BH: Donic M3 or Donic P3?


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Apr 2019
hi, for bh rubbers, your experience with Donic M3 and Donic P3? How would you rate from 1 to 10 (10 is best) for:

P.S. I don't like to fast rubbers, more control and spin than speed.

-return on serves

-return on serves

Best regards
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Do you mean acuda blue p3 or acuda p3. They are very different rubbers.
For the bluefire M3. I've only tried it a few times. I found that it was grippy and fast enough to get the ball over the net. Spin would be a 9/10 and speed a 6/10. However, in my opinion the m3 was the softest rubber I've ever played with. Any shot that was not a push serve or loop bottomed out the rubber. I hated this. That's just my opinion though. For return of service, it is fairly sensitive to incoming spin but not as bad as barracuda or tenergy. Maybe a 8/10 for return because of the lack of speed. Most of Donic new rubbers are very durable and will only die properly after at least 2 years. I know a guy who's played with the same Donic rubber for 3 years and he still played extremely spinny shots.
Both of these rubbers control will be 10/10 because of the soft sponge.