Hello again everyone and welcome to episode 7 of the TableTennisDaily podcast. In this episode we are joined alongside current world number 7 Marcos Freitas. Marcos currently plays for Pontoise Cergy in the French pro A division with former podcast guest Kristian Karlsson as well as Tristan Flore and Jian Jun Wang. Marcos is captain of the Portuguese men's national team, the team that won European team championships in 2014.

We talk to Marcos about his career and how Portugal are so successful with very little resources. Marcos then gives invaluable, extremely detailed information about how different training styles and hard work have taken him to the world top ten. We also ask about his various equipment in which he had some gave some extraordinary insights and discussed his trip to the butterfly factory in Japan where there was parts of factory that even he wasn't allowed into due to tenergy production secrets. We really hope you enjoy this podcast full of fantastic tips and thoughts from one of the worlds greatest players.

We would also like to give a big thank you, personally, to Marcos for giving up such a large amount of time to speak to us as we know he is extremely busy. It's great to see these great players and experts really giving back to the fans. Here's the podcast.

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Breakdown of the podcast

00:00 Intro
01:01 Marcos talks about about how much he currently trains.
01:30 Marcos talks about how he got into table tennis. You
02:05 How good was Marcos at a young age?
02:30 Thoughts in talent.
04:00 Juggling school with training.
04:55 Portuguese table tennis and moving to Germany.
06:20 Current state of Portuguese table tennis.
08:29 Marcos's time at the Werner Schlager academy.
11:10 Some advice from Marcos that he has learnt from top coaches.
12:36 Day to day training for Marcos and most important aspects of training.
14:30 Regular vs Irregular training and more advice for less experienced players.
16:10 Good exercises for regular practise.
18:00 Marcos's take on serve practise.
20:00 What makes a great serve.
22:00 Multi ball.
24:27 Strength and conditioning.
28:45 Dealing with nerves.
29:56 Winning European team championships in 2014.
33:06 Playing Chinese players.
34:37 Ma Long.
36:18 Would training with the Chinese National Team take you to their level?
37:00 Europe vs China, is the standard getting closer?
38:12 Potential of Marcos playing Chinese super league.
39:09 Visiting Butterly HQ In Tokyo. (secret production)
40:48 Marcos's current equipment and bat setup.
41:48 Are rubbers always the same?
42:28 Chinese National Team Hurricane rubber that only Chinese national team have access to. MUST LISTEN!
44:20 Plastic ball.
45:30 TableTennisDaily member/social media questions.

If you would like to save or listen to the podcast on itunes, search TableTennisDaily in the itunes store.

What do you think about Marcos's opinions on the world of table tennis?
Thanks for listening!
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Oct 2014
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i would like to hear the opinion on the rubber matter of a forum member that i remember has good knowledge of physics pnachtwey .

lolololol.... He doesn't design or manufacture TT rubbers. You could as well ask him to teach you how to fly to the moon.

On the podcast though, I found his answer to one of my questions interesting (he answered the others basically with all his in-depth and honest answers throughout the podcast). Changing the exercises that your coach gives you is interesting as is not listening sometimes during a match.
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Jun 2013
Hey, NextLevel, you skipped my question, haha. Look a couple of posts above.

Edit: I don't know how to delete "Table tennis daily presents" and the icon....haha
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Oct 2014
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Hey, NextLevel, you skipped my question, haha. Look a couple of posts above.

Edit: I don't know how to delete "Table tennis daily presents" and the icon....haha

Your question is already answered in the post that I made it in (T05). This thread is supposed to be about one of the greatest podcasts if not the greatest TT podcast of all time. LEt's keep it that way.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I am thinking that China scouts talent for table tennis starting at 4 years old the way they scout talent for gymnastics. Then, the children who are selected as potentially having talent to be top players get trained as children in a special school where they train for table tennis for as much as 6 hours a day.

As far as I know, there is no other country that scouts and trains talent for table tennis they way China does.

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Dec 2010
Dan , this has to be the best table tennis interview I have listened too ! He is a great subject and very forthcoming on every question. This is very educational and informative, I guess it helps that he is not from the typical "table tennis" country and I guess some of Schlagers enthusiasm and openness has rubbed off on him for the amount of time he has spent at WSA :)
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I can't believe you didn't get it yet.
it's not genetics.
it's not training methods.
it's not training facilities.
it's not better coaches.

why does argentina have the best football players?
why does china have the best table tennis players?

as for the chinese rubbers, as I have already said in the vulcanize me thread they are an advantage.
marcos freitas agrees.
ovtcharov agrees.

upsidedowncarl does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.
nextlevel does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.
deretche does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.

so let's go ahead and create endless discussions because clearly we are not sure yet.


Well, actually, I think you have a point here. Everyone does play in China. But it certainly helps that they scout kids at such a young age and have them in special schools.

That being said, it doesn't change that your attitude is more than a bit off and you are obviously more about trying to put others down than about adding useful dialogue.

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We just have to be carefull, you can easily conclude that Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes dominate long distance running because from a very early age they have to walk distances to go to school, etc but there are quite a few of those athletes questioned who claim to have lived near school and not fall in that category.

Also there is another question, does one country excel in a sport because a lot of them try it or do a lot of them try it because they excel at it ?

Marcos Freitas told in the podcast that multiball is very good technique with many benefits.
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We just have to be carefull, you can easily conclude that Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes dominate long distance running because from a very early age they have to walk distances to go to school, etc but there are quite a few of those athletes questioned who claim to have lived near school and not fall in that category.

Also there is another question, does one country excel in a sport because a lot of them try it or do a lot of them try it because they excel at it ?

Marcos Freitas told in the podcast that multiball is very good technique with many benefits.

Read "Bounce" by Matthew Syed, or look at one of his talks on youtube.

There are in fact "hotspots" for creating exceptional athletes around the world, very similar to the animal kingdom.For the long distance running, for instance:
"The majority of elite Kenyan runners come from near a town called Eldoret.Eldoret, it turns out, is at high altitude.
Running and training at altitude will increase lung capacity, making you a better endurance athlete. And why are Kenyan athletes better than those from other high altitude countries? Syed says that Kenyan children run huge distances to school, sometimes as much as 20 kilometres each day.
They do it not for fun, but out of necessity – but the upshot is, that by the time they’re in their mid teens, they have unconsciously accumulated thousands of hours of practice."

The same can be said about Brazilians and their futsal, which is a more technically demanding version of football, played all over in Brazil (as well as in portugal).

They even mention the Chinese and multiball, which has now spread around the world; whenever a study was made into the "racially superior" theories, they found that it was more localised than that, and that usually a sub-culture or specific environment had persisted through more than one generation, allowing for specialisation.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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you shouldn't worry about my attitude and the way I express myself.
you are not my parents, my teacher, nothing.
it's exactly the kind of thing baal and fatt did.

Well, I disagree. If it was just that you have a lousy attitude about so much, it would be one thing. But, you have a lousy attitude and like to put other people down.

Now the truth is, you are consistently the one who looks bad in those circumstances, but, given the fact that I am one of the people you are trying to ATTACT and be argumentative with, your attitude comes right to the forefront of what IS most definitely something I SHOULD CONCERN myself with.

And funny how, in your comment about the podcast, you start off by saying it is good. Then you go on to say how, more would be boring because they would all be basically the same. And then you start making fun of the general forum member who tries lots of different equipment.

It seems like it is hard for you to present useful information without trying to insult as many people as possible in your next sentence. Hmmm....interesting.

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May 2015
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just please stop answering to my posts and everybody will be happy :)
just ignore them, act as if I don't exist.
not so hard to do.

I actually looks like it was your intention to provoke.

I remember a Joker who presented a website he created himself about FZD Blade and tried to make it look as if it wasn't done by him.... Looks as if someone's really got some serious issues here :D
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Dec 2010
Buddy you are posting in a public forum so every body has a right to meddle.
And what does it mean "ignore your posts" , you are being a public nuisance and you are insulting everybody.
if you don't want anybody to respond to what you think or say , close your doors and windows , get a typewriter and keep writing "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy"

when I write stop reading or answering to my posts I mean to stop reading and answering to my posts.

also when I write a post directed to x person in particular, it's not very wise to get in the middle of the conversation.
it's not your place it's not something you are involved in.
why mess with it?

if everybody followed these simple rules life on this planet would be so much easier and enjoyable :rolleyes:
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Dec 2010
Do you understand english ? you are posting in "PUBLIC" forum, do you understand what that word means ? you have no right to set down your rules ! You can do it in your own home , get it ?

And don't try to give lessons in human behavior , through your posts you have already demonstrated your own understanding !

it's basic correct human behaviour.
if I write in a vulcanize my balls thread answering to a post of the thread starter -> if you are not thread starter -> ignore my post
if I write a post directed to downsideupcarl -> if you are not carl -> ignore my post
if I write a message saying "please ignore my posts" -> do not go to a psychiatrist and behaviour experts trying to find hidden knowledges in my post -> just take the words as the come.
1- ignore
2- my
3 posts

simple guide that will make everybody's life easier. :)

now where is ma long.
I'm waiting for you buddy.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Yep. An instigator who writes inflammatory comments and then tells everybody to ignore his comments, but wants to keep making inflammatory comments.

As I already said, your lousy attitude only makes you look like the small minded person you continually show yourself to be.

Hypocritical, egocentric, instigator.

If you don't like having it given back to you, then you should actually follow your own advice.

What was it again:

1- ignore
2- my
3 posts

Why don't you follow your own directions instead of trying to tell other people what to do?

Obviously, since you are posting in a public forum and are repeatedly attacking pretty much everyone, it is obvious you are making the attacks because you actually want people to respond.

But we all can see that you are a low life who is just trying to cause arguments.

Sent from Deep Space by Abacus
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Do you understand english ? you are posting in "PUBLIC" forum, do you understand what that word means ? you have no right to set down your rules ! You can do it in your own home , get it ?

And don't try to give lessons in human behavior , through your posts you have already demonstrated your own understanding !

100% correct. But it is even beyond that. He is insulting people, making inflammatory comments about specific people and everyone else in general and then, after using someone's name, then he says:

ignore my post.

Hey Spaz-Aqueer ingnore my post.

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May 2015
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First of all, I didn't talk about superiority of genetics nor race. The things I stated about different African populations have been scientifically proven. I don't see how saying that X population has developed Y characteristics through evolution process is racist.

The discipline, focus and determination of this people is the most obvious explanation and probably the truth. But why saying so isn't racist?

I think people in Japan left the agricultural way of life sooner than in China which I think didn't have many table tennis tables or players back in the 70'. Of course I am not from Japan or China so I could be wrong. Also explain why you don't think this to be the case ? I found this in wikipedia: In the 1930s, Edgar Snow commented in Red Star Over China that the Communist forces in the Chinese Civil War had a "passion for the English game of table tennis" which he found "bizarre".[SUP][12][/SUP] On the other hand, popularity of the sport waned in 1930s Soviet Union, partly because of promotion of team and military sports, and partly because of a theory that the game had adverse health effects.[SUP][13][/SUP]

Chinese are indeed a lot of people for sure but comparing to the rest of the world their pool is 4 times smaller and has many good players compared to its pool.

Lastly, I don't think calling ones opinion bullocks will help us analyze, we are not enemies here it's a forum so that we discuss table tennis things and probably be friends. Like the NY meet up, I really enjoyed following through the pics :) !

Sorry, writing 'bollocks' might have been a little rude. But it was a spontaneous reaction of mine and wasn't meant to offend.

So let me rephrase that: i just think you're not right with your conclusions.
But don't you think it's just a little too easy to think it's just genetics?

I really can't agree. I think populationwise China has got the highest number and hence largest pool of players.
Which Nation you know except india has such masses of population?
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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1st and most basic rule broken: all non marcos talk is out

I'm done guys, this world has no hope, see you in the next life.

Seems you are the one where it started.

upsidedowncarl does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.
nextlevel does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.
deretche does not agree and thinks it's all hard hard hard hard work.

so let's go ahead and create endless discussions because clearly we are not sure yet.


To quote the instigator yet again:
"most basic rule broken: all non marcos talk is out"

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Chinese are indeed a lot of people for sure but comparing to the rest of the world their pool is 4 times smaller and has many good players compared to its pool.
Suga you told that China has better players because it has a bigger pool to choose from and I am saying that it hasn't got better players from just one country it has better and more good players than all countries of the world united which got a ~4 times bigger pool.

Apart from that, I have nowhere told that I'm sure this scenario is true, because I am not. I think we should examine it, maybe even ask a pro in a future podcast.

Sorry accepted of course !
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May 2015
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Suga you told that China has better players because it has a bigger pool to choose from and I am saying that it hasn't got better players from just one country it has better and more good players than all countries of the world united which got a ~4 times bigger pool.

Apart from that, I have nowhere told that I'm sure this scenario is true, because I am not. I think we should examine it, maybe even ask a pro in a future podcast.

Sorry accepted of course !

Hey Squareball, of course the world's pool is bigger. No question about that.
But does the 'world' practice together like the CNT do??

I don't think so, even if i must admit, that i'd like to see that...

Most coaches i know will tell you that 'natural' talent makes about 10% (sometimes even less), the other 90% (sometimes even more) is pure hard work.... ;)
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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
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Now back to topic:
Amazing Interview once more, Dan. One can really hear some improvement. Lookin' forward into the future.

Glad you liked the interview Suga. We have more podcasts lined up which I hope you enjoy and can learn from :)

Dan , this has to be the best table tennis interview I have listened too ! He is a great subject and very forthcoming on every question. This is very educational and informative, I guess it helps that he is not from the typical "table tennis" country and I guess some of Schlagers enthusiasm and openness has rubbed off on him for the amount of time he has spent at WSA :)

Hey ttmonster, I agree he is such a great guy! He opens and responds to all the questions amazingly. It sounds like the WSA is a fantastic place, doing great things! Thanks again!