D D devesh.kandpal Jun 25, 2012 i see you are from delhi. where do you play. maybe we can catch up some time to practice together.
C C Carina Jan 3, 2011 Thanks Gaurav. Happy New Year to you too. Have a great year ahead, especially table tennis!
C C claudia.belen.07 Jan 1, 2011 Thanks, for you too a happy new year. Much success in everything I'm new here, and I have some difficulties to adapt because I speak Spanish and I translate the page, jajaaj. But very good TABLETENNISDAILY. Greetings.
Thanks, for you too a happy new year. Much success in everything I'm new here, and I have some difficulties to adapt because I speak Spanish and I translate the page, jajaaj. But very good TABLETENNISDAILY. Greetings.
Dan Dec 24, 2010 Hey man Hmm have you tried tenergy 05? thisis a pre glued rubber from butterfly... I use to use sriver to and so did many other players... they say tenergy is the same as glued up sriver
Hey man Hmm have you tried tenergy 05? thisis a pre glued rubber from butterfly... I use to use sriver to and so did many other players... they say tenergy is the same as glued up sriver
wangliqin Nov 14, 2010 click and vote pls : http://www.tabletennisdaily.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?78-Do-you-know-Noshad-Alamiyan-%28from-Iran%29
click and vote pls : http://www.tabletennisdaily.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?78-Do-you-know-Noshad-Alamiyan-%28from-Iran%29