Nittaku Acoustic

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5.00 star(s) 6 ratings

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  • Looping
  • Short game
  • Feeling
  • Smashing

I use a Nittaku Acoustic as my main blade and after years of testing 20+ blades and loads of different rubbers on each one. The standout features of this blade are the good feedback and control, whilst having an incredible spin potential and enough speed for 95% of players.

The blade has a high throw angle, a nice sound when hitting and a good smooth finish... although at its high price you would hope it would have!

Topspin: you get loads of dwell time so you feel the ball stay on the blade and really sink into the wood, resulting in loads of spin when catapulted back out.

Counter play: very good, plenty of spin, power and control at close and mid distance, although it’s hard to get a lot of power from very far back from the table.

Distance: this blade is definitely suited to players who play close to the table mixing different spins and looping, although it can be used further back with appropriately fast rubbers.

Consistency: brilliant, although the blade isn’t particularly linear so harder rubbers can help with this. A word of caution with using softer rubbers (43 degrees and below) as this can make your shots a bit less consistent and wobble a bit.

Short Game: this is where the blade really excels, it’s flicks and slow loopy top spins are second to none. It also has a very good touch so you always feel under control when pushing and chopping.

Blocking: very good, especially with harder rubbers. It’s not as easy and stable as it would be with carbon blades but this isn’t really bad enough to call it a weakness, what it lacks in this department it makes up for in its spin abilities.

Smashing: probably the acoustics weakest area but you can get plenty of power with good technique. A word of caution though if you think of upgrading to an acoustic carbon inner to “fix” this, the carbon inner whilst being much better at smashing just doesn’t have the same feel or spin levels due to its increased hardness. If you are not a national player just stick with the acoustic, trust me!

Conclusion: the Nittaku Acoustic is a brilliant blade which you can use at any level, progressing from Mark V rubbers each side to eventually harder and faster ones. Hybrid rubbers work particularly well on this blade on the fh and tacky rubbers work well too. I currently use Xiom China Guang fh and MXD max on the backhand and it’s a controlled spinny beast!

Rubber advice: a hybrid/Chinese rubber forehand and a 45 degrees or above euro rubber on the backhand (max). This blade is a bit picky with very springy rubbers and I do not recommend tenergy 05, the ball springs out too quickly and it’s hard to control.

Should you buy this blade? If you have the money and want a blade which will be an unparalleled spin machine with a Chinese/hybrid rubber on the forehand then yes. If you want to use tenergy on the fh then no, buy a korbel, virtuoso off-, viscaria or Boll ALC instead (in ascending price and speed order).

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  • Feeling
  • Control
  • Vibrations
  • Price
The Nittaku Acoustic was one of my first blades, so I didn't have much experience and didn't know what to expect. I hesitated a bit to buy it because of its price tag, wondering if it was going to be worth it. I bought a blade with flared handle.
It has beautiful colors and design (with an acoustic guitar silhouette print on it)
It was really easy to adapt to it, which was quite unexpected (but nice) since I had changed from a beginner set up.
Many players complain about the small handle (as I've seen on other reviews on other websites), but I thought that it was really comfortable and helped me produce spin.
I'm really satisfied with this wooden blade as it helped me to up my game. I wasn't even close to my table tennis club partners, but now I can play against most of them and win!
I used it with Mantra H on both sides, which gave me a lot of speed! The blade was especially good to block. Maybe because of the vibrations and feeling this blade provided! It was also great for my short game and for my looping game.
Overall, it was a great offensive but really controllable blade. In my opinion, worth the money.
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  • Great feeling
  • Control
  • Dwell/Flex
The Nittaku Acoustic is an amazing 5 Ply Offensive blade with Limba outer layers. I would rate the blade in the Off- speed category. I used this as my main blade as a developing mid distance looper. It is my favorite 5 Ply wood blade of all time and I've tried quite a few. It has amazing feel without producing a distracting level of vibration. Power and speed are good for an all wood blade and more than sufficient to put away a winner. But what makes this blade a true gem is it's control, feel and consistency. Great for developing players and advanced players whose game values control and ball placement over speed and power. Very high build quality by Nittaku.
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  • Control
  • Spin
Nittaku acoustic is an allwood blade composed of limba, limba, tung-tree, limba, limba the limba ply being a soft ply makes the blade soft with great feeling. There is some variation in weight, mine is 91g which is a nice balanced weight to me.

The amount of vibration is great for me as a developing player and not too over the top which I felt with my older allround classic blade. While it is an offensive blade it is not too fast, but due to the limba plies it has good dwell and it is easy to spin the ball well. I'm using tenergy 05 2.1 on forehand and donic baracuda max on the backhand. It is quite heavy at 191g but you quickly get used to it.

I think I would be able to handle an even faster blade due to the slower backhand rubber, but I rather focus on heavy spin and upgrade speed slowly with time and this set up with the acoustic seems ideal for this goal. If you're a flat hitter then you may want to go with something different.

The handle is quite small so keep that in mind if you have big hands, this also means it can be a bit head heavy, which I'm still feeling but getting used to.

I'd highly suggest this blade to someone that has played for a while and developed their game but looking for something slightly faster and want more spin. Because of the softness of the blade it's good to keep in mind what rubbers you put on it as well as how developed your backhand or forehand is e.g. I'm using tenergy05 a fairly hard rubber on my forehand which is suited for speed and spin while the baracuda is slighly slower but is forcing me to spin more as gives me good control for the short game and blocking.
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  • Feeling
  • Control
  • Spin
  • Price
  • rubber dependant
I decided to buy it when i got my hand on an Acoustic Carbon. This blade is amazingly controlable yet fast and spinny, i got an urge to know how tis lil brother would perform.

I wasnt impressed at first, when knockin ball on bare wood. I wasnt impressed too when i glued Omega IV Asia and Fastarc S1. Did not have confidence in FH strokes and neither on my BH, the feeling wasnt right.
I DO was impressed when i glued pair of rakza 7. The feeling is just a bit harder than my Nittaku Avalox P500, but more consistent, more pace. It had that dwelly dwelly feel, like time stops when you swing.
And it is strange since im used to play with either hard rubber 47+ and soft rubber 42- but it didnt go well.45 degrees is the magic number i think.

I does has a good amount of vibration but not exaggerated, sweetspot is ok. This blade really excels in short game and close to table loop and loop drives, it goes wherever you want. It is also very easy to vary the spin, due its high dwell and throw, i can close or open my bat without risk performing the same swing.Despite being a 5ply blade relatively thin, it has linear characteristics.

Does it worths the money? Yea. If you have a good budget and want more feel than performance, totally go for it, you will fall in love.
If budget is shorter and want more performance than feel, there is a bunch of 5plies that does it like Nittaku Avalox P500, Avalox P500, Xiom offensive S, Korbel, Infinity VPS V, Yasaka Extra/sweden, YEO, Latika and many others. The main competitor to Acoustic is the OSP Virtuoso- and as aint that impressed with acoustic, you should check OSP first ;)
  • Feel
  • Short game
  • Loop
Nittaku Acoustic Review
Nittaku Acoustic is a 5 ply wooden blade.

I have paired it up with Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 80. The blade gives a good feedback and the player can find out where he has gone wrong while making an error. The control of this blade is high when compared to other wooden offensive blades.

Weight: the weight is approximately 85~88 g. It feels a bit heavy when paired with Tenergy rubbers.

Make: The blade has a smooth finish and has a very comfortable straight handle. Nittaku always remain one step ahead in this respect.

Counter play: The blade is fast and controllable for a counterplay. With Tenergy rubbers the spring effect comes alive.

Topspin: the blade has a good amount of dwell time and hence looping becomes easy. Close table topspin play is effortless and aids in good amount of spin.

Mid and far distances looping is very good and the ball always travels in the intended direction.

Consistency: The blade is very consistent. One can easily achieve a quick and controlled rally in a game.

Sound: the blade produces a crisp sound effect on hitting.

Short Game: The blade has a very good touch and feels which helps in the short game at a high precision. Flips are easy and so are the pushes.

Blocking: in general wooden blades are good in blocking and Acoustic is no exception.

Conclusion: Nittaku Acoustic is a very finely crafted wooden blade made with special wood lamination technology which is originally used in stringed instrument production. Its unique blocking, looping and hitting capabilities will always be significant in the world of table tennis.