Search results

  1. Best shops to visit in Germany

    Can anyone recommend some TT stores I can go to while visiting Germany? Mainly looking for blades and shoes.
  2. Recommended BH rubbers for an inner carbon blade

    Got a new stuor inner ZLC blade for fun and testing, and I quite like it. It's fast though, and it's even faster with Mantra Pro M on the BH and Mantra Pro XH on the FH. With the FH I can do quite well honestly, though I also have a new Big Dipper sheet to try on it as a slower option that could...
  3. Reducing head-heaviness by gluing differently

    This is something I had only learned about today, even after being an equipment nerd for a good while, so I thought this might help someone else out here too. Not too long ago, someone was talking about their method of gluing rubber using thicker glues on this forum (sorry, I can't remember who...
  4. Real Stiga Dynasty Xu Xin Edition?

    A friend of mine found this blade just lying in his house, no idea where it came from. Wondering if this one is a real or a fake, given neither of us know where it was bought from.
  5. Gluing a rubber unaligned to reduce weight

    Is there any reason not to glue a sheet a couple of millimeters above the handle top, to save on some weight? I'm interested in replacing my AK47 Red with G1, but it's about 8 grams of difference which would make it too head heavy for my liking. Also, are there any other tricks you guys use to...
  6. Playing against chaotic players

    Just came back from the club, and we have a new guy. He was a basement player, and his technique is poor. However, he is very good at keeping the ball on the table, while making incredibly weird shots. It felt like playing Truls Moregard. I swear he himself doesn't understand what shot he is...
  7. Hurricane rubbers that are worth it without boosting

    I am curious about how H3 (both Neo and regular) play without boosting. Considering getting a sheet or two for testing on my FH, but I just can't bother with the whole boosting process. Are any of the H3 variations (including different hardnesses) viable for a FH without boosting, or is it just...
  8. Yinhe QC issues or unlucky sheet?

    Behold, my Yinhe Moon Speed (soft) after 2 months of playing. It is basically a 70% antispin rubber now, with all the white areas having no grip whatsoever. Even when I only got it, the left side was slightly oxidized/worn, but still grippy. A month and a half later, it looks like this. Big...
  9. Suggestions for which AliExpress rubbers to test next

    Summer break is coming, so no coaching in August unfortunately. However, this seems like a great time to test some new rubbers. Currently using Nittaku Violin with Big Dipper 39d on my FH which I really like, and Moon Speed soft on my BH which seems to be of poor quality -- oxidized to hell in...
  10. Do you apologize if your opponent misses a serve?

    Recently played against a few players who apologized when I missed a serve. Is that common? Seems excessive to me honestly.
  11. Got to try Viscaria with Tenergy 05 as a beginner

    I've been playing for just over a year now, and today I got to try a friend's new Viscaria setup. He has been playing for 10 or so months. I can see why people say it is not suitable for beginners. It felt nice on my forehand, but I didn't notice more spin compared to my Violin setup, probably...
  12. Harimoto (or Innerforce) ALC composition

    Got to play with one at my club for a few minutes and it felt great. Anyone who tested it and knows the actual composition of these blades? I've found different answers on different sites and databases. The two listed options are Limba-Limba-ALC-Ayous-ALC-Limba-Limba, and...
  13. Where to watch old tournament videos in decent quality?

    Is there an unknown YT channel or website that has footage from old competitions? I'm talking 2010-2015ish. Most, if not all, that I see on YT seems to be channels stealing each other's content, which quickly ends up looking like it was filmed in 1954 with all the video compression.
  14. Re-sealing a blade for each new sheet?

    I use Joola's sealant (2 layers per side), and was wondering if I should reapply the sealant if I plan to change rubbers? I don't want to make the blade harder, but also don't want it to chip. What do you guys do with your own blades?
  15. When is the right time to switch to tensors or hybrids?

    I've been playing table tennis for a year now, and half a year at a club. I'm an attacker on both wings. I currently use Palio Energy 05 paired with CJ8000s on both sides. I like it, but I can't help wondering what potential better rubbers hold. I was told and read over and over again that...