Ask Kristian Karlsson a question!

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Dec 2013
Read 6 reviews
You are stiga sponsored, so do you choose to play with stiga rubbers or do you really have no choice, i mean that stiga doesn´t let you play with for example butterfly?
I dont think there is any restriction...imo Ma Long is DHS sponsored...but he uses T05 on BH. Similarly ZJK having a butterfly sponsor uses DHS H3N on FH...neways Kristian can provide a better answer.
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May 2014
Hello Kristian! What kind of racket can you recommend for newbie players like me whose style of play is all around (offensive/defensive). Can you sight some brand or specification of the rubber and blade? Thanks in advance.
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I dont think there is any restriction...imo Ma Long is DHS sponsored...but he uses T05 on BH. Similarly ZJK having a butterfly sponsor uses DHS H3N on FH...neways Kristian can provide a better answer.

Chinese players always get DHS Hurricane or Skyline for forehand and some Tenergy on the backhand. But they do use blades of their sponsor. Ma Long uses a custom made DHS blade. Zhang Jike uses a custom made Viscaria. And Xu Xin uses a Intensity NCT. However, Fan Zhendong is using a Viscaria with Infinity handle.
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Feb 2013
Kristian do you use a normal clipper wood blade, clipper cr or clipper cc?

Anyone else maybe know?
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Mar 2012
Read 20 reviews
Kristian Karlsson said:
Congratulation with your second Swedish championship :)
I saw on the video that your countryman Jens Lundquist is playing with the new Carbonado 145. Have you also change your equipment or are you firm with your current setup with the plastic ball?
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Feb 2014
hey Kristian, I saw two matches of you against Ma Long and Xu Xin. You are playing a lot against european players too and you perform very well. What do you think is the biggest difference between chinese players in the super league and european players like you? We have to think about that people who never appear in international tournaments beet Ovtcharov and Timo Boll, what do you think about this?

Thanks man youre very kind ;)

Well I think at the current state of table tennis it's really difficult to compare the rest of the world with China, just because that as you pointed out there are players who will never compete internationally and yet beats the rest of the worlds greatest players. So i tend not to think about that fact too much since that's just depressing :)
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Feb 2014
Hey Kristian, do you pros tune your rubbers?
If you do what tuner do you use.

Good Luck!

Well tuning is illegal but since the machines the ITTF is currently using is unable to detect this makes every pro player use tuning since if you don't you go at a disadvantage towards the other players. I use STIGA's tuner. Take care!
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Feb 2014
Hi Kristian, I know every opponent is different... but as a fellow lefty, what would you say is your most effective serve to a left hander and a right hander at key times in games...?

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When it comes to left handers and a tight spot i'd suggest a no spin / downspin service straight short in their forehand As for the right handers a long service in their backhand and then step out one step from the table and just crush them with the next shot !
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Feb 2014
Hello Kristian, it's so nice to have you here.
I really like your style. How did you develop it? I mean you decided and developed the style yourself or you had a coach who did that? Or you mimic the style from an idol? I'm curious since your game doesn't look like other Europeans' game...
Do you have any significant weaknesses in your game? Or some specific areas of your game that you are working on to improve?

Glad that you enjoy my style! I think it's mostly selfdeveloped, well ofcourse every coach i've had has taken his or her part in it but i've never sat down with a coach and trying to figure out what kind of playstyle i'd like to have. Im still working on my forehand recives which i think is my biggest weakness in the current state !
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Feb 2014
Hi Kristan!

Welcome to the Forum. I saw ur performance against Samsonov last week. It looked like he had no chance. Youve got a very nice Backhand!

I was just Curious about what rubbers you are using at the moment. I believe you are using A Clipper CR with Calibra LT on both sides. Is that right?

You are completely correct about my setup dear friend! Thanks for the support!
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Feb 2014
You are stiga sponsored, so do you choose to play with stiga rubbers or do you really have no choice, i mean that stiga doesn´t let you play with for example butterfly?

It's in my contract that i have to use STIGA's rubber and blade, And i'd have it no other way. I feel really comfortable with my current materials!
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Feb 2014
Hello Kristian! What kind of racket can you recommend for newbie players like me whose style of play is all around (offensive/defensive). Can you sight some brand or specification of the rubber and blade? Thanks in advance.

Hmm difficult question, just give something a go and don't focus too much on the blades and rubbers, just enjoy the game and try too improve, the blades and rackets will become more importanly when you feel safe with your game
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Feb 2014
Congratulation with your second Swedish championship :)
I saw on the video that your countryman Jens Lundquist is playing with the new Carbonado 145. Have you also change your equipment or are you firm with your current setup with the plastic ball?

Thanks alot! Yes indeed he is, me on the otherhand is still running the CLipper CR and Calibra LT for my setup! Take care!
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Feb 2014
congratulations kristian to a great performance and to become swedish champion for 2nd time. i see you have stiga as equipment sponsor, have you never tried tenergy rubber? if you have tried it what was you opinion about it?

Thanks alot! I've tried tenergy for a week about a,5 years ago. I felt that it was stronger in some balls (rally points and receives) but Calibra worked better on downspin and services. Thanks for the support!!
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