Nexy's Akrasia

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My blade finally arrived and for the first time today, I played with it...My first reaction, the blade is slow compared to the one I use now. Perhaps it is because the blade is not that bouncy. However, it's has great power, looping with it is fun, even flat shots. Blocking is incredible. I had to adjust my serving. I thought serving was difficult with this blade especially for fast top spins serves. My other blade is quicker with the serves. Chopping was better than expected, this blade produces a very good short game, I think better than my main blade. My first opponent was a pips player, it did well against the funny rubber. My next opponent was an attacking player, I was able to block, loop and counter quite effectively. After that, I played a controlled blocker and attacker who mainly chops close to the table and sometimes attacks but he mainly feeds off of your power with his blocks. I was able to out chop him at times, and loop.

I don't think it's the fastest blade on the planet, but is still a high quality fast blade. I like it as a secondary paddle rather than my main one. But it is the best secondary paddle I have ever used. I think it's more suited to play against attackers but it can still hang with defenders. As time goes on, I will get even a better feel for it. It normally takes me about six months to adjust to a new blade. Even now I still learn somethings about how my blade handles or creates spin.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Nexy Korea president created this blade as a challenge on another forum to make the "World's FASTEST Blade".

It can depend on what you call fastest and fastest on what shot, but at the end of the day, President Moon designed the blade to be a very fast blade still capable of facilitating acceptably heavy topspin, perhaps it is the fastest in that department, but agreed with you in absolute terms it isn't the fastest. I think it has less dwell than you experienced on slower opener, but on your loopdrives, it has a longer staying moment than you would expect.
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I also noticed the blade plays the best against those who love to attack with the loop. I found that the guy with the short pips was good, I think being that the blade is not so bouncy and I could vary spins more easily which threw the pips guy But not as good as playing against an attacker. Playing against the blocker is more difficult considering the blade is not as bouncy, so the blocker was able to punch more shoots during a rally than he normally did with my other blade. I think Nexy's president did a great job in creating this blade, I think this blade is more suited for controlled offense type players who either like to play close to the table or further back. It's only my first impression as I play with it more, I will get a better feel for it. I'm going to definitely use it with against aggressive attackers :)
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