Top disappointments of the year (2024)

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
as a fan of togami it was disappointing to see him lose to karlsson in the olympic teams match. if he won that game japan make it to the final, with no need for harimoto to do all the heavy lifting as usual.

he had beaten him 3-0 earlier in the year at wtt doha but it seems the trajectory of the matchup has changed as togami lost again last week 3-1 in the bundesliga.
You're not alone. Tieba users share the same sentiment.

无人在意的角落,户上阿姨又一次输了k卡尔森老叔 (In the corner where no one cares, Aunt Togami lost to Uncle K. Karlsson again)
贴吧用户_0EP66EX 户上阿姨用行动力证巴奥半决赛就是打不过卡尔松老叔,甚至还没打到决胜局
IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2024-12-16 00:21回复
(Aunt Togami proved with actions that she could not beat Uncle Karlsson in the SF at Paris Olympics, and it didn't even reach the decider)

nbcs_ykh k卡可拿过伊朗杯,户上阿姨什么冠军
IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-12-16 00:39收起回复
(K. Ka has won the Iran Cup, what title has Aunt Togami won?)
贴吧用户_0EP66EX: 常挑冠军(确信
2024-12-16 00:56回复
(CT title (dead sure))
nbcs_ykh: 回复 贴吧用户_0EP66EX :户上阿姨致敬我们商业赛之王世界第一是吧
2024-12-16 00:57回复
(Aunt Togami pays tribute to our King of Commercial Tournaments, the WR1, right?)
贴吧用户_0EP66EX: 回复 nbcs_ykh :别尬黑,户上阿姨大满贯没进过16强,冠军赛没进过八强但是奥运16强薄纱骰子
2024-12-16 01:13回复
(Don't be so mean. Aunt Togami never made it to the R16 in GS, never made it to the QF in CS, but she made it to the R16 in the Olympics)
林kk(男仆版): 回复 贴吧用户_0EP66EX :笑死,阿姨好歹奥运坚持到二轮游,骰子一轮都没挺过去,太小丑了
2024-12-16 01:22回复
(LMAO. Auntie managed to make it to the 2nd round of the Olympics, but Dice [WCQ] didn't even make it through a single round. So funny)
贴吧用户_0EP66EX: 回复 林kk(男仆版) :没有,骰子是二轮游,户上撑到了第三轮,32第一轮打的是削球手大海哥
2024-12-16 01:25回复
(No, Dice exited in the 2nd round, Togami made it to the 3rd round, and 32 played against the chopper Big Sea brother [Wang Yang] in the first round)

雨宫纱利奈酱 户上这种打球没脑子的只会爆冲的人是这样的了
IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2024-12-16 00:55回复
(This is what happens to people like Togami who plays without brain and only knows powerlooping)

呕吐中753 他娘的什么时候下桌
IP属地:四川来自Android客户端5楼2024-12-16 01:20收起回复
(Yo mama, when will he leave the table)
贴吧用户_0EP66EX: 下不了一点,因为其他人更菜
2024-12-16 01:22回复
(Can't leave it even a bit, because others are worse)
aleenxuyi: 起码户上/大登的双打还可以,你要是换上个松岛更是单打依托构思,双打依托答辩
2024-12-16 07:44回复
(At least Togami/Hiroto's doubles are OK. If you switch to Matsushima, then his singles are a piece of dog shit and his doubles are a piece of crap)
贴吧用户_JRUXe78: 回复 呕吐中753 :下不了,顶多是有人顶掉他的奥运单打名额,团体他还是稳的,毕竟高贵右手
2024-12-16 10:26回复
(Can't leave it. At best, someone will take his Olympic singles spot, but he is still a safe bet for teams. After all, he is a noble righty)

莫雷高德(过圣诞版) 别骂户上不支棱了,他真得打不过
IP属地:四川来自Android客户端7楼2024-12-16 01:43回复
(Don't scold Togami for not hardening up. He really can't win)

贴吧用户_JRUXe78 户上感觉就是吃了宇田受伤和巴奥内战选拔的红利才坐到了二号位
IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端10楼2024-12-16 10:23收起回复
(It seems that Togami got the No. 2 position because of Uda's injury and the Paris Olympics domestic selections)
至爱小白球: 宇田不伤最大的受益人应该是大登,宇田最强的全日锦那年也没有户上在国内的稳定性。而且他P卡的21年两人水平就差不多了,他俩无非是二三号位的争夺,休斯顿他俩也拿到男双铜牌、世排过第一。比现在的户登组合不差的
2024-12-16 10:58回复
(The biggest beneficiary of Uda's injury should be Hiroto. The year of Uda's strongest Zennihon was not as consistent as Togami at home. And for 2021 when he got his P card, the two of them were at about the same level. They were just competing for the 2nd and 3rd positions. For Houston, they also won the MD bronze and were ranked 1st in the world. They are not worse than the current Togami/Hiroto pair)
沈叶澜: 看多了吧友聊户上,给我感觉户上属于吃了红利不自知,对自己真实实力有重大误解的选手
2024-12-16 10:59回复
(Having read many Tieba comments about Togami, I feel that Togami is a player who has gotten the bonus without knowing it and has a serious misunderstanding of his true strength)
贴吧用户_JRUXe78: 回复 沈叶澜 :他拿了全日锦就觉得自己是王牌,说水谷张本状态不好的时候也会输,那样的话背负日本的只有他自己了。又说希望张本宇田及川都能进四强
2024-12-16 11:05回复
(He thinks he is the ace after winning the Zennihon, saying that Mizutani and Harimoto would lose when they were not in good form and in which case, he would be the only one to bear the burden of JPN. He also said that he hoped Harimoto, Uda and Oikawa could all reach the SF)
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
WCQ on his 2024, especially Paris Olympics. Rather than his broken racket, chopper (Wang Yang) and PRK were the last straw.

Man, you don't want to mess with PRK players. Despite winning her 2 matches against PRK in WT, CIC's injury flared up in WS (was up against Hayata) at Asian Games 2022. In retrospect, Hirano knew when to stop. Mittelham, Diaz (mental rather than physical as she was up 3-0?) and Hayata at Paris 2024, and SYS at ATTC 2024 all ended up with various levels of injuries.
昨天 16:59
来自 微博视频号
#王楚钦说巴黎没有达到预期#@王楚钦___ 在采访中表示:巴黎奥运会没有达到自己的期望,比较遗憾的一点就是没有能适应奥运会兼三项的量,休息的时间太短了,如果晚上打那场比赛可能一切都不一样了,算是老天给自己下个周期的目标吧!
(#Wang Chuqin said Paris did not meet expectations#@Wang Chuqin___ said in an interview: The Paris Olympics did not meet my expectations. The most regrettable thing is that I was not able to adapt to the workload of the Olympics and the three events. The rest time was too short. If I played that match at night, everything might have been different. It can be regarded as a goal given by heaven for the next cycle!
#Wang Chuqin talks about Paris regrets##Wang Chuqin won 16 championships in 2024#)
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Sep 2013
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(#Wang Chuqin said Paris did not meet expectations#@Wang Chuqin___ said in an interview: The Paris Olympics did not meet my expectations. The most regrettable thing is that I was not able to adapt to the workload of the Olympics and the three events. The rest time was too short. If I played that match at night, everything might have been different. It can be regarded as a goal given by heaven for the next cycle!
#Wang Chuqin talks about Paris regrets##Wang Chuqin won 16 championships in 2024#)
Funny how WCQ can say OG rest time is too short..
WCQ only play 1 x star contender, and the rest is smash/champions/finals and up (with very relax scheduling).

I guess this is a disadvantage for him (quite spoiled imo), because other players need to face back to backs WTTs and with league matches in between (during league season). And by doing so, knowing how to have "tight schedules" is part of 2024 scheduling survival learning.

If WCQ is saying not enough "rest time", I think a lot of worlds players will be speechless
OG rest time is one of the better ones out there.
If OG is too heavy workload, then how did he cope in CTTSL


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Dec 2021
Funny how WCQ can say OG rest time is too short..
WCQ only play 1 x star contender, and the rest is smash/champions/finals and up (with very relax scheduling).

I guess this is a disadvantage for him (quite spoiled imo), because other players need to face back to backs WTTs and with league matches in between (during league season). And by doing so, knowing how to have "tight schedules" is part of 2024 scheduling survival learning.

If WCQ is saying not enough "rest time", I think a lot of worlds players will be speechless
OG rest time is one of the better ones out there.
If OG is too heavy workload, then how did he cope in CTTSL
Shows how much leverage he had at that point in time.

1. Forms one half of the best XD pairing. The same event CNT “lost face” at Tokyo OG. Also fan base with these two are bat shit crazy…

2. ML giving that speech at Worlds..rumours FZD could follow in the near future, LGY/LJK not trusted. ZQH, XYB, Yuan Licen, Sun Wen not dealing with expectations.

3. DHS poster child.

They must thank their lucky DHS balls LSD performed the way he did in the last couple of months.
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Feb 2012
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Merry Christmas TableTennisDaily and all the forum members! The year is almost over, and what a year for table tennis 2024 was. Loads of great moments took place this year, but also a lot of disappointments, whether it be a terrible 3-0 loss or a big lead choke. Here are a few of my notable disappointments this year

2024 ITTF World Cup MS F
Ma Long 4-3 Lin Gaoyuan

Lin Gaoyuan repeated his 2022 Champions ESS Performance, losing to Ma Long after being 3-0 up. Poor guy might lose his CNT spot to Xiang Peng or Xu Yingbin soon.

2024 Paris Olympic Games MS R32
Wang Chuqin 2-4 Truls Moregard

A huge upset and also a massive disappointment for many, this was one of the many upsets suffered by Wang Chuqin, and while I could put all of his upsets in this list, this olympic loss to Moregard was the crushing one.

2024 Paris Olympic Games MT SF
Tomokazu Harimoto 2-3 Anton Kallberg

Man, Tomokazu 2-0 up against Kallberg, about to send Japan to the Gold medal match, only to choke to the Swede. I was heartbroken to see him on the ground after the loss. What’s worse, Team Japan couldn’t even get the bronze.

2024 Saudi Smash WS R32
Manika Batra 3-1 Wang Manyu

This loss for Wang Manyu at the saudi smash was the reason she did not get the singles spot for olympics, added on the fact that Chen Meng won that whole tournament. Probably Wang’s most disappointing moment so far.

2024 Paris Olympic Games WS QF
Shin Yubin 4-3 Miu Hirano

3-0 down, Hirano did the impossible and came back to 3-3, only for all that to be for nothing as Shin Yubin won the decider. The heartbroken Hirano lost the chance for an all China+Japan podium at the olympics.

2024 U.S. National Championships MS QF
Kanak Jha 4-3 Darryl Tsao

This one is a real sleeper since most of you won’t watch US nationals, but you can find the livestream for this match. Tsao is one of US’s most promising youngsters, and he was 3-0 up against the best American man Kanak Jha. But unfortunately for Tsao, Jha came back to win 4-3 and ultimately win the whole US Nationals unsurprisingly. But imagine if Tsao just won one more game, then we could’ve saw a new face for the US national winner.

These are my disappointments of the year, let me know all of yours, and hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

hina hayata won bronze, so it was an all china+japan in the podium for women's singles. shin yubin did not win a medal.
hina hayata won bronze, so it was an all china+japan in the podium for women's singles. shin yubin did not win a medal.
But that’s the thing. Hirano missed out on an all China Japan Top 4. Or you could say she failed to guarantee an all China Japan podium
podium means gold silver and bronze. u said podium, so the podium was all china and japan amyway.
As I said, she failed to guarantee an all China Japan Podium. You could also do she came back for nothing so there’s a huge disappointment thete
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Feb 2012
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As I said, she failed to guarantee an all China Japan Podium. You could also do she came back for nothing so there’s a huge disappointment thete
as the result showed, it was not in her hand anyways it also depended on hina hayata. and again a podium only consists of no1 no2 and no3, and the podium was all china and japan

You made an honest mistake. its ok, you didnt mention "guaranteed" nowhere in your initial post, and I get it if you dont know that the olympic TT podium is not two bronze positions . lots of people confuse it with other sports also
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
joshmak10 is saying the results had not yet been decided at that point and therefore the all China-Japan podium finish was not secured. There was a non-zero chance for SYB to beat Hayata.

Had Hirano gotten 1 of those 2 match points, the odds for bronze were in her favor as she had proven that Hayata not at 100% was no match for her in the final at Zennoh Cup Funabashi 2022 (Hayata returned shortly after her arm injury at WTTC 2022) and R64 at Singapore Smash 2024 (Hayata came down with a fever after WTTC 2024).
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