What does the Japanese Women's Team have to do to beat China in Tokyo 2020?

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Aug 2019
How can the Japanese Women's Team beat China in Tokyo 2020?

Hi guys! This is my first thread so I hope it doesn't violate any rules or anything.

Given that Tokyo 2020 was postponed one year, until the summer of 2021, how can the Japanese Women's Team improve in order to increase their chances at getting the gold medal next year. What, in your opinion, should they work on the most, who should play two singles matches, etc? Does Japan have a chance at all with their current line up?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!!
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Aug 2019
Hina Hayata should be in the team ...

I actually quite agree with you. The pair of Hina Hayata and Mima Ito would be quite a threat to the Chinese. However, given the current lineup (and the announcement by JTTA that they won't change the composition of the team), is there any way you can see for Japan winning gold?
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Dec 2019
Hina Hayata should be in the team ...

I personally think Olympics 2021 will be cancelled, this situation won't be over within a years time. Organisers even said unless vaccine is ready doubts will go ahead and vaccine can take upto 18 months.

I think big mistake Japanese team announcing team too early and then guaranteeing lineup over 12 months away. Lot can happen between now and then. Players can fall out of from. I wonder how hot and full of momentum Mima Ito and Harimoto will be with a big absense out of the game. I wonder which Chinese players have really benefited on a full time training schedule.

I personally Team Event tough ask to beat CNT both men's and women's, you need win 3 games and try beating ML, FZD & XX in 3/5 games. Try beating DN/CM/LSW in 3/5 games. Not impossible but I haven't seen it happen. Singles and XD odds are better for opposition teams.
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Oct 2016
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Mima ito will be one year older and she improve her game, the same situation with Harimoto, for me 2020/21 is not option but 22 will be perfect time for Japanese. Next they will have 24' Olimpics and Ma Long + all chinese girls except SYS can retire..
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
They should worry about getting past the other teams first. Remember the lessons from Rio 2016 and TWC 2019.

Even with Hayata on the team, their chance is way below 50%. Imagine their odds with Ishikawa-senpai.

In the interview before WTTC 2019, LGL rated the 5 Olympic events by danger level. He said all 5 golds are not safe. He can't make any guarantees or promises, instead he could only tell based on probability. For Japan, they'll fight for all 5 golds, because they also can't make any guarantees in any of them. For women's, the main rival is Japan. For men's, it's the world.

Most Dangerous -> Least Dangerous
XD(1 pair), MS(2 players), WS(2 players), WT(3 players), MT(3 players)
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Aug 2019
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Oct 2016
Read 5 reviews
Portugal. Freitas and Apolonia was on Their Japanese league team so they know characteristic and they play with each other
Korea, Youngsiik on fire = 2 points and they will have advantage on double's game
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Namely Taipei and South Korea(if they could get it straight), as Ishikawa/Hirano are shaky as a pair and have lost to CSY/CHT and JJH/SYB before. And to a lesser extent, Hong Kong and Singapore, depending how well DHK and FTW play on the day. Germany and North Korea are not the same as the one in WTTC 2016/Rio 2016 but a bad experience can haunt you for years as Ishikawa told in one episode of Table Tennis Japan. Japan has the overall edge here, but anything can happen if they lose the doubles, so best for them to keep an eye out for these teams.

Mizutani said earning the MS bronze had given him a huge confidence boost, which aided him in beating Boll in the MT SF and then Xu Xin in the MT final of Rio 2016. As LGL elaborated in that interview, the XD could become the fuse that triggers the cascade effect. So, if JunMima could reach the XD final and even beat XinWen, and ideally Ito could get the best draw of her career, reach and beat whoever in the WS final, then Japan would stand a much better chance at challenging China in the WT final.
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ITO needs to overcome her fear of CHEN Meng. then it will boost her confidence. I think she needs to adapt for the powerful BH of CHEN Meng by training more with men and adjust her tactics aiming more often for CM FH and middle ? and try new serves perhaps ?

if ITO can beat CHEN, then she proved she can beat anyone in a good day, but it has to be a perfect day as Japan will probably need her to win 2. Then the other point should be doubles. HAYATA / HIRANO ? or hope a youngster like NAGASAKI or KIHARA suddenly improves their level by 2 notches ?
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