Backhand rubber recommendation needed

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Hello friends,

I'm currently struggling with my backhand setup and think i might need a change of rubber. I currently use a Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive copy (SDC custom blade) with Rakza 7 Max on both sides. Its perfect for my forehand, i get a lot of speed and spin and my forehand has improved a lot in the past 6 months. On my backhand its the opposite, my technique is lacking and i'm struggling with good topspin and looping. I think i might need something slower/softer to allow me to develop. I've tried the Rakza 7 soft several times but find the throw to be too high. Any other rubbers that are spinny and soft but with lower throw?

Thanks in advance
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Jan 2023
Hello friends,

I'm currently struggling with my backhand setup and think i might need a change of rubber. I currently use a Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive copy (SDC custom blade) with Rakza 7 Max on both sides. Its perfect for my forehand, i get a lot of speed and spin and my forehand has improved a lot in the past 6 months. On my backhand its the opposite, my technique is lacking and i'm struggling with good topspin and looping. I think i might need something slower/softer to allow me to develop. I've tried the Rakza 7 soft several times but find the throw to be too high. Any other rubbers that are spinny and soft but with lower throw?

Thanks in advance
t05 fx. But might be harder to control and too fast for you. It is low throw and soft tho.
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Jan 2023
Maybe joola rhyzen ice/fire, joola tronix cmd/acc.
Hello friends,

I'm currently struggling with my backhand setup and think i might need a change of rubber. I currently use a Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive copy (SDC custom blade) with Rakza 7 Max on both sides. Its perfect for my forehand, i get a lot of speed and spin and my forehand has improved a lot in the past 6 months. On my backhand its the opposite, my technique is lacking and i'm struggling with good topspin and looping. I think i might need something slower/softer to allow me to develop. I've tried the Rakza 7 soft several times but find the throw to be too high. Any other rubbers that are spinny and soft but with lower throw?

Thanks in advance
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There is a Rakza 7 soft, which might be good if you like rakza 7. But it kind of depends on how you feel you are lacking on the backhand. Not getting enough speed, get a faster rubber like Tenergy 05fx. Not getting it over, get a higher throw rubber like Dignics or Glayser.

9 Times out of 10, it is the technique that needs tweaking ratyer than the equipment. Maybe work on that before buying a new rubber, it will be cheaper.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
I really like my Rakza 7 soft and Rakza X soft. I am trying to develop my backhand loop. Yes many balls fall into the net but I just need to "brush" more. I don't think it is an equipment problem.

However, if you want something soft that Rakza 7 but as high throw, you should give Donic Baracuda a shot. That rubber is known for a high throw. Classic tensor rubber. Softer than Rakza 7 for sure. It is reasonbly price. It is one of the best sellers on TT11 for a reason.

If you want to give Xiom Vega series a shot (because it is so affordable), I would recommend either Xiom Vega Europe (definitely softer than Rakza 7 and more like Rakza 7 soft) or Xiom Vega Japan (very high quality in terms of its top sheet and should be slightly softer than Rakza 7).
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There is a Rakza 7 soft, which might be good if you like rakza 7. But it kind of depends on how you feel you are lacking on the backhand. Not getting enough speed, get a faster rubber like Tenergy 05fx. Not getting it over, get a higher throw rubber like Dignics or Glayser.

9 Times out of 10, it is the technique that needs tweaking ratyer than the equipment. Maybe work on that before buying a new rubber, it will be cheaper.
My technique is definitely lacking and i am actively working on it with a coach but thought maybe getting a slower/softer rubber might help me focus on the technique instead of constantly struggling to get the ball on the other side.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
My technique is definitely lacking and i am actively working on it with a coach but thought maybe getting a slower/softer rubber might help me focus on the technique instead of constantly struggling to get the ball on the other side.
Softer sponge is know to 1) more dwell time to give you more lift, 2) easier to control and 3) not as much spin and speed.

You should start with a softer rubber on the backhand before you change it to a harder rubber. Softer rubber let you develop your feel to "lift" the ball better. Then once you master like, you change to a a harder rubber now you can "rip" the ball so to speak with a harder rubber.

So if you like Rakza 7 then Rakza 7 soft should be a good fit. I am using Rakza 7 soft/Rakza X soft/BlueFire M2/Rozena/Xiom Vega Asia/Tibhar FX-D on my BH to develop a backhand loop. Meaning for me, for me, all those rubbers are soft enough and interchangeable enough for me to keep on working on my backhand loop. I am not picky right now.

If you keep hitting the ball into the net, it is mainly a timing issue. When you get the timing right, you have ample of time to brush the ball and get it over the net. When you get the timing right, you should then be able to adjust the angle properly. And to get the timing right, you need very very good work.

For forehand loop, you can cheat a bit and still get the ball over the net with decent amount of topspin. For example, my forehand technique is very very good (I played penhold growing up before switching to shakehand so my forehead loop was drilled into me by my coach for three straight years while, I had no backhand to start off with). So if I have to "reach" for the ball on the forehand side, because my timing and my footwork lags behind, not a problem at all.

However, for BH loop, do look at Dan's recent videos about backhand. He uses his elbow as a fulcrum and accelerate to generate a good quality of BH. So in order to keep your elbow steady, acting as a fulcrum, your feet have to move properly every single shot to keep the ball in front of you to execute a quality backhand loop. Plus you need to time the ball right. If the ball is at the top of the bounce, more forward motion. If the ball is low (either you allowed it to happen intentionally or you move there too slow), then lift the ball more. That's pretty much it. There is no magic to backhand. If you loo at Lin Yun-Ju carefully when he does not his backhand flip on return of serve, he takes multiple small steps to get in the right position to make that happen. Because all the work is done in his footwork, which most audience cannot see his feet moving below the table, it look "so easy." Oh no, it is a very very difficult shot for any player to execute but his foot work and his timing are what separate his BH from all the other top players!!!!
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Well-Known Member
May 2011
My technique is definitely lacking and i am actively working on it with a coach but thought maybe getting a slower/softer rubber might help me focus on the technique instead of constantly struggling to get the ball on the other side.
Why would it help you focus on technique? It'll just help you land more shots with poor technique.
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Feb 2020
My experience with Rakza 7 Soft was pretty bad in that it is too slow and dead to play offensively. Instead of going softer may I suggest something a bit harder and spinnier but still soft feeling like the Nittaku Hammond Z2 or the Stiga Mantra Pro H. They coincidentally are both made by the same Japanese company and might explain why I like them so much for my backhand.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Hello friends,

I'm currently struggling with my backhand setup and think i might need a change of rubber. I currently use a Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive copy (SDC custom blade) with Rakza 7 Max on both sides. Its perfect for my forehand, i get a lot of speed and spin and my forehand has improved a lot in the past 6 months. On my backhand its the opposite, my technique is lacking and i'm struggling with good topspin and looping. I think i might need something slower/softer to allow me to develop. I've tried the Rakza 7 soft several times but find the throw to be too high. Any other rubbers that are spinny and soft but with lower throw?

Thanks in advance
Sounds like a skill issue rather than equipment.
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Xiom Vega ASIA is great for YEO BH,I've used it for a long time and it's suitable for such a harder surface。