Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

says Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦
No apologies, I just don't think to hard about equipment, I like wasting money on it and having an opinion on it, but I know that most of the playing level I want to get to is based on skills so equipment is usually an experiment in curiosity. I just have never really enjoyed playing with different rubbers on both sides, though I have considered doing it and twiddling. Most of my technique is an attempt to make my forehand play like my backhand. I first used tacky rubber seriously on my backhand with Big Dipper in 2014/2015 or so and it was the first time I could play with the plastic ball. I later went back regular grippy rubbers (with T05H and Fastarc C1 and D09c as the one tacky rubber I tried) when the balls became more reliable but then I took a long pause from the game because of lots of things (marriage, kids, injuries etc.) then I came back and I realized that everything I used was too slow to beat certain players. But when I tried faster stuff, I realized I needed something sticky again and then I tried Golden Tango and tried to use the softer version on the backhand, but I preferred the harder version on both sides (even my practice partner said that my ball was higher quality with the harder version). So since then, I have just stuck with the sticky stuff even though I had brief stint with Dignics 05. But for the level I currently play, I can make sticky stuff work for sure. This was me with Golden Tango. It is pretty much how my game looks with Hurricane.

i like sticky for backhand too, don’t see the problems with that, like at all. But I was starting like that. For people who used to springiness - it’s very uncomfortable for some reason. But I can see only advantages - control, spin, I got the power and speed when I need to, even without much springiness
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Oct 2014
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I li

i like sticky for backhand too, don’t see the problems with that, like at all. But I was starting like that. For people who used to springiness - it’s very uncomfortable for some reason. But I can see only advantages - control, spin, I got the power and speed when I need to, even without much springiness
I think it is also because you and I largely hold the table, when you go further back, the ability to get good fast power with short stroke especially if you play flat is more difficult, someone like Quadri could never use sticky on his backhand, he likes to punch and block on backhand a lot and plays a lot of fishing defence. So if you are playing at a high level with hitting and blocking as a part of your game, sticky ruins that and few have the patience or ability to change.
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says Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦
I think it is also because you and I largely hold the table, when you go further back, the ability to get good fast power with short stroke especially if you play flat is more difficult, someone like Quadri could never use sticky on his backhand, he likes to punch and block on backhand a lot and plays a lot of fishing defence. So if you are playing at a high level with hitting and blocking as a part of your game, sticky ruins that and few have the patience or ability to change.
Yeah, stickiness and flat table tennis are the opposite things. I guess, if some one is get to some kind of high level with mostly blocks and flat hits, there is no point for them to adapting new spin oriented strategies to their game - it’s just take too much time and practise.
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Jan 2023
Kumar vs Santiago Lorenzo (ARG) in the first men's KO final for one of the spots in the Olympics!

This streaming service is a real pain though and most of the matches that go the distance are cutting off early among other problems. Still worth the $15 though I guess if you want to see (some of) the matches live.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Kumar vs Santiago Lorenzo (ARG) in the first men's KO final for one of the spots in the Olympics!

This streaming service is a real pain though and most of the matches that go the distance are cutting off early among other problems. Still worth the $15 though I guess if you want to see (some of) the matches live.
where is the link??
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Oct 2014
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Yeah, stickiness and flat table tennis are the opposite things. I guess, if some one is get to some kind of high level with mostly blocks and flat hits, there is no point for them to adapting new spin oriented strategies to their game - it’s just take too much time and practise.
Not really, some people like the diversity - I used to try to spin everything, but even with Hurricane, I am doing more flat hits now because the speed and variation can affect some players more than spin.
says Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦
I me
Not really, some people like the diversity - I used to try to spin everything, but even with Hurricane, I am doing more flat hits now because the speed and variation can affect some players more than spin.
I mean, for flat hitting dominating style there are better options, than sticky rubbers. But you definitely can play flat and diverse with them if you want, and actually you should do it - if you feeling that it making your opponent uncomfortable and leads you to win. For example many long pips players are starting to lose their advantages if you mixing feeding them spiny with flat balls - you get balls that are easier to attack.
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Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
Kind of ridiculous right that it was closed? !!!
there was 1 cry baby about conspiracy and many other people took on the purpose of the thread and answered (including from many users that I had not even known have existed).
From what limited data I collected on TTD, and from what I saw from initial thread created by a Malaysian. It is only Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and users of H branded phones that has this issue. I was shocked to learn of Malaysia and Singapore. I guess I am lucky to have our own uncle Gozo to confirm he is also affected, so that is evideance I am on something and not just fabricating stories. Even emoji's wikipedia has such content (with its link removed from TTD). I am worried how TTD acts to be honest, who would have thought emoji links are bannable?

We don't need conspiracy on China's treatment over Taiwan, or its sending of dozens to hundreds of war planes flying into war provoking territory on a daily bases for the past 10 years. Just like Russia's initial claim of "special operation and not war" on Ukraine. Things we may not talk about, but we know who is provoking and who is bullying and who is the aggressor.

Since we don't need conspiracy theory on Taiwan, as I would assume most people knows what is going on, I did not bother talking about mis-treatment until replying to the cry baby. But if it is a table tennis forum, sure, table tennis then.....

table tennis questions:
Why WTT don't have Chinese Taipei flags in some venues? or don't have it for medal ceremony purposes?
Did Chinese Taipei not pay its bills or entry fees, so can't get the same treatment as other teams in that venue?
If Chinese Taipei - a top nation in this sport gets this kind of treatment - are the smaller nations getting worse treatments? (from my experience - these small nations don't get to warm up on center court tables.... so second class citizens maybe? I believe all should be fair and affordable ratio wise equal oppurtunitues)

I have witness myself at a world junior championships, so I am not talking about some feeder or mickey mouse competition somewhere in relating to the flag issue during ceremony. I was sitting next to the head of the TPE contingent when ITTF came to ask if the team has a flag for them to borrow.... I translated the dialogue between event staff and TPE team. That was the first incident where I felt a big wow and disappointment by a world sporting body at a championships.
I later heard from the other coaches, it happens very often and they are used to it. So they bring they own flags and will just be mum on many other matters.

Why do they prepare for all nations but not "one special region" or "one rebel province of China that has the rights to take part as Chinese Taipei"? Surely, if you allow the partipation, fairness should prevail?
Well, since Taiwanese has a view that sport people don't get into politics, and have never complained, Taiwanese athletes has taken all these mis-treatment as "unfortunate". That is Taiwanese people kindness, but I have to say, it is not weakness as they choose to close an eye and live with peace as if they are "too voicy", then "you know who" might not allow sport people to participate or maybe it will trigger more airplanes flying in Taiwanese airspace. There is litterially a gun pointing in the head

But the moment some venue (including China's diplomatic allies), put on the national flag of Taiwan, then within an hour or two, an official complaint from CTTA will come and have the flag removed. Events where CTTA isn't present, you would see the flag hanging throughout (probably happens 1 or 2 times a year), so I have sene BOTH sides. This is probably a local organizing committee issue, but its all under ITTF/WTT watch and they allowed both flags "problem" to surface - clearly administration/operation issue somewhere and one side complains, the TPE side don't complain.

Back to the picture shared in the thread, why when Chinese Taipei has winners, WTT choose to remove any representation - including that of Chinese Taipei flag or wording on its social media? its okay to put Hong Kong?
So we have a bunch of kids (of which, all but one, I know in person) are on as unrepresented sport stars?
I did not talk on any of the above with flag and table tennis, as I know it is senestive and would lead to conspiracy. Hence I said, it is not a political post.

Now back to what I wanted to ask - how many countries phones has been infiltrated with the removal of one flag.
To me, it is not about choosing sides, you can choose to reject the position of Taiwan and its flag (that is another subject), but do you accept that your phone has been, somewhat, tampered with, without your approval?
I wanted to see how crazy the flag removal has been penatrated.

blahblah believes it just some bug. Yeah, how convenient is that, just like that Putin guy calls it special operation and many probably believes in that still today.
for the sake of political correctness, sure, its some bug.

You would assume, in Taiwan's position today to accept themselves in the sporty world as Chinese Taipei, it will at least still be treated fairly, including its high position in this sport. Well, maybe some other sports, it will be more respected.... not table tennis for sure.
But that is not my agenda today even typing such long post. I have lived with it for many years and what I can do is, at least is promote the good of Taiwanese table tennis for the world to see, since its development structure in the young age (elemantory school) is one of the best in the world.

Yesturday I had coffee with a former national team coach, and we were chatting on the actual playing population.
Taiwan has around 100k births a year.
so give and take, a 5 year period, there is around 600k kids.
During a tournament, U11, U12, U13, U15, there was 6000 entries (one kid allowed one entry only), and we will guestimating the amount that didn't enter, which we conclude to easily that of 5 folds or more.
so say 40000 kids playing table tennis in a school team (sport team or social team within the school), of between U11 to U15 ages (5 year period), that is 8% of the actual population.
Now I wonder who can beat that?
We do believe it could easily be 100k kids, thus making it 16.6%.

Taiwan and table tenins is great and can be pioneers for many countries to follow. (It also has problems, like no professional league - the only TOP COUNTRY in the world to not have such a league - how shocking right?? well, I can leave that to some other day).
Mistreatment - sadly it is there, but the actual victims (team members) has accepted it as fate and not going to fight about it any time soon.
Me, very simple check and question, with my so called friends on TTD - thank you for contributing and it seems most of the world is not affected by the emjoy flag bug that is now officially deemed too sensitive of a question to ask on TTD.
I did have a feeling I was on a Chinese forum. I hope one day, we don't have further crackdown on European hosted table tennis forums. good luck to all.
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says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
... I am lucky to have our own uncle Gozo to confirm he is also affected....
Hi nephew,

You are a good boy, next Chinese New Year Uncle Gozo give you hong-pao ( chinese lucky red envelope containing cash ).
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there was 1 cry baby about conspiracy and many other people took on the purpose of the thread and answered (including from many users that I had not even known have existed).
From what limited data I collected on TTD, and from what I saw from initial thread created by a Malaysian. It is only Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and users of H branded phones that has this issue. I was shocked to learn of Malaysia and Singapore. I guess I am lucky to have our own uncle Gozo to confirm he is also affected, so that is evideance I am on something and not just fabricating stories. Even emoji's wikipedia has such content (with its link removed from TTD). I am worried how TTD acts to be honest, who would have thought emoji links are bannable?

We don't need conspiracy on China's treatment over Taiwan, or its sending of dozens to hundreds of war planes flying into war provoking territory on a daily bases for the past 10 years. Just like Russia's initial claim of "special operation and not war" on Ukraine. Things we may not talk about, but we know who is provoking and who is bullying and who is the aggressor.

Since we don't need conspiracy theory on Taiwan, as I would assume most people knows what is going on, I did not bother talking about mis-treatment until replying to the cry baby. But if it is a table tennis forum, sure, table tennis then.....

table tennis questions:
Why WTT don't have Chinese Taipei flags in some venues? or don't have it for medal ceremony purposes?
Did Chinese Taipei not pay its bills or entry fees, so can't get the same treatment as other teams in that venue?
If Chinese Taipei - a top nation in this sport gets this kind of treatment - are the smaller nations getting worse treatments? (from my experience - these small nations don't get to warm up on center court tables.... so second class citizens maybe? I believe all should be fair and affordable ratio wise equal oppurtunitues)

I have witness myself at a world junior championships, so I am not talking about some feeder or mickey mouse competition somewhere in relating to the flag issue during ceremony. I was sitting next to the head of the TPE contingent when ITTF came to ask if the team has a flag for them to borrow.... I translated the dialogue between event staff and TPE team. That was the first incident where I felt a big wow and disappointment by a world sporting body at a championships.
I later heard from the other coaches, it happens very often and they are used to it. So they bring they own flags and will just be mum on many other matters.

Why do they prepare for all nations but not "one special region" or "one rebel province of China that has the rights to take part as Chinese Taipei"? Surely, if you allow the partipation, fairness should prevail?
Well, since Taiwanese view sport people don't get into politics, and have never complained, Taiwanese athletes has taken all these mis-treatment as "unfortunate". That is Taiwanese people kindness, but I have to say, it is not weakness as they choose to close an eye and live with peace as if they are "too voicy", then "you know who" might not allow sport people to participate or maybe it will trigger more airplanes flying in Taiwanese airspace.

But the moment some venue (including China's diplomatic allies), put on the national flag of Taiwan, then within an hour or two, an official complaint from CTTA will come and have the flag removed. Events where CTTA isn't present, you would see the flag hanging throughout (probably happens 1 or 2 times a year), so I have sene BOTH sides. This is probably a local organizing committee issue, but its all under ITTF/WTT watch and they allowed both flags "problem" to surface - clearly administration/operation issue somewhere and one side complains, the TPE side don't complain.

Back to the picture shared in the thread, why when Chinese Taipei has winners, WTT choose to remove any representation - including that of Chinese Taipei flag or wording on its social media? its okay to put Hong Kong?
So we have a bunch of kids (of which, all but one, I know in person) are on as unrepresented sport stars?
I did not talk on any of the above with flag and table tennis, as I know it is senestive and would lead to conspiracy. Hence I said, it is not a political post.

Now back to what I wanted to ask - how many countries phones has been infiltrated with the removal of one flag.
To me, it is not about choosing sides, you can choose to reject the position of Taiwan and its flag (that is another subject), but do you accept that your phone has been, somewhat, tampered with, without your approval?
I wanted to see how crazy the flag removal has been penatrated.

blahblah believes it just some bug. Yeah, how convenient is that, just like that Putin guy calls it special operation and many probably believes in that still today.
for the sake of political correctness, sure, its some bug.

You would assume, in Taiwan's position today to accept themselves in the sporty world as Chinese Taipei, it will at least still be treated fairly, including its high position in this sport. Well, maybe some other sports, it will be more respected.... not table tennis for sure.
But that is not my agenda today even typing such long post. I have lived with it for many years and what I can do is, at least is promote the good of Taiwanese table tennis for the world to see, since its development structure in the young age (elemantory school) is one of the best in the world.

Yesturday I had coffee with a former national team coach, and we were chatting on the actual playing population.
Taiwan has around 100k births a year.
so give and take, a 5 year period, there is around 600k kids.
During a tournament, U11, U12, U13, U15, there was 6000 entries (one kid allowed one entry only), and we will guestimating the amount that didn't enter, which we conclude to easily that of 5 folds or more.
so say 40000 kids playing table tennis in a school team (sport team or social team within the school), of between U11 to U15 ages (5 year period), that is 8% of the actual population.
Now I wonder who can beat that?
We do believe it could easily be 100k kids, thus making it 16.6%.

Taiwan and table tenins is great and can be pioneers for many countries to follow.
Mistreatment - sadly it is there, but the actual victims (team members) has accepted it as fate.
Me, very simple check and question, with my so called friends on TTD - thank you for contributing that it seems most of the world is not affected by the emjoy flag bug that is now official deemed too sensitive of a question to ask on TTD.
I have one day, we don't have further crackdown on European hosted table tennis forums. good luck to all
Tony clearly have a pro West and anti China agenda here and the majority of his posts are all political agenda posts. It's like the guy who likes to say I'm not racist but then goes on to spew a whole load of actual racist statements..

If Tony is allowed to post stuff like that, I can also post about NSA actual spying on everyone's phones (which is well proven and way way worse than any accidental flag removal stuff), and how US weapons and military are currently supporting the continued oppression and killing of the Gazan ppl (actual ppl getting killed, not some fake "threats"). Tony probably is selectively blind to all these obviously. Or is this deemed too sensitive since the mods deleted all of it?

At least just be consistent about it.
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Sep 2013
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Tony clearly have a pro West and anti China agenda here and the majority of his posts are all political agenda posts. It's like the guy who likes to say I'm not racist but then goes on to spew a whole load of actual racist statements..
how does anti wtt becomes anti china?
you are just becoming more ridiculous now.

if anti wtt is anti china, then you are pro china? lol (judging by your hours spent on studying chinese tt videos and rebroadcasting them as your tt knowledge here, I am not surprised)
your blah blah is getting more and more blah

wtt comes on and takes over for 15 years, and so many countries/players has asked questions and spoken out, and these are all anti china?

your pro china stance is really affecting your thought process. wtt effects everyone here and there has been a lot of complaint from TTD. maybe numbed, but there are still many that are anti wtt to some extent.

and since when I am a pro west??? utter blahness and ridiculous indeed
you spending too much time on chinese tt videos, but without them, how can you be an expert on ttd? well. to my memory, I have yet to see a video of you, so this theory was passed down from another member to me, and I somewhat agree more and more to it.
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how does anti wtt becomes anti china?
you are just becoming more ridiculous now.

if anti wtt is anti china, then you are pro china? lol (judging by your hours spent on studying chinese tt videos and rebroadcasting them as your tt knowledge here, I am not surprised)
your blah blah is getting more and more blah

wtt comes on and takes over for 15 years, and so many countries/players has asked questions and spoken out, and these are all anti china?

your pro china stance is really affecting your thought process. wtt effects everyone here and there has been a lot of complaint from TTD. maybe numbed, but there are still many that are anti wtt to some extent.

and since when I am a pro west??? utter blahness and ridiculous indeed
you spending too much time on chinese tt videos, but without them, how can you be an expert on ttd? well. to my memory, I have yet to see a video of you, so this theory was passed down from another member to me, and I somewhat agree more and more to it.
Tbh you are not really anti WTT so much as just anti China in general - because you pretty much spout all the same anti-China talking points i hear all the time. I am not even mainland Chinese lmao but i can see through all the double standards and hypocrisy here.

If you hate it so much just organize a boycott of China and start your own association like what the chess players did. Let's see what you can do. Or if you're really so pissed off with China go start a revolution or something, just stop whining and do something about it.

There's a lot of shit in the world, but nothing is gonna change unless you get up from your ass and do something about it.

I like to remain anonymous because unlike you i actually have built a lot of very valuable shit in my life to lose from all the bad actors online and there's a lot of these around, even on this forum.

This is why online TT forums utterly suck ass. There's a lot of ppl who clearly don't contribute to it from technical discussions (even when they can), and keep on continuing posting hostile shit and promoting heated political discussions which do not benefit anyone.

It's funny that Tony is criticizing Chinese TT videos because I learnt 1000x more from them compared to the stupid discussions over here. You're just jealous that your channel will never ever get the same traction as them, simply because your content just aint as good no matter how you try.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021

I love watching the European play amongst themselves because it is so soothing and relaxing. They have this je ne sais quoi unhurried style. It is like taking a boat down the riviera sipping chilled sauvignon blanc nibbling on Hors d’oeuvres.

Meanwhile on the Eastern side of things, I feel like doing white water rafting. It is so fast and everything is like a blur with so much adrenaline in my system.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Gozo, I would say that even when you give so much deference and worship the Europeans so much, if you lived there you are just a 2nd or even 3rd class citizen similar to how the Chinese in Malaysia are treated by the Malays (though a bit less blatant).

I guess you can always live in your fun little bubble and that is fine too.

You need to chill man! Why do you need to make everything Grimdark? Have some fun, we're in a table-tennis forum: a sports / hobby forum.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Too painful and close to home huh?

But as i said it's OK to bury your head in the sand and continue to worship the Europeans who created this exact world order when they agreed to ditch the concept of Malaya (where all races are equal) and instead write in Malay supremacy within the constitution when Malaysia was founded.

Have fun paying 7% more for properties than the Malays...

Ignore list ON!