Ask Jorgen Persson a question on the TTD podcast!

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Oct 2010
Hi everyone,

One of our next guests on the TableTennisDaily Podcast is Swedish Legend Jorgen Persson! Jorgen Persson won the World Championships in 1991 and has played in every single Olympic event since table tennis was introduced in 1988, an incredible 7 Olympic events. Jorgen is known for his unique backhand punch which has captured audiences from around the world. Jorgen is an ambassador for table tennis and is the current coach of Dimitrij Ovtcharov.

Simply submit your question below! We will take the best questions and use them in the podcast!


Jorgen Persson - Photo by: Remy Gros

Tribute to Jorgen Persson via TTLondon2012

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Dec 2014
You've been Ovcharov's coach since summer last year or so. For what specific purpose did he hire you? What particular things do you bring to him and his game that he didn't have?

Your days as a full time professional player are over now after a glorious career. So what does your table tennis future look like? Will you take on full time coaching, act as an ambassador for the sport or do you see yourself taking up a position within the ITTF in the future?
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If he had to condense the most necessary and basic skills to master for the novice/intermediate level player into a few bullet points(something along the lines of Pareto's Principle), what would they be?

What kind of mental preparation did he use before a big match? Did he work with a sports psychologist?

Did he have a routine during the pre-match warm-up on the table to get all his strokes firing?

Who was his favourite and worst opponent?

What do the other countries have to do to take on China? His views on this topic would be great!

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Oct 2015
What is the main points that european table tennis miss to be able to catch up to the chinese?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
You have an interesting index finger position on the racket - how did you start holding the racket like that and what are the advantages and maybe disadvantages?

What is the best way to review videotape of a match you or someone you coached has played in detail - is there a process you use?

What do you think of the service rule changes and the controversies surrounding Anton Kallberg (voiced most loudly by Robert Gardos last year during the World Cup)? Should we go back to allowing hidden serves?
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Sep 2015
Read 4 reviews
The first question of brabhamista seems interesting ."You've been Ovcharov's coach since summer last year or so. For what specific purpose did he hire you? What particular things do you bring to him and his game that he didn't have?"
Can you tell me about the rubbers that professionals are using. Are they specifically made for them and are the other rubbers on the market just the lowest quality, because 2 years ago I saw your friend - Mikael Appelgren's rubbers and they were like mines' but they had so much spin and were so different although it is the same rubber. And I think that Chinese do the same e.g. they play with dhs hurricane 3 and they sell it on the market but when I play with it I can never produce as much speed as the chinese players do no matter how hard I hit the ball. I even tried to boost it(still no result). So can you please explain this thing with the professional and commercial rubbers and blades.
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Dec 2014
What parts of Ovcharov's game is your coaching focused on? Are you mainly coaching him on match play and tactics or are you actively shaping his longterm development and strategies?

How does your coaching of Ovcharov work practically? Are you mainly an advisor and Ovcharov decides what to do or do you make the decisions and he executes?

Could you give an example of a few tactically very clever players on the tour right now?

What were your own personal tactical strengths, in your opinion?
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This user has no status.
Dec 2014
I want to know how his current relationship is with J-O? And also if he can guess the Score between him and J-O counting all matches in there carrers
He has published the score of every single one of his matches against Waldner. They've played 102 times and Persson is up 53 to 49 at the moment.

It's very even over time as well. At no point did anyone of them dominate the other. The most matches won in a row by either of them was 4.

You can find more info here on his website :)örgen-vs-j-o
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