
Featured Reviews

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    Rubbers $80

    Tenergy 05

    Tenergy 05 is for the High Performance topspin attacking player. Tenergy has inbuilt 'Spring Sponge', which is the latest innovation from...
  • Robots $1999

    Amicus Prime

    Butterfly's latest robot the AMICUS PRIME sets out to redefine the possibilities of a table tennis robot and will excite fans all over the world...
  • Robots $2960

    Amicus Professional

    The Butterfly Amicus table tennis robot comes in 3 models, basic, advanced and professional. The robots have been designed for all worldwide...
  • Robots $2960

    Amicus Advance

    The Butterfly Amicus table tennis robot comes in 3 models, basic, advanced and professional. The robots have been designed for all worldwide...