and are almost identical are Nittaku S-CZ and Donic Appelgren WC 89. The new impulse 6.5 is made by the same company and all of them have spruce as an outer layer. The S-CZ and Appelgren WC 89 are outers with some kind of Zylon layer but this doesn’t make them too fast. I got 2 of each. 1 main, back up and 2 to experiment with…

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Apr 2024
Interesting, I think new impulse 6.5 feels dead. Try grip tape to expand the handle it works great for me. Two great blades made by soulspin and are almost identical are Nittaku S-CZ and Donic Appelgren WC 89. The new impulse 6.5 is made by the same company and all of them have spruce as an outer layer. The S-CZ and Appelgren WC 89 are outers with some kind of Zylon layer but this doesn’t make them too fast. I got 2 of each. 1 main, back up and 2 to experiment with…

I heard some people testing my Donic New impuls say the same. And i agree, it feels muted in a way. I like the feeling, but its not for everybody. Because of my problematic relation with handles i have always used Butterfly grip tape on all my blades. Except Nittaku Ma long Seven LG and Tibhar Zodiac Libra sac. I remember you mentioned the Donic Appelgren a while back, and its something i am thinking about. Amoung 10 other blades :) I think Soulspin is the right answer for me, because i can choose the handle.
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I heard some people testing my Donic New impuls say the same. And i agree, it feels muted in a way. I like the feeling, but its not for everybody. Because of my problematic relation with handles i have always used Butterfly grip tape on all my blades. Except Nittaku Ma long Seven LG and Tibhar Zodiac Libra sac. I remember you mentioned the Donic Appelgren a while back, and its something i am thinking about. Amoung 10 other blades :) I think Soulspin is the right answer for me, because i can choose the handle.
That’s a great idea, order directly from soulspin. I also have a handle size problem, not huge but I prefer a bigger size. I also like spruce or hinoki top layer with a hard layer under, and there should be a little flex. Almost all my Nittaku’ s have too small handles but as you say it’s fixable to a great extent with Butterfly grip tape. That solution adds ~5 grams to the handle, which is much better than to the head.,.

Go ahead and order from soulspin and post here what you think.

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Sep 2024
I heard some people testing my Donic New impuls say the same. And i agree, it feels muted in a way. I like the feeling, but its not for everybody. Because of my problematic relation with handles i have always used Butterfly grip tape on all my blades. Except Nittaku Ma long Seven LG and Tibhar Zodiac Libra sac. I remember you mentioned the Donic Appelgren a while back, and its something i am thinking about. Amoung 10 other blades :) I think Soulspin is the right answer for me, because i can choose the handle.
The Donic Waldner Offensive in Anatomic has a large handle - I have broad hands and it fits me very well - better than other large handle blades I have tried. It has a really deep hold and very good control. It is slower than 7-ply hard but faster than Yasaka all-round and Waldner allround. Works well also with more modern and fast rubbers as well as more controlled rubbers like Rakza 7 soft.


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Apr 2024
I have a Victas Balsa which has a nicely chunky anatomic handle. You won't want the 8.5 version like me, but it sounds like the 2.5 or possibly the 4.5 would suit you perfectly.
I have Victas Black balsa 5.0 and tried it first with Razka Z, then Razka X. The handle on that blade is very small for me. But maybe the non black version have bigger handles? I have to say i didnt like the feeling the blade give. I got the flared handle for my blade, so maybe the anatomic is a better choice?
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Apr 2022
I second the osp expert but would say osp expert II crwi. It's an amazing blade craftsmanship is as good if not better then BF. And it play awsome with faster rubbers and still has that extra pop when needed.
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Apr 2024
I want to make a update to this post. Before i made a choice i tried all my rackets. One of them with a beautiful handle, but was to fast was the Tibhar Libra ZAC with K3 on both sides. Well i tried it a little over time and my level increased alot. I was winning more matches than i was used to. So what did i do? offcourse removed the rubber. Maybe a big mistake, but i wanted something slower. So i bought Hurricane 3 Provincial, blue spong and added 2 layers of Falco Tempo Long. Testing it at home i was confused. I tried the same rubber at the club earlier, but this felt more dead. For the first practice it was just superb. The spin i was making and the control was a big step up from k3. The speed was lower, but its all good. The mistake i made was trying a new rubber on the backhand. I wanted someting slower and softer than the K3 and bought Xiom Vega Europe. This rubber is way to "pop up" for me. I find it hard to control in the short game. I got enough power on my backhand and dont need a lot of help from the rubber. I will try it some more before i change it and probably will go for Nittaku Fastark C-1 or Nittaku PK 50 wich i have allready. For the future i keep my eye on Yasaka Shining Dragon 2 , Dignics 09C or Dignics 80 for my backhand.