On the "castomized rubbers", once again.

says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
Charmander Defender wrote:
Never ever will you be able to play with the same rubber or sponge advertised on online shops ,which the pros use. They play with customized sponges, blades and I dare even say rubbers . Brands do survive thanks to the amateur world.A great number of amateurs STILL believe they can play with the exact equipment a pro uses.Brands need amateurs to believe they can play with what Zhang Rui -or whoever player comes to your mind - is presently playing .

Even the amateur anti world is so blind with reality.Pros do not use ,for example, the same SuperGlanti or if they did,they do something else to the top sheet to be slicker - I know this for a fact - .

Therefore, all the threads on what this new fancy pro or old legend is using at the moment are a waste of time imo but of course, you are entitled to ask for whatever information satisfies your curiosity.

@ charmander defender

Dear Sir,
May we shed more light on the matter of "castomized rubbers" you've mentioned prior to here.
-- To begin with, "castomized rubbers and sponges" do not exist at all. ITTF did imposed a harsh forbiddance on the use of any rubbers that are not commercially available. ref. T4 Technical Regulations.

Be happy.
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Aug 2016
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Let's say Ma Long is using the National Neo H3 40 degree blue sponge. He wants a slightly harder sponge, DHS agrees to make a blue 42 degree sponge, glues the H3 sheet on the sponge. To me that's just another National H3 rubber manufactured by DHS, just for Ma Long.

My question is, how does ITTF define "customized rubber"? How can ITTF detect whether a player's rubber is in the market or not?
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Most of us have long realized that we actually would have ABSOLUTELY NO USE
for rubbers specially made for the very top players.

Most of us know that we ARE NOT playing like Malong or FZD

Most of us (Many through bitter and expensive experimentation 😂) have also
found out that rubbers and blades of the top class variety do not make us better players.

So the whole discussion about """castrum rubbers"""" 😁 is completely futile and irrelevant.

Be happy 🤣😆😉
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Aug 2016
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Most of us have long realized that we actually would have ABSOLUTELY NO USE
for rubbers specially made for the very top players.

Most of us know that we ARE NOT playing like Malong or FZD

Most of us (Many through bitter and expensive experimentation 😂) have also
found out that rubbers and blades of the top class variety do not make us better players.

So the whole discussion about """castrum rubbers"""" 😁 is completely futile and irrelevant.

Be happy 🤣😆😉
Agree. In fact using Ma Long’s exact setup can make someone’s performance worse.

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Sep 2013
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I know so many players that have customized equipment.
both blade and rubbers.

Even Butterfly advertise its sponsored players with some using a customized ALC blade, or customized ZLC blade.
For rubbers, sponge customization has been open - even DHS has videos about how they do it for players - they even sell it on they pricelist with its customization - which is WAY different to the normal commercial version or commercial national blue sponge version.

I have used/played with sponsored players and tried they customized butterfly and other ESN rubbers. it is not the same.

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Sep 2013
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My question is, how does ITTF define "customized rubber"? How can ITTF detect whether a player's rubber is in the market or not?

according to Igor, "castomized rubbers and sponges" do not exist at all.
and that is what I'm calling rubbish.

If just 1 exist in the world, his statement that was quoted is rubbish.
DHS does make "pro" versions available in the commericial market,
but the likes of Butterfly and ESN products, these specs the sponsored players (that I can drive to within 1 hour of me right now) sure don't have them commercially available to those commericial versions.

Also depending on when this ITTF ruling came out - when did it start?
T05 Hard has been a long customized version of the Pros T05 very many years before T05 formally came out. This is a general knowledge among sponsored players.

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Are you all playing in Pro tours or ITTF approved games? Because in my country no one is giving damn the sh.., we play even if it is from a stone not a wood about the blade or from leather not rubber, it is just we don't make it as very strict rules, so i never care, if by a miracle i am having top level and to play in those pro tours then most likely i will have enough support and budget to buy legal setup, only i will worry if i will be inspected by ITTF, otherwise who cares!!!
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Active Member
Feb 2019
Charmander Defender wrote:Never ever will you be able to play with the same rubber or sponge advertised on online shops ,which the pros use. They play with customized sponges, blades and I dare even say rubbers . Brands do survive thanks to the amateur world.A great number of amateurs STILL believe they can play with the exact equipment a pro uses.Brands need amateurs to believe they can play with what Zhang Rui -or whoever player comes to your mind - is presently playing .Even the amateur anti world is so blind with reality.Pros do not use ,for example, the same SuperGlanti or if they did,they do something else to the top sheet to be slicker - I know this for a fact - .Therefore, all the threads on what this new fancy pro or old legend is using at the moment are a waste of time imo but of course, you are entitled to ask for whatever information satisfies your curiosity.@ charmander defenderDear Sir,May we shed more light on the matter of "castomized rubbers" you've mentioned prior to here.-- To begin with, "castomized rubbers and sponges" do not exist at all. ITTF did imposed a harsh forbiddance on the use of any rubbers that are not commercially available. ref. T4 Technical Regulations.Be happy.

Not very elegant to post here, the posted on other forum, more when the original poster isn't a member here!!!!

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Are you all playing in Pro tours or ITTF approved games? Because in my country no one is giving damn the sh.., we play even if it is from a stone not a wood about the blade or from leather not rubber, it is just we don't make it as very strict rules, so i never care, if by a miracle i am having top level and to play in those pro tours then most likely i will have enough support and budget to buy legal setup, only i will worry if i will be inspected by ITTF, otherwise who cares!!!

In most amateur circles, rules is just for those umpire wanna bees.

I don't know why, but TT umpires loves to follow rules and enforce them.
Not saying following rules is wrong, but if you can't play table tennis, what is the use of having full on knowledge of the rules?
what comes first - the chicken or the egg. or rather does players come first, or umpires with rules?

When I see ruler enforcer agents about wrong serve, wrong clothes, wrong this and that....
I want to go up and ask the same rule enforcer about the incorrect lighting, incorrect humidity/temperature control, incorrect flooring, table no longer ITTF approved etc... and with all that, the tournament needs to stop functioning?
Trust me, there is a lot of things I can pick out in amateur level tournaments - why? because its amateur for amateurs, and many things should be/are relaxed.

I still remember there was one incident that the below short was deemed illegal. First they say logos too big (I checked and measured and was less than 50% of the full coverage), then they say too much white....but while they was saying that, the table next to a control table had a rural girl playing in on sports clothes/shoe. She was wearing a white t-shirt....and the club president (of which the shirt belonged to) was like- are you serious, you banning this, but allowing a full white to play? Later on, the shirt was all of a sudden now legal to play and have been since that funny rule enforcing incidents

So guys like to enforce rules - choose your audience correctly and don't be stupid. Common sense should be applied first, then the ITTF handbook

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In most amateur circles, rules is just for those umpire wanna bees.

I don't know why, but TT umpires loves to follow rules and enforce them.
Not saying following rules is wrong, but if you can't play table tennis, what is the use of having full on knowledge of the rules?
what comes first - the chicken or the egg. or rather does players come first, or umpires with rules?

When I see ruler enforcer agents about wrong serve, wrong clothes, wrong this and that....
I want to go up and ask the same rule enforcer about the incorrect lighting, incorrect humidity/temperature control, incorrect flooring, table no longer ITTF approved etc... and with all that, the tournament needs to stop functioning?
Trust me, there is a lot of things I can pick out in amateur level tournaments - why? because its amateur for amateurs, and many things should be/are relaxed.

I still remember there was one incident that the below short was deemed illegal. First they say logos too big (I checked and measured and was less than 50% of the full coverage), then they say too much white....but while they was saying that, the table next to a control table had a rural girl playing in on sports clothes/shoe. She was wearing a white t-shirt....and the club president (of which the shirt belonged to) was like- are you serious, you banning this, but allowing a full white to play? Later on, the shirt was all of a sudden now legal to play and have been since that funny rule enforcing incidents

So guys like to enforce rules - choose your audience correctly and don't be stupid. Common sense should be applied first, then the ITTF handbook

That is why i stopped watching many sports in general and only watch very often including TT, seeing that much rules is killing no matter how good intention and management they are talking about, that is why i also miss the past, in the past not much rules so you don't see many dominates, now with rules in table tennis one nation dominates, even in Tennis with new rules now we see like 3 players dominated for long time, the made the ball heavier and the courts slower and whatever else, even in football, so in TT with umpires i feel like if they didn't interfere then i will watch.

I attended some games of TT in my country played by clubs players as part of the national or local league, i really didn't see umpires care much about rules here, serve or anything else, they don't care much about clothes unless it is a uniform, they don't care about lighting, they don't care about tables too, but they care about COVID test now or how many players or if registered or not or if the coach is there or not, they even don't care much about the rackets and balls quality or checking up, most likely they just try to show up and finish the games as soon as possible and leave.

says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Maybe the problems comes from all the affiliations.
The local clubs here are affiliated to the provincial club
The provincial club is affiliated to the National club
The national club is affiliated to the ITTF

and of course everybody wants a slice of the money that is the small club's membership fees.

At which level are the rules supposed to be enforced ?
At which level does the ping pong play stop and the real Table Tennis begin ?

Because nobody can answer, this might well be the reason of all the confusions and irregularities.
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Maybe the problems comes from all the affiliations.
The local clubs here are affiliated to the provincial club
The provincial club is affiliated to the National club
The national club is affiliated to the ITTF

and of course everybody wants a slice of the money that is the small club's membership fees.

At which level are the rules supposed to be enforced ?
At which level does the ping pong play stop and the real Table Tennis begin ?

Because nobody can answer, this might well be the reason of all the confusions and irregularities.

I believe one day things might be changed, i hope to the better and not to the worse, or at least some rules should be removed or at least being changed to make it more excited, i accept the change if it is for better, if not then i prefer not changing so we don't see the worse.

I a club i go often to play they placed/announced few rules for the members, it is only related to the club members as they call it the academy rented in the club, members don't follow the rules and they keep enjoying the games and keep coming, if i have to follow the rules then i must stop going to that club because non are following and i am the only one following, so i don't know if the rules are good actually or not, it is good for some but not for all, or we can say that many members take those rules to their advantages, and if someone complain then they just stop playing or coming as if like they are saying "Let those rules help you now then".

Out TT federation here is like enforcing some rules while ignoring others, and it is kind of benefiting from one side but damaging from another, they ban clubs from participating in the tours locally if they don't have enough players to play or even enforce fines/penalties upon them, and while so many clubs stopped or terminated from joining TT competitions it made the level in general in the country bad, and it has been like that for years, so i feel like they just care about media and announcements more than achievements.

Let's go back to topic using this posts, TTF in my country don't put any efforts to provide good equipment and playground to improve, the country is reach so players or coaches can buy whatever and change regularly, but other clubs can't, and sounds they are most likely focusing on two or three brands only, BTY is dominating the brands followed by Stiga i believe, i didn't see anything as customizing here because no one cares to go that route, just buy online or from coaches or store available and done, and if members out of those clubs bring something they also don't ask if illegal, i am thinking about customizing rubbers or blades at some point, but i am not in a level or stage of my life where i have to be dedicated for TT only and alone, i have another hobbies or passions i need to spend for or practice, so for now i will just go with whatever i can find online ready, ah yes, i am using a booster, is that legal or not? 😁😂

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In most amateur circles, rules is just for those umpire wanna bees.

I don't know why, but TT umpires loves to follow rules and enforce them.
Not saying following rules is wrong, but if you can't play table tennis, what is the use of having full on knowledge of the rules?
what comes first - the chicken or the egg. or rather does players come first, or umpires with rules?

When I see ruler enforcer agents about wrong serve, wrong clothes, wrong this and that....
I want to go up and ask the same rule enforcer about the incorrect lighting, incorrect humidity/temperature control, incorrect flooring, table no longer ITTF approved etc... and with all that, the tournament needs to stop functioning?
Trust me, there is a lot of things I can pick out in amateur level tournaments - why? because its amateur for amateurs, and many things should be/are relaxed.

I still remember there was one incident that the below short was deemed illegal. First they say logos too big (I checked and measured and was less than 50% of the full coverage), then they say too much white....but while they was saying that, the table next to a control table had a rural girl playing in on sports clothes/shoe. She was wearing a white t-shirt....and the club president (of which the shirt belonged to) was like- are you serious, you banning this, but allowing a full white to play? Later on, the shirt was all of a sudden now legal to play and have been since that funny rule enforcing incidents

So guys like to enforce rules - choose your audience correctly and don't be stupid. Common sense should be applied first, then the ITTF handbook

Where can I find a “Tony’s Table Tennis” T-shirt? Or must I pass a test to be worthy😁

says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020

In most amateur circles, rules is just for those umpire wanna bees.

I don't know why, but TT umpires loves to follow rules and enforce them.
Not saying following rules is wrong, but if you can't play table tennis, what is the use of having full on knowledge of the rules?
what comes first - the chicken or the egg. or rather does players come first, or umpires with rules?

When I see ruler enforcer agents about wrong serve, wrong clothes, wrong this and that....
I want to go up and ask the same rule enforcer about the incorrect lighting, incorrect humidity/temperature control, incorrect flooring, table no longer ITTF approved etc... and with all that, the tournament needs to stop functioning?
Trust me, there is a lot of things I can pick out in amateur level tournaments - why? because its amateur for amateurs, and many things should be/are relaxed.

I still remember there was one incident that the below short was deemed illegal. First they say logos too big (I checked and measured and was less than 50% of the full coverage), then they say too much white....but while they was saying that, the table next to a control table had a rural girl playing in on sports clothes/shoe. She was wearing a white t-shirt....and the club president (of which the shirt belonged to) was like- are you serious, you banning this, but allowing a full white to play? Later on, the shirt was all of a sudden now legal to play and have been since that funny rule enforcing incidents

So guys like to enforce rules - choose your audience correctly and don't be stupid. Common sense should be applied first, then the ITTF handbook

Rules have been established to take into account the fact that Common sense is like a rubber sheet that everybody can pull into any direction they want.......put of cause preferably into their own corner 😁

As an example: Russia: " NO ! this is not a war it is just a military intervention."
Now that is common sense, right ??????

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says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
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Mar 2021
Rule should be enforce if it gives unfair advantage: Like not tossing of balls or hiding serves with arm / body / head. This is my pet peeves. I mean receiving serve is difficult enough for us amateur players ( noobs ). We don't need our opponent to make it super difficult. I mean, what is the fun when each point is won on serve and serve alone. I am sure spectators will be also bored to death...
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