Life, Existence, and the Meaning of Long Pips - The Opus Maximus of James Z

says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
Those all Jame's prolonged dissertations seem a baby cry for the impossible, - moaning in vain.
Many moons ago, ITTF did made an ultimate verdict on the deceptive pimples, once and for all, and it is quiet hopeless to expect those trashy materials reinstated to our sport.

All the deceptive rubber materials, e.g. low-friction pimples, are known to breed cheaters a lot, a gross disgrace on the sport. Good riddance and may it happen never again.
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You may think I am trying to switch everyone long pips just because I hate the ITTF. Is this true ?

Is it true that I want to educate & deprogram the braihwashed pips / anti players and start a huge race war between pips / anti players & spooster supremacists ?

Yes it is true. Ha Ha

Seriously when I ran tournaments including state championships in South Carolina, I only allowed spinny inverted rubbers in all youth events & on the flipside I did not enforce the 1998 Aspect Ratio ban in all age open events & additionally I did not enforce the Frictionless Pips Ban of 2008 in all age events.

And the only player I banned from the center was 35 yesr old incredibly talented hardbat player whom I asked to give spinny inverted rubber both sides a try for just one year (& go back if it does not workout) . He refused & I banned him because he was wasting his time

So now you know where I am coming from.

That said, when should a player switch from smooth rubber both sides to other rubbers ?

How do you identify this transition point as quickly as possible based on the players tendencies, consistency preferred strokes (playing style) etc etc ?

(Unless of course you want all them to suffer their whole life using smooth rubber both sides just because you have some moral holy convictions against pips / anti as a few players have exposed themselves and got caught in the past few days)

I of course would start all young players with smooth rubber both sides. However if someone is over 50 and never learned to loop in their youth or has some limitations that would prevent them from being able to loop, it is stupid to have then use spinny inverted even on their strong side. I would start them with short pips with sponge on their forehand (usually strong side) & with OX high aspect ratio super long pips on their backhand).

And of course ethe never ending joke is always jokes like “Oh yeah I will switch to pips when I am 90 years old & in a wheelchair" etc.
My opinion on pips; short pips are acceptable, and quite fun to play with. No-one uses medium. Long pips are only good for choppers. If you are going to stand there are block everything with your long pips then thats when i get annoyed.
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My opinion on pips; short pips are acceptable, and quite fun to play with. No-one uses medium. Long pips are only good for choppers. If you are going to stand there are block everything with your long pips then thats when i get annoyed.
Manika Batra would kindly disagree
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Oct 2022
My opinion on pips; short pips are acceptable, and quite fun to play with. No-one uses medium. Long pips are only good for choppers. If you are going to stand there are block everything with your long pips then thats when i get annoyed.
The best player at our club uses medium pips on his backhand. 2100 USATT rating (65 years old)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
You may think I am trying to switch everyone long pips just because I hate the ITTF. Is this true ?

Is it true that I want to educate & deprogram the braihwashed pips / anti players and start a huge race war between pips / anti players & spooster supremacists ?

Yes it is true. Ha Ha

Seriously, when I ran tournaments including state championships in South Carolina, I only allowed spinny inverted rubbers in all youth events & on the flipside I did not enforce the 1998 Aspect Ratio ban in all age open events & additionally I did not enforce the Frictionless Pips Ban of 2008 in all age events.

And the only player I banned from the center was 35 yesr old incredibly talented hardbat player whom I asked to give spinny inverted rubber both sides a try for just one year (& go back if it does not workout) . He refused & I banned him because he was wasting his time (he was not a recreational player but wanted to be a very competitive player ....if he ws just recreational I would have allowed him to continue)

So now you know where I am coming from.

That said, when should a player switch from smooth rubber both sides to other rubbers ?

How do you identify this transition point as quickly as possible based on the players tendencies, consistency preferred strokes (playing style) etc etc ?

(Unless of course you want all them to suffer their whole life using smooth rubber both sides just because you have some moral holy convictions against pips / anti as a few players have exposed themselves and got caught in the past few days)

I of course would start all young players with smooth rubber both sides. However if someone is over 50 and never learned to loop in their youth or has some limitations that would prevent them from being able to loop, it is stupid to have then use spinny inverted even on their strong side. I would start them with short pips with sponge on their forehand (usually strong side) & with OX high aspect ratio super long pips on their backhand).

And of course there is always that never ending insulting supposed joke like “Oh yeah I will switch to pips when I am 90 years old & in a wheelchair" etc.
In case of players who want to compete semi-seriously I guess this is good advice.

But if someone is just a hobby player going down to the club and wanna have a good time and wants to hit 10-15 balls back without mistakes maybe some semi-lucky rallies with an impressive ending and of course also wants his similar level hobby partners to hit back the ball then this advice is not that great. Inverted medium fast and medium spinny rubbers would be the best option for these players to have a good time and achieve some fun and have a good workout too at the same time.

If both players used a short pip on their stronger side and a super long pip on their weak side I am afraid they would be picking up balls a lot without any rallies. Picking up balls is not that fun.
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Sep 2022
I really dnt know where all the hate towards pips is coming from at amateur level.
90% non pro both inverted players look like they have brain damage and cant put more than 2 balls on the table more than half, pardon me, "rallies". And force ppl to use both inverted is ridiculous.
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And the only player I banned from the center was 35 yesr old incredibly talented hardbat player whom I asked to give spinny inverted rubber both sides a try for just one year (& go back if it does not workout) . He refused & I banned him because he was wasting his time (he was not a recreational player but wanted to be a very competitive player ....if he ws just recreational I would have allowed him to continue)
This just doesn't make any sense.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
Smii seriously ? What do you mean ?
Jesus man, over 50 every sport is semi-serious. I am using your age scale, it is not mine, so please don't refute it.
How does deciding switching points matter if one is just playing for fun or exercise ?
Ok I should have explicitly explained I was talking about fully competitive players only
I do not know what is switching points. That sounds to me to be very illegal in sports. You either have a point or don't. There is no switching.
You should have explained but you didn't, but hey, I did give you that semi-competitively your recommendation sounds sound. You want to refute or dispute me on giving you kudos? Go ahead.

When did I say in this thread that everyone must swtch to pips BOTH sides ?
If both players are above 50 and cannot loop they should use short pips on their strong side and super long pips on their back side. This is your recommendation, right? But if they both use this setup, and they are just hobby players I am not sure they will have a fun time. Are you disputing it?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
Does not matter. This was a private club. Not a public non-profit.
Even a public non-profit has the right to refuse service to anyone.
The rule of law or bye-law or whatever of my club was that competitive wanna be players in my club not waste their time using wrong equipment. As I said if he was a recerational or exercise player I would have had no problem.
Sue me
You are not giving players a fair level playing field. I am disappointed since I thought you are a man of your principles.

Why do you disappoint me? I actually am trying to pass on your knowledge on players who have substandard style or started to play late. I am inviting them to use super long pips that are not on LARC so they can have a better winning chance.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
When I ask him to use the best rubber to succeed by using possibly with using inverted instead of hardbat , what the hell does it have anything to do with tilting the playing field. In fact I am actually starightening the field a little more in his favor

It is my fault that I took you seriously & tried to respond to your post in good faith .
"substandard" REALLY ? What is your high "standard" ?

It is my fault that I took you seriously & tried to respond to your post in good faith .
"substandard" REALLY ? What is your high "standard" ?
Let me guess ..........smooth rubber both sides

I see you are trying to ridicule me which only only make yuo all teh more silly because in all seriousness I do not see what is wrong in cometing with the best available rubber that best suits your playing style.
OH I am sorry I forgot only the two winged loopers have the supreme privilge of violating Rule 2.4.7. I am sorry I apologize
The hell are you talking about? I am really trying to recommend players super long and short pips according to your suggestion. Heck, I have been trying them out on my spare time and I found them to be fun to use.
On a competitive level I agree that I would use super long pips on my weak side and short pips that have some grip with a thick sponge on my strong side. How in the hell I am ridiculing you? I am trying to encourage you and since I have little knowledge of pips I will take your experience for more face value.
So I don't like to see you being weak and admitting defeat against your views.

Some of the players don't care if they are being hated for using disturbing equipment, they just want to win and take there team to a better position. How in the hell am I to cancel their desire? I will support them in the best way I can and if that means leaning to your (I guess the forum ridiculed you to no end) opinion then I will fracking do that.

So what is wring with using short pips with thicker sponge on strong side while having super long pips on weak side?
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So you call someone names without fully explaining your logic.
But coming from you it makes lot of sense.
I should know by now that cannot expect anything rational from you.
The hypocrisy. What you did was completely irrational.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
The guy who is using this setup now can loop with inverted on FH and he is very fit actually. But he has been using inverted on his backhand most of the time and he can't save his life with it in match play.
On FH side he has been using short pips for a while now (before inverted ofc), I think Spinfire is the name and it's pretty good. One can loop with it in a pinch but it's pretty good for smashing and he loves smashing.
So he was asking me what should he do with his backhand, that is the death of him during matches. I said go long pips and just push wobbly balls to the opponent and wait for a higher ball and smash the hell out of it.
Since the league where he plays is mostly older or weaker players he won't get a lot of spinny balls either. He will see how he likes this setup.
I tried his racket and the magic 77 was surprisingly easy to push with and despite it's a fast carbon blade I had no issues. Just for fun I even went and chopped with it and I never learned to chop but it was pretty easy to do.
I suppose the biggest issue of this setup is that he cannot make spinny serves.
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Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
Chen Jing visits a school. school kids are not old people from my side of the world
what are trolls smoking when I post a photo of Chen Jing standing next to the school principle and surrounded by school kids
Trolls moaning there is no old people?

Trolls are here to stir nonsense and nothing more.
And i'm sure trolling makes them get high and feel loved? that is why I am ignoring the man who is a professional troller, since there is nothing sincere, other than just trolling and stirring 1 sided garbage.
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says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
Now is the time to rise and root out these plutocratic gang aka ITTF wherever they may be hiding, before they have time to plot fresh trouble for lp players. Stokholm is the very place for you to burn off LARC and ittf living personel without getting to jail. Let the authodafe begin, right now.
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Oct 2022
Playing for fun ? Shut up already

Either you are playing for exercise or you are playing competitively
Fun is just a happy byproduct nothing more nothing less

I am sick & tired of of hearing the nonsense "I am playing only for fun" .
I don't think there is any such thing
Or someone ean explain to me how this "Playing only for fun" concept works

Ol maybe if you are screwing around using social rubbers such as LARC Long Pips it is playing only fun (unlike using high aspcet ratio super long pips which are functional rubbers to play competitively in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era) ???

But I used to play competitively and I am only playing for exercise nowadays & even I would not touch social LARC long pips with a 10 feet pole even if someone paid me a billion dollars
lol. There's plenty of people that are playing for fun. Playing for fun is not mutually exclusive to playing for exercise. There's some old dude's at my club who don't move at all when they play. I hardly think they are exercising. They are literally just playing for fun.
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Oct 2022
I agree with what you are saying but you are talking about extreme exceptions like two drunk & high women in high heels playing in a bar.
You missed the context of what I was tryibgto say just to trash me.
But it is ok. Nothing new
just to trash you? lol what are you talking about? I was responding to your post that said people cannot play this sport just for fun. I disagree.

There is actually another player at our club...who is pretty damn good. rated about 1550. He is just playing for fun. I say this because he doesn't compete in USATT tournaments. He just does the local round robins. He is not doing it for exercise either because he regularly goes to the gym and lifts weights. for him, it's a fun way to spend his time.

Its different than me....I am as committed as possible to getting better at this sport. I have coaching. I train when i'm not at the club. I study tactics online..for's fun sport, but its also more than that.
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