Vacancy: TableTennisDaily Lead Reporter 2017

says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Vacancy TableTennisDaily Lead Reporter

We are looking for a volunteer to become the new lead reporter here at TableTennisDaily. We are looking for someone with great journalism skills and a passion for table tennis. All of your articles will be featured on the main page of the website and featured across all forms of our social media which has a yearly reach in the tens of millions. Your name would be featured on all of the articles and reports you write.

This role may also involve:

- Photo and video editing
- Tweeting
- Posting on the socials

This would be a fantastic role for anyone who loves talking table tennis and creating user engagement. You would be required to write articles on upcoming table tennis events, reporting on events that are in progress and reporting event results. As well as any table tennis news items that you think are newsworthy.

This role would look great on your CV and is a great opportunity to add to your journalistic experience as well as increasing your online presence within the Table Tennis and general sports community.

Anyone taking on the role would need to have a high level of English writing ability not necessarily qualifications so don’t worry if you don’t think you are qualified enough. We want talent and passion not a certificate.

Please send your CV to: [email protected]

Instead of a personal statement we want all applicants to write a 500 word (max) mock report on the men's singles event at the Rio 2016 Olympics.

TTD Team