New Bat - What Should I Get - DHS

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May 2024
Have you find any research yet?
Well i thought of getting the DHS Hurricane HAO 2 (as the blade) ,with the DHS Hurricane 3 Neo Soft 37' (as the rubber,on both sides) , but i don't wanna make the wrong decision , and then regret after some time.The only problem is that i can't play/try and i have never played/tried chinese rubbers.
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May 2024
So i have this andro bat for a couple of years now. I would like to get a new one,and i thought of getting a DHS one. I don't know which blade is the best for 150$. For the rubbers i would also like something to match with the blade. Cand somebody give me a good chinese setup , or just a good setup overall?
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
So i want to get a new racket (blade and rubbers) , but i don't know what to choose. I currently use a andro blade (i don't know the name of it) and RASANTER R50 as rubbers on both sides. Can someone help me with this? (remember the budget is 200$)
You can only be helped if you post a video of you playing.
Then the real experts here in the forum will be able to suggest a setup that matches your skills. Everything else would be a waste of time.
says Inner Carbon is King
says Inner Carbon is King
Jun 2023
Or smth less personalised but would still work is if you give more info, eg ur playing style, level, what u like abt ur current set up and what u want from a new set up, any brand preferences, group order from tt11 etc etc. Otherwise any reccommendations based on info provided wont be tailored to ur style at all
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Apr 2024
DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Soft = $35.32 (Table Tennis 11)
Nittaku Hurricane 3 Neo Super Thick = $35.32 (Table Tennis 11)
DHS Hurricane 301 = $75.16

Total $145.8

If you want to spend more, upgrade DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Soft to DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Provincial for $44.17

If you play Penhold, Joola ZQH Hyper ARY-c 90 Ch.Pen is only $138.76 right now.
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May 2024
DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Soft = $35.32 (Table Tennis 11)
Nittaku Hurricane 3 Neo Super Thick = $35.32 (Table Tennis 11)
DHS Hurricane 301 = $75.16

Total $145.8

If you want to spend more, upgrade DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Soft to DHS Hurricane 3 Neo 37 Provincial for $44.17

If you play Penhold, Joola ZQH Hyper ARY-c 90 Ch.Pen is only $138.76 right now.
As the blade there also is Hurricane Hao 2. It's on sale from 207$ to 145$. But i don't really know which one is better.
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May 2024
I am looking for a DHS blade. I find these 2 blades good,and they fit in my budget. I don't know which one to pick, for the rubbers i went with DHS Hurricane 3 Neo Provincial 37' on both sides. Can somebody tell me which blade out of the 2 I mentioned in the title works best with DHS Hurricane Neo Provincial 37' ?
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May 2024
How long have you been playing? Do you play in a club with a coach? How often do train? Whats your forehand like? What do you struggle with etc backhand openings?!
I have been playing for 5 years,i do play in a club with a coach, i train 3x a week monday,tuesday-2 hours each, friday-1 hour,my forehand is spinny and fast, i struggle when somebody drops the ball close to the net and i'm far away trying to defend (being forced to defend) when i get at the table sometimes the ball already bounced 2 times on my side of the table,or i just hit it with more power than needed so i miss. I also struggle sometimes when i'm far away from the table,defending and i try to hit it low on the table. I am a offensive player
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New Member
Apr 2024
If you are able to move constantly, prepare for each shot, and your legs allow you so, go for 301. Each stroke, if executed properly, will be quite dangerous and low-over-the-net. Blocks with 301 are also awful 😖
If you feel lazy sometimes or not able to use wrist a lot, especially on BH, go for 506, it's way easier to play than innerforce blades.