Amicus Prime

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New Member
Sep 2018
I've very recently bought an Amicus Prime. Had some teething problems but things are now looking good. I searched for a Prime forum or users group. Nothing. Hoping some of you good folks might be experimenting with the tech'.
If not I'll stick around anyway if you'll have me.
Best regards
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
I hope to experiment more with it in the near future; a club member is considering buying one.

Which leads to questions. If you hook up your own controlling device, are the excercises/sequences stored on that device (so: personal profiles), or are you managing the Prime's shared repository?

There should ben an IOS Amicus app, at least: the marketing states so. Yet I haven't found the Amicus app in the App Store, have you? (I asked Butterfly but haven't had a response yet.)
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May 2019
I have been using the Amicus Prime robot for 8 months now, no idea about the iOS app though. Just been using the provided tablet (slow but sufficient for the app) to control the robot.

Robot's software had some bugs in there, for example, you can't connect to the robot unless GPS is turned on, even though it should be using on the bluetooth connection. The increase/decrease ball speed doesn't seem to work properly.

However, they are pushing new releases out of the software though, and the potential of this robot is very good. I expect all those little glitches will get fixed sooner or later.

Compare to the other robots that I have used, this one is by far the best (my other robots were paddle palace ones, $1500 or so if I remember correctly, and this one is $2200). The App interface while sucks compare to other normal apps that you would find in the app store, it's leaps and bounds ahead of any control board like device almost all other robot uses.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2015
Read 8 reviews