Harimoto innerforce ALC vs Timo Boll ZLF

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Hello, I have been a longtime lurker here in the TTD forum. I decided to open an account to ask this question as no threads are discussing this particular topic yet. I wanted to ask what the difference is between the Harimoto innerforce ALC blade and the Timo Boll ZLF blade. I am currently using the Timo Boll forte with a Tenergy 05 on the forehand and Tenergy 05 fx on the backhand. I play close to the table, and mainly counter topspin, drive, and power loop on my forehand and I tend to counter topspin, flick, and block on my backhand. I also play from mid-distance counter looping sometimes. As I do not play tournaments, I do not have a rating but I am roughly equivalent to my friends who are 2000 and change USATT rating. I have tried the innerforce layer ALC and the Harimoto ALC and liked the latter more (bigger head size, slightly bigger sweet spot, and slightly heavier). What I love about these innerforce series (as opposed to regular ALC blades such as the Viscaria, Timo Boll ALC, etc.) is that it still gives me control and great dwell time to produce massive amounts of spin without compromising on speed too much. However, after researching I read about the ZLF blades and it just seemed similar to the innerforce ALC series in that they give great dwell time and sweet spot without compromising on speed. Sadly, no one plays with a ZLF blade where I play, so I wanted to ask the TTD members if anyone has ever tried the Harimoto / innerforce ALC blade and the Timo Boll ZLF blade and compare them and recommend to me which one would suit my play style better. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Active Member
Mar 2019
If you estimate yourself at 2000 and change, I think the ZLF will likely be slow for you especially as you mentioned you play at mid distance sometimes. I think you are also the first player of that level that uses a Timo Boll Forte. Lol.
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This user has no status.
Dec 2019
According to Butterfly's own Blade Matrix the difference should be minimal between these 2.
The dots of those blades are right next to each other on the chart in terms of reaction and vibration.


If you like the speed then the Harimoto blade should be perfect for you.
TTgearlabs did extensive research on this blade:

And the conclusion was the the Harimoto blade is heavier and faster then a regular Innerforce ALC blade and is closer in terms of speed to Timo Boll ALC.
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
The ZLF is slower and feels more like an all wood blade. The other big difference is that the ZLF has a koto outer ply and the Innerforce uses limba.

The Innerforce ZLF, Liu Shiwen ZLF and Ai Fukuhara Pro ZLF are actually all limba outers but they are indeed all slower than the Innerforce ALC's and feel more like all-wood. The Fukuhara is closest to the Harimoto in terms of speed and reaction but still slower, while the other 2 are much slower.

Harimoto used the Fukuhara as a youth before moving to a custom Innerforce ALC and then his signature blade which are most cript than the Fukuhara.
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
If you estimate yourself at 2000 and change, I think the ZLF will likely be slow for you especially as you mentioned you play at mid distance sometimes. I think you are also the first player of that level that uses a Timo Boll Forte. Lol.

They are actually many players in the top 1000 in France (USATT 2200+) who use/used the Boll Forte. A kid at my club who's in the top 400 in France (USATT 2400+) used it until recently and switched to an Apolonia ZLC. Quentin Robinot also used the Forte for many years as a pro and switched to the Apolonia 2 years ago.