Search results

  1. How long protective film lasts?

    Hi! I just bought H3 NEO and protective films so how long does protective film lasts? And do I have to clean protective film?
  2. Forhand footwork

    When playing forhand should my legs be diagonally or parallel i used to stay parallel. Thanks.
  3. Using shoulders in forehand topspin?

    Hi, i train for five years and i have a bit older coach who teached me to use shoulders in my forehand topspin, but now i see others do not do that. And my swing is long when i use shoulders , so how can i fix that?
  4. How did this season 22/23 go for everyone?

    It will be excellent on youtube
  5. How did this season 22/23 go for everyone?

    Why don t you record and post matches in that leauge?
  6. Forehand rubber recommendations

    I would recommend Xiom vega pro, spinny and consistent.
  7. Butterfčy amicus start vs joola shorty

    Hi, I am going to buy the robot, my budget is 1000 euros.First i wanted joola shorty but there was no reviews. So now i wanna buy amicus start, amicus expert, prime is too expensive for me. Is amicus start good robot? Is it better than joola shorty?
  8. My loop issue

    Thanks thia was helpful
  9. My loop issue

    Hi guys, i have this issie with loop long time but now when i train more i get injuries. When i loop my wrist punch my head i cant stop it, when i try to stop the hand my loop go in the net or over the table. How can i fix that, thanks.
  10. Advices for playing versus strong backhand pusher

    Hi, tommorow I am going to play versus strong backhand pusher. He has strong backhand sidespin serve and his fat a little bit. His forhand is not bad too but he dont loop too often. I would be grateful if u would give me some advices. Thanks. My English is not good.
  11. How to take care of rubbers?

    Hi,i just buyed viscaria and tenergy 05 rubber,but how i can make them last longer,be clean .Do i need rubber cleaner?Also i want to put protect films should i put sticky or non sticky.Thanks.