To sum this blade up in a nutshell: great design and handle, ridiculous speed, suprising huge amount of control and incredible gears.
This was the blade I was looking for, really, just wow. The moment I hit my first ball with it, I was sold. I play with two Tenergy 05's on both sides, and the combination is perfect. Perfect dwell time, perfect spin on serves, pushes, open ups, drives. I will be playing with this for a long time.
Only downside is that the blade is a little bit heavy (especially with Tenergy's on), but that's about it. I will be making a more detailed review when I reglue my rubbers, stay tuned.
I have been playing with this blade for the past 4 months and here are some of my experiences:
1) speed: Very, very fast with a low arc (even with Tenergy's on). Short game takes delicate touch. Would recommend a chinese rubber on the FH side.
2) spin: Easy to generate a lot of spin on open ups, serves and touch game.
3) Control: Easy to block due to its speed and sweet spot, counter topspins are a blast. All in all if you are not a well rounded and advanced player, you do notice some lack of control
4) Serves, short pushes and long pushes: Serves are very effective, you can vary the spin a lot and keep your balls low at the same time. Short pushes are a little difficult and you need a firm hand. Flip kills are easy though. Long pushes are easier to control, due to its speed, you don't need a lot of power yourself.
5) Away from the table & counter top spins: Far away from the table is where this blade really shines. Defensive play is easy, counter from 2 to 3 metres behind the table is deadly, but again, you do have to be careful of the speed.
For people who are already at the top of their game, this is one the best blades the market can offer you. As for me, as a developing player, I need some more control and something with a little less speed. If you do want this blade I would recommend putting a chinese rubber on the FH side, as this neutralizes some of the speed and problems in the short game. You can put a tensor rubber or Tenergy on the BH side, that is just your personal preference. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask.
This was the blade I was looking for, really, just wow. The moment I hit my first ball with it, I was sold. I play with two Tenergy 05's on both sides, and the combination is perfect. Perfect dwell time, perfect spin on serves, pushes, open ups, drives. I will be playing with this for a long time.
Only downside is that the blade is a little bit heavy (especially with Tenergy's on), but that's about it. I will be making a more detailed review when I reglue my rubbers, stay tuned.
I have been playing with this blade for the past 4 months and here are some of my experiences:
1) speed: Very, very fast with a low arc (even with Tenergy's on). Short game takes delicate touch. Would recommend a chinese rubber on the FH side.
2) spin: Easy to generate a lot of spin on open ups, serves and touch game.
3) Control: Easy to block due to its speed and sweet spot, counter topspins are a blast. All in all if you are not a well rounded and advanced player, you do notice some lack of control
4) Serves, short pushes and long pushes: Serves are very effective, you can vary the spin a lot and keep your balls low at the same time. Short pushes are a little difficult and you need a firm hand. Flip kills are easy though. Long pushes are easier to control, due to its speed, you don't need a lot of power yourself.
5) Away from the table & counter top spins: Far away from the table is where this blade really shines. Defensive play is easy, counter from 2 to 3 metres behind the table is deadly, but again, you do have to be careful of the speed.
For people who are already at the top of their game, this is one the best blades the market can offer you. As for me, as a developing player, I need some more control and something with a little less speed. If you do want this blade I would recommend putting a chinese rubber on the FH side, as this neutralizes some of the speed and problems in the short game. You can put a tensor rubber or Tenergy on the BH side, that is just your personal preference. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask.