Yasaka Rakza 7 soft vs Nittaku Fastarc C-1

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
How does the fastarc c-1 compare to rakza 7 soft? Im looking for a soft rubber but maybe a little faster than rakza 7 soft. What other similar rubbers are there?
C-1 feels pretty similar to Rakza 7 soft. You can also try Xiom Vega Japan and Xiom Vega Asia to get similar results. Same as Donic M2.

Rozena is also similar but might be slightly more catapulty than Rakza 7 soft.
Do these rubbers work well on backhand? Does rozena really have more catapult, ive heard its pretty insensitive to spin
C-1 feels pretty similar to Rakza 7 soft. You can also try Xiom Vega Japan and Xiom Vega Asia to get similar results. Same as Donic M2.

Rozena is also similar but might be slightly more catapulty than Rakza 7 soft.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
Do these rubbers work well on backhand? Does rozena really have more catapult, ive heard its pretty insensitive to spin
I have used all of them on my backhand. My Rozena sheet is getting pretty old. When it was fresh, I believe it was slightly more catapulty than the rest. Honestly, all the ESN I mentioned they all feel about the same (i.e. the top sheet plus the sponge, the hardness is all about the same). Rozena is relatively insensitive to spin but it is not an anti rubber so you still need to read the spin well.
I have used all of them on my backhand. My Rozena sheet is getting pretty old. When it was fresh, I believe it was slightly more catapulty than the rest. Honestly, all the ESN I mentioned they all feel about the same (i.e. the top sheet plus the sponge, the hardness is all about the same). Rozena is relatively insensitive to spin but it is not an anti rubber so you still need to read the spin well.
What about something like fx-s? I dont mind playing with mx-p on my backhand, but it lacks control in short pushes. Would fx-s be a good compromise between the control of rakza 7 soft and catapult and speed of mx-p?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
What about something like fx-s? I dont mind playing with mx-p on my backhand, but it lacks control in short pushes. Would fx-s be a good compromise between the control of rakza 7 soft and catapult and speed of mx-p?
I have a sheet of FX-D on one blade but I cannot find that blade right now. I just remember that FX-D is pretty soft (I was kind of surprised by that because Rakza 7 soft is very soft already), more catapult than other ESN rubber and the topsheet is not that tacky or grippy. I missed loop a couple times on the backhand because of the top sheet not being that tacky or grippy.