Suggest some new names for Adam to use in his commentary

says [IMG]
says [IMG]
Apr 2019
One thing Adam does is he tries to explain sometime why the particular name. i.e The Dictator because he dictates the game..but then you also have The Queen of hearts...what is that???. She break all the hearts on CNT? or Adam's? or is this what the CNT call her? . Anyway's I feel she should be called something because of her characteristic style. And then, the Dark Knight..What is LGY? Batman in disguise? Neither does he look like a Knight or has some dark cloud following him :). I like Xuxin's names. If he wants another name, I give him The Spider, can reach any part of the court/net :)
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Aug 2016
Nicknames I think are by & large corney and something of the past in sports. It's dated.

Most stars don't really go by nicknames. Rather an abbreviation of their initials or just calling them by their 1st name here in the states.

Anyways, "The Dictator", "The Cloud Walker". I just assumed he got them as translations from what they're referred to as in China. SMH... Probably best to just call them their names.
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Sep 2018
It's actually the other way around. People are getting to 'Klutz'-like and far too selfish unable to see things from a different perspective.
Just go and ask my romanian teammate 'bout Ceaucescu...

Well, "dictator" is just a word, and it doesn’t have to always have a negative meaning.
It is exactly what you said, it’s about different perspectives.
If I ask you teammate, I’m sure I’m going to hear bad things, as he will relate "dictator" to a specific person, and I respect that.
If I ask about "the dictator" on a TT club, I will hear good things about a great player who seems to be unstoppable.
Now, when Adam says "The Dictator", it is clear for all of us what, and who he is talking about.

Also, it seems that "Dictator" wasn’t always a "bad word":
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Actually, to minds like mine the leap from GOAT to Gröfaz isn’t all that big. Ahem.

I do understand the drive for the epic narrative. Complete with distinctive terms of endearment, colourful and evocative. Man is the storytelling animal after all.

The challenge there is not getting trapped in the coercion of the superlative. A player may eclipse another strongly. Master? Boss? On even stronger dominance, what then?

In their extreme form, the qualities we admire in the top competitors are really not all that palatable, as general role models. It’s quite easy to arrive at horrendous concepts.…
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Jun 2017
Some CNT players' nicknames used by Chinese media and endorsed by players themselves.
ML: Captain Dragon.
XX: Anaconda. LGL gave him this nickname b/c his playing style suffocates opponents.
FZD: Little fatty.
LJK: Big fatty.
LSW: Jujube. Because she was chubby.
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May 2015
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Well, "dictator" is just a word, and it doesn’t have to always have a negative meaning.
It is exactly what you said, it’s about different perspectives.
If I ask you teammate, I’m sure I’m going to hear bad things, as he will relate "dictator" to a specific person, and I respect that.
If I ask about "the dictator" on a TT club, I will hear good things about a great player who seems to be unstoppable.
Now, when Adam says "The Dictator", it is clear for all of us what, and who he is talking about.

Also, it seems that "Dictator" wasn’t always a "bad word":

Well, you might have a point there. But maybe keep in mind that meaning of words always change over time. From negative to positive and vice versa. So sometimes it´s good to keep this in mind, since negativity works very subtile.
When the Nazis took over my beautiful country at first they didn´t setup concentration camps from day one, instead they operated slowly bit for bit to find acceptance for their daily dosage of hate and then they gradually went up. This can also be found nowadays. Just look around.

And since hate and negativity work very subtile i rather have something like this in mind:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

1 <3


Actually, to minds like mine the leap from GOAT to Gröfaz isn’t all that big. Ahem.

I do understand the drive for the epic narrative. Complete with distinctive terms of endearment, colourful and evocative. Man is the storytelling animal after all.

The challenge there is not getting trapped in the coercion of the superlative. A player may eclipse another strongly. Master? Boss? On even stronger dominance, what then?

In their extreme form, the qualities we admire in the top competitors are really not all that palatable, as general role models. It’s quite easy to arrive at horrendous concepts.…

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Oh no .... why this one i do not see him ass destroyer better is
"Der Schreiendes halber Mann" ;-)
When I made the suggestion of Harimoto as "Der Zerstörer" Grim Reaper kinda destroyer, I was prepared to have the entire German speaking world go total WTF on me as there were stronger candidates out there for that moniker.

So far, only Bob has come forward.

On the other hand, Harimoto has wins over all or nearly all the WR top 10... and achieved a WR5 or better ranking... if you are bad azz enough to destroy enough to make it to WR5 or better, then you might be in the conversation for that name.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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While we enjoy Adam's enthusiastic commentary, lot of people here are tired of his worn out usage of names like "The Dictator", "Queen of Hearts" , " The Dark Knight" . Let us please help him by suggesting some new ones that make some sense.. :)

first world problems.
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May 2015
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I'm with you, Suga. Adam's grown to be a great commentator, but would do better to exit that dictatorship-glorifying rut he's in every now and then.

Thanks for understanding. It really might look overly sensitive in the eyes of some, but when one knows how subtile these things operate and how they corrupt one´s mind, then it becomes more understandable. Thanks again!
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Thanks for understanding. It really might look overly sensitive in the eyes of some, but when one knows how subtile these things operate and how they corrupt one´s mind, then it becomes more understandable. Thanks again!

Yes, oversensitive is the obvious dismissal. But I'll gladly take the accusation of oversensitivity with the Poet's words in mind:

“Master, what is it that I hear? Who are
those people so defeated by their pain?”

And he to me: “This miserable way
is taken by the sorry souls of those
who lived without disgrace and without praise.

They now commingle with the coward angels,
the company of those who were not rebels
nor faithful to their God, but stood apart.”

Somehow this has lead to the rather popular saying "the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality".

And I have come to see this as an important wisdom.
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Oct 2017
What is the opinion nowadays, is he a good commentator? If he is and wants to improve, then I am sure he will appreciate to get some feedback on the nicknames. Most games I find on youtube are shortened to only show the points anyway, then the commentary makes no sense. At times it is great to have good commentary though, and even spice it up a little by inviting a player to comment too. Unfortunately in many cases the commentary is really boring and useless though.