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  • Hey fella - long time no see!

    Not selling it, but you're welcome to give it a try if you like? I can send it to you. I've got my hands on some of the Zenon ZYC as well, but not tried them yet. They look like a nice option for people wanting a JM-ZLC or something like that.
    Wow - thanks mate! I'm definitely interested. I've ordered the Virtuoso Carbon, so would be great to compare them side-by-side. Keep in touch!
    Where do you get M3 for £23?
    Does Bluefire vary in quality? I am convinced that the M2 on my BH is 'faulty. There is an area on my rubber that whenever a ball hits it, the ball just falls off as if it was a wet spot. Also the rubber overall feels not as lively as the M3 side.
    Hi mate!

    Way back, I used hard, tacky FH rubbers. G666, G888, H3, etc. Relatively recently I changed (when Tenergy arrived, if I'm honest). After the BTY price hike, I must have tried every tensor going for my FH. I liked Rakza 7 Soft, but M3 was a real eye-opener to me at the time because I found that I could play pretty much any of my FH strokes and be effective - drives, brushes, anything. It was the first time that I felt I could mix my old tacky FH stokes back into my game. It was super-spinny high throw, without loads of the tensor bounciness.

    Tensors have improved again tho. I'm using Omega V Pro now, and it's amazing (if a little sensitive to spin). I would happily go back to M3 though. It's cheap (£23 a sheet), lasts a decent length of time, and effective.

    I have to agree with you - my FH is probably 100% weird. :)

    Amazing deal from TeesSport on the TBS. It's not like them to ignore the opportunity to empty your bank account. Must have been a slow day!
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