Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

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Ah wow, very cool for X Liu!

INTENSE!! ~14:50 - 15:01

Hi I saw the vid
Among the vids, this is maybe the one against the better opponent perhaps i've seen, and he's playing a classical game, so you can show some of your best shots.

Your BH attack is indeed your strongest shot, the form is short, its fast low and very spinny, very effective and the placement good as well ! i was for example impressed by 7'05 . at 8'30 you make two excellent ones in a row in the same rally. and you even easily step a little bit to the ball to hit a good shot.

the main problem that i see with your BH is that even in those two rallies, the guy served long on you, and you pushed the ball. Thats ok with players of that level, but your BH is strong, you should be able to attack the first ball. You don't need to put as much power, but just try to play with spin and consistency. Throughout the match you push back a lot of serves and sometimes they pop up a little bit, the push is a bit high, against a higher level player, you would get punished for that, which would be a pity because you have the shots to avoid that.

Also, even if your BH consistency is high, i still saw some mistakes on your BH side

but good FH when you're well placed especially on pivot like 6'50, but you struggle more when its played wide. you have a good reach so you can hit with good power within your hitting zone even when the ball s played on your FH but its clearly less consistent and i feel a good block or FH counter played wide or down the line would cause you some problems. the main problem is the footwork, and thats due to your knee i guess.

for example
FH misses 8'03 (pivot) 8'24 (wide)

The other strong point that i see is that your serves are most of the time low, and there is good variation with the BH, and your 3rd is quite good, you know well where the ball is going.

As for your opponent, his Penholder block is annoying. its coming quite fast in the diagonal to your BH but you have no problems on those fast balls. But he doesn't manage to play so often down the line, it means he's got some problems with your BH spin. He is not so young and his footwork is quite bad. He might have been a better player when young.
says what [IMG]

That makes sense. I swear I do a better swing if I have a mirror and I take it slower, and I'm pretty sure I'm not using half this effort in games.

I think I will try to take it 50% slower in shadows and just work on getting the core to do the work. I "know" how it feels to have more core and less arm, but it's not quite grooved because it feels uncomfortable. However I know it's better, so I'll just keep at it. The point that Greg said about not judging something by how it feels but by how it works comes to mind.
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
Read 6 reviews
The first roller:


The third and best one:


I don`t see any roller there... But still nice played
Anyway .... If you bend your upper body more then you`r loop shots (mostly left sided) will be more direct , lover and way harder to return .
Give it a try .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2015
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I don`t see any roller there... But still nice played
Anyway .... If you bend your upper body more then you`r loop shots (mostly left sided) will be more direct , lover and way harder to return .
Give it a try .

Try bending your upperbody without bending your knees. I don't think that would help at all. could you explain what you mean differently or post a video of what you mean?
says what [IMG]
I don`t see any roller there... But still nice played
Anyway .... If you bend your upper body more then you`r loop shots (mostly left sided) will be more direct , lover and way harder to return .
Give it a try .
I'm sure it would, but somehow I think there's a good reason why NL doesn't bend as much as he "should".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2015
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I'm sure it would, but somehow I think there's a good reason why NL doesn't bend as much as he "should".

I think bending the body would be bad without the knees. As he tried to go forward with bending the body it would cause force backwards aswell, causing him to lean back. He has some rotation in his hips but I think bending would actually do more harm than good for him.
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
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I simply estimate by NL experience that he nows he has also bend he's knees... But i also now from previous videos that he has some knee issues. So this is simple on him.
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Oct 2014
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midnight eastern, you guys are going down >=]
Sorry, I fell slightly ill and missed my timeline. So what I will announce first are the prizes.

1st Prize is a blade - it will likely be either a Vega Euro shakehand blade or a Timo Boll T5000 or a reasonable penhold blade if the winner wants something penhold. But if the winner wants something else that I can accomodate, I will consider that as well.

2nd Prize is a sheet of T80.

3rd Prize is a sheet of Nexy Karis in M or M+.

Consider them Christmas gifts more than anything else. Now I Will announce the actual competition and rules at midnight ET tonight (22 hrs from now) to give everyone a fair start.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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I simply estimate by NL experience that he nows he has also bend he's knees... But i also now from previous videos that he has some knee issues. So this is simple on him.

Thanks. Everything requires training, and my stroke planes are already adapted to my current body orientation. I just do the best I can to play without pain while having fun as I can't train that much.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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Hi I saw the vid
Among the vids, this is maybe the one against the better opponent perhaps i've seen, and he's playing a classical game, so you can show some of your best shots.

Your BH attack is indeed your strongest shot, the form is short, its fast low and very spinny, very effective and the placement good as well ! i was for example impressed by 7'05 . at 8'30 you make two excellent ones in a row in the same rally. and you even easily step a little bit to the ball to hit a good shot.

the main problem that i see with your BH is that even in those two rallies, the guy served long on you, and you pushed the ball. Thats ok with players of that level, but your BH is strong, you should be able to attack the first ball. You don't need to put as much power, but just try to play with spin and consistency. Throughout the match you push back a lot of serves and sometimes they pop up a little bit, the push is a bit high, against a higher level player, you would get punished for that, which would be a pity because you have the shots to avoid that.

Also, even if your BH consistency is high, i still saw some mistakes on your BH side

but good FH when you're well placed especially on pivot like 6'50, but you struggle more when its played wide. you have a good reach so you can hit with good power within your hitting zone even when the ball s played on your FH but its clearly less consistent and i feel a good block or FH counter played wide or down the line would cause you some problems. the main problem is the footwork, and thats due to your knee i guess.

for example
FH misses 8'03 (pivot) 8'24 (wide)

The other strong point that i see is that your serves are most of the time low, and there is good variation with the BH, and your 3rd is quite good, you know well where the ball is going.

As for your opponent, his Penholder block is annoying. its coming quite fast in the diagonal to your BH but you have no problems on those fast balls. But he doesn't manage to play so often down the line, it means he's got some problems with your BH spin. He is not so young and his footwork is quite bad. He might have been a better player when young.

Thanks. Most of these matches are played on instinct since I haven't trained anything in way too long and I was testing equipment I have only used for a 3 days as of the time of the match. But it clearly reminds me of some things that I know I have to fix but I haven't given any time recently because of scheduling issues.
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says what [IMG]
I just hope NL can keep playing for as long as he'd like. I have to admit I don't understand the reality of an arthritic person, nor do I understand the reality of anyone older than a teenager. All I can do is try my best to avoid injury and further complications down the line, and hope other people can as well.

Today wasn't eventful, but I have gotten a little better at the ball bounce drills. Something clicked after Carl said that the ball should bounce up due to the backspin, and I could actually brush it today morning when I tried it.

I wasn't trusting the backspin to propel the ball before and I was hitting, quite consciously actually, but today I got a few 2nd bounces to go pretty high up to eye level or more. I also got 3 and sometimes 4 bounces consistently with Shuki's drill.

I think these drills are damn good for improving spin understanding and touch.

Also did some drills with a newbie. Mainly showing him how you get backspin over the net and deep on the end line with a topspin stroke, and then feeding him some backspin and trying to start to develop a loop. I fed him from the side of the table and heavy enough that he nets it if he doesn't touch the ball right and accelerate into it, but not my best.

First few dozen balls or so went smacking into the table or the net, and I explained some basic things about spin. Most of it probably went over his head but he listened very well and after a while it started working. He started hitting some over the net, mostly carrying the ball shallow on the table due to the spin, and I urged him to accelerate more into the ball and showed him how.

About half an hour or so later he could hit a pretty good forehand deep on the table and one of them even had quite a bit of spin on it actually. Nothing amazing, but what a change from his previous performance, considering I don't even know how to teach people. My technique is also very sub-optimal, so I can just imagine what a real coach can do with their knowledge and ability.

I think his improvement is mostly because he just shut up and tried his best and really thought about it. If more students were like this, coaches would probably have an easier time. :rolleyes:
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Dec 2011
I just wanted to use today's chit chat as a reminder to everyone to stop panicking while playing table tennis. Wait for the ball to come to you. Wait! If Ma Long was getting ready to forehand loop kill on you, you are more likely to rush and swing too early and reach for the ball than you are to swing too late.

Last night I played against a 2000 level player with a good forehand loop, and I was playing him very well and blocking his loops better than ever. His loop is not as fast as I think it is. You always have more time than you think. You might not have enough time, but there's stll more time than you think.

If you are sure you didn't panic and the opponent still blasts the ball past you, that just means you weren't good enough at reading your opponent's cues. You need better game reading skills. But panicking would not have helped you react to the ball any better, so don't do that.
Last edited:
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Rheumatoid Arthritis: look it up. It is not what most people think of when they think of arthritis.

Most often people think of osteoarthritis when they hear the word arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a process that happens to everyone as we age. The hyalin cartilage that allows our joints to glide starts to ossify. That means bone starts to grow where cartilage should be. And then our joints don't work quite as well.

I've got some nice osteoarthritis in my right hip from years of falling from 20+ feet in the air and landing on my right hip. When I skated ramp in competitions and performing in the circus, when a stunt went wrong aiming to land on my right hip was the default safe landing. With a skateboard, you kick the board away and aim for the knee pads. With inline skates, the skates are in the way of that working well, so my default landing was to tuck my skates sideways and aim for the right hip. When you are that high in the air, if you don't know how to land softly when things go wrong, your "career" will end very quickly. [emoji2] So a little arthritis in my hip was a small price to pay and it definitely does not affect my mobility.

But that kind of arthritis is nothing like Rheumatoid Arthritis which is an autoimmune disease where your immune system basically eats your joints which causes them to hurt, to swell and not to work correctly.

It is a disease that is not isolated to any one joint or set of joints. Joints like elbows, wrists, shoulders, knees and small joints in your hands can commonly be affected. Because it is an autoimmune disease, it can affect multiple joints simultaneously.

The good news is, it is much more treatable these days than ever before. But it is a disease that can progress.

So, if you have ever played NextLevel and feel the heaviness and ball qualify of his shots, you would be impressed. His ball quality and overall power feels comparable to many players in the 2200-2400 range. And I suspect that, with fully functional joints and no RA to limit his mobility, NextLevel would be capable of getting to much higher levels.

Anyway, it is worth understanding. To my way of seeing the world, the fact that NextLevel has gotten to the level he has with that condition, starting as an adult, is pretty freakin' awesome.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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I just wanted to use today's chit chat as a reminder to everyone to stop panicking while playing table tennis. Wait for the ball to come to you. Wait! If Ma Long was getting ready to forehand loop kill on you, you are more likely to rush and swing too early and reach for the ball than you are to swing too late.

Last night I played against a 2000 level player with a good forehand loop, and I was playing him very well and blocking his loops better than ever. His loop is not as fast as I think it is. You always have more time than you think. You might not have enough time, but there's stll more time than you think.

If you are sure you didn't panic and the opponent still blasts the ball past you, that just means you weren't good enough at reading your opponent's cues. You need better game reading skills. But panicking would not have helped you react to the ball any better, so don't do that.

during my lessons with my coach, he keeps telling at me : "WAIT WAIT, WAIT MORE !!!!"
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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I just wanted to use today's chit chat as a reminder to everyone to stop panicking while playing table tennis. Wait for the ball to come to you. Wait! If Ma Long was getting ready to forehand loop kill on you, you are more likely to rush and swing too early and reach for the ball than you are to swing too late.

Last night I played against a 2000 level player with a good forehand loop, and I was playing him very well and blocking his loops better than ever. His loop is not as fast as I think it is. You always have more time than you think. You might not have enough time, but there's stll more time than you think.

If you are sure you didn't panic and the opponent still blasts the ball past you, that just means you weren't good enough at reading your opponent's cues. You need better game reading skills. But panicking would not have helped you react to the ball any better, so don't do that.

Excellent post. [emoji2]

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2015
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Well, Big M is says that I take the ball too late on my forehand. So I am not so sure that I should be waiting...

I like the timing on your forehand loop for your style, catching it earlier would sacrifice a lot of the spin that you've achieved.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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Sorry, I fell slightly ill and missed my timeline. So what I will announce first are the prizes.

1st Prize is a blade - it will likely be either a Vega Euro shakehand blade or a Timo Boll T5000 or a reasonable penhold blade if the winner wants something penhold. But if the winner wants something else that I can accomodate, I will consider that as well.

2nd Prize is a sheet of T80.

3rd Prize is a sheet of Nexy Karis in M or M+.

Consider them Christmas gifts more than anything else. Now I Will announce the actual competition and rules at midnight ET tonight (22 hrs from now) to give everyone a fair start.

The prize I want to win is that crushed DHS 40+ 3-Star Poly Ball signed, before being crushed, by NextLevel & Der_Echte. Is that the prize for last place?

If I can win that one, I will mail it to ITTF President Weikert with a letter telling him, "This is what we think of the 3-Star Poly balls from the DHS and Double Fish factories!"


Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy