off-/off blade

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Ilia has got a very good point here. Some time ago, I was also thinking of changing my blade because of the handle size, and I've also opened a thread on this topic. Still, i decided to give the grip tape a try(It was also a tennis grip tape i think) and man that was a very good decision. The handle of my Timo Boll Forte is really small so I used 2-3 layers of grip tape. Not only it made the handle bigger but also more comfortable to hold in hand.

So, I definitely reccomend giving the grip tape a try before falling into an EJ trap you may not be able to get out of :D ;)
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Another way of thinking of this:

Penhold, the handle is just there. The fingers hold the blade face so the wrist can be relaxed.

In some shakehand serves, you take the fingers off the handle to get more wrist.

There is a method of holding the racket for shakehand where you hold the blade face with the index finger and thumb. The other three fingers (middle, ring and pinky fingers) are sort of around the handle but not really holding.

I have heard this method of gripping described by many people on this forum. Sometimes I have heard it described as pinching the blade with index finger and thumb. I was shown that grip by a coach who is from China. The purpose of that grip is so you can have your grip more relaxed so you can get more whip from your wrist.

See what happens if you try to hold with only the index finger and thumb and try to keep the other three fingers from grasping. They can gently wrap around the handle but try to have them loose and see what happens.

The other suggestions are fine. But explore if you get more whip and more ball feel from the grip I just described. If you do, it might help your shots get a little better.

When this was show to me it was described as a secret. [emoji2]

After, Michael Landers also showed me this secret. [emoji2]

It definitely helps me get more spin.

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Aug 2015
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The purpose of that grip is so you can have your grip more relaxed so you can get more whip from your wrist.

My coach told me to hold the paddle like this because finger pressure during different strokes is so important. Never really though about it giving whip from the wrist. But for different parts of each stroke we need either the thumb or the index finger to be providing more pressure on the paddle.