
  1. Needed dimensions for home table with robot

    Here in the US, and most places worldwide, Covid 19 is the single most item on everyone's mind. In Florida, all gyms and rec areas are closed leaving no place to play TT other than in homes. With the anticipation being the virus effect could last into the summer, I'm considering buying a table...
  2. Butterfly Centerfold 25 Vs Stiga Premium Compact, which one is a better table?

    Hi All: I’m currently considering a table for my home and I want to buy a table with the best build quality that can last for years with great bounce and spin and I have narrowed down my choice between the Butterfly Centerfold 25 vs Stiga Premium Compact. I have played quite a bit of the...
  3. Table - Indoor or Outdoor

    I'm interested in buying a new table, but i don't know if I buy an indoor or an outdoor one, because the place it will be set up has a roof, but is still exposed to wind and humidity, although it doesn't get hit with direct sunlight. The one i have is a cheap no brand one that has around 15...
  4. LAST TO MISS WINS £1000 | Table Tennis Challenge

    And we’re back! Another £1000 challenge but this time someone is guaranteed to win! The rules are simple. The last team to miss wins £1000. The pressure is really on! Who will win and walk away with the cash? And will anyone beat me and my dads world record of 8 hours and 40 minutes?! Let’s...
  5. Let's play Virtual Table Tennis during the outbreak

    Due to no table tennis activities and with many clubs shutting around the world, lets create the longest rally. I'll start... Short backhand serve to the backhand Stay healthy everyone
  6. Li-Ning Tables

    Hello, Has anyone tried playing on Li-Ning’s competition tables (25mm)? If you were able to, would you mind sharing your experience? I’m planning on buying a table for my basement and my eyes are on the Li-Ning LNX P2000. According to their website it’s ITTF approved as well. Link...
  7. New Stiga table for office

    Looks expensive
  8. Who is this table tennis player?

    Who is this table tennis player?
  9. Need net to fit 3" table ($1000 USD table)

    Hello all, I built a $1000 USD ping pong table. It's 3" thick (7.623 cm). I can't find a net that will fit. Any suggestions? The table is 3" thick so I need a net that will accept a 4" table. (See pictures).
  10. World Table Tennis

    looks like there are going to be a lot of changes for TT competitions next year WTF ??? Does that mean no more ITTF World Tour next year ? and thats replacing it ? does any one understand WTF is going on ?
  11. Table Tennis Clubs/Stores in Kobe, Japan

    Dear all, I'm visiting Kobe on a student visa this April (staying until August). There is a club at Kobe University, but I am interested if anyone has any recommendations on clubs and stores in the Kobe area. Looking forward to your replies. Cheers :D
  12. 5 Most Effective Strategies To Win At Table Tennis!

    Hey guys! In this video we show you 5 effective match winning strategies that will help you improve your game and results. We demonstrate and explain how to implement these strategies as well as showing real life match examples of them in action. What match strategies do you use to win points?
  13. Table Tennis Racket Advice

    Hi, I'm a fairly competitive player, having played for about 12 years. After a recent 1 year break, I decided to get back into the game. As I had coaches who helped me choose my rubbers and blade before, I can say that I'm fairly clueless about how to start off choosing my own bat. I usually...
  14. Testing Simon Gauzy's Table Tennis Bat!

    Hey guys, so I recently I travelled to Ochsenhausen in Germany to meet up with Simon Gauzy and take a look at the equipment he is currently using. Simon is a formidable player who has highest world ranking of 8 and notably defeated Xu Xin at the last World Championships. Simon uses the new...
  15. Expectation vs Reality | Table Tennis Edition

    Expectations vs Reality... When you challenge your table tennis hero Timo Boll... If you could take on one player who would it be and why...
  16. Saying Table Tennis 100,000 Times

    So today I took on a challenge to say Table Tennis 100,000 times! Not to sure what I was thinking :D It means a lot hitting the 100,000 subscriber milestone, thanks so much for all your support to TableTennisDaily over the years. Let us know your favourite TableTennisDaily moment!
  17. Table Tennis Shops UK

    Hi, I am trying to find somewhere where I can go and try out different blades and rubber combinations. I have always bought my equipment online so I stick with what I know. I am based in the South (Oxfordshire) Does anybody know of any shops I can visit or any tournaments where their might be...
  18. No Arms Table Tennis Player Ibrahim Hamato vs TableTennisDaily’s Dan!

    Recently we traveled to Egypt to meet Paralympic superstar Ibrahim Hamato. Ibrahim is famous for playing table tennis with just his mouth after losing his arms in a train accident when he was a child. In this video I got to experience Ibrahim’s skills myself. He really is incredible! Check it out!
  19. 3 Steps To Master The Around The Net Shot | Table Tennis

    Hey guys, in this video we go over 3 tips that help you learn and master the around the net shot. This shot is something we see pro players pull off fairly often, although it can be challenging it's very satisfying and enjoyable when you can pull it off! In this video we show you how to perform...
  20. Stress in table tennis during the game

    Hello, some time ago I wrote a topic about table tennis and stress that occurs in the game and how to deal with it. The topic is in Polish ... o-pokonac/ In short, very similar methods as in fencing, for example, humming melody during a fight or even...