Xiom Vega vs Jekyll&Hyde

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Oct 2023
Hey guys! I'm planning to buy a new gear and currently split whether to use Vega or Jekyll&Hyde for backhand on a TMXi blade. I'm trying for 47.5 sponge and have these options in mind:
  • Vega X
  • Vega Korea
  • Jekyll&Hyde V47.5
Does anyone have any experience with 2 or 3 of these and can give their takes on this?

In my country, price-wise they're more or less the same (Korea a little bit pricier, probably since it's newer).
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Hey guys! I'm planning to buy a new gear and currently split whether to use Vega or Jekyll&Hyde for backhand on a TMXi blade. I'm trying for 47.5 sponge and have these options in mind:
  • Vega X
  • Vega Korea
  • Jekyll&Hyde V47.5
Does anyone have any experience with 2 or 3 of these and can give their takes on this?

In my country, price-wise they're more or less the same (Korea a little bit pricier, probably since it's newer).
Why not consider xiom omega 7 pro.
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This user has no status.
Oct 2023
This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Oct 2023
well from your signature i guess you played c48 and Hexer Duro?
well J&H v47.5 goes in the c48 direction,i dunno if you want the new rubber for bh or fh?
I play the V47.5 on fh and the normal glayzer on bh now.
Yes, I'm currently playing with c48 and hexer grip sfx (40). The new rubber would probably be for bh. The hexer can generate spin alright, but I feel like the hexer grip sfx lacks power away from the table. Even from mid distance it sometimes falls short to the net. I'm looking for something with a bit more power but still with a safe arc.

@job59 which J&H are you using? V47.5?

I remember someone posted a link to an excel with tests report on many rubbers but I forgot where. Can anybody share the link again?
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Yes, I'm currently playing with c48 and hexer grip sfx (40). The new rubber would probably be for bh. The hexer can generate spin alright, but I feel like the hexer grip sfx lacks power away from the table. Even from mid distance it sometimes falls short to the net. I'm looking for something with a bit more power but still with a safe arc.

@job59 which J&H are you using? V47.5?

I remember someone posted a link to an excel with tests report on many rubbers but I forgot where. Can anybody share the link again?
I used the V47.5, right
Well that's interesting. The V47.5 is fast, but not really bouncy, huh? What rubber were you using before this that made you feel "calm down"?
Before, I played O5 Europe and gave O7 Europe a try. O7 has softer a sponge and topsheed, which gave a more bouncy feeling to me. Before the Omegas, I started with Vega Europe, which was the most bouncy rubber - unplayable for me, after returning to TT after more than 30 years.
Ok, here I'm back with the need of recommendations.

As you can see in my profile, I changed my blade to the Tibhar Illusion Killer. Keeping my beloved H3 on FH, I started testing the new blade with my old J&H (with damaged sponge) on BH. Tonight I will give my H3/37 a try, but I think, with the slower blade, I now need a bit more active rubber on my BH.
So my question is (before ordering a new J&H): if I don't return to the H3, which not so bouncy rubber you would recommend for my backhand? I read about the Tibhar Hybrid MK (or better Pro?) and the Nittaku PK50.

Just watched the test of Loki Arthur China from Dario. Maybe this one, boostered?

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