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  1. My experience switching from shakehand to penhold

    hi everyone! Just wanted to share my thoughts and experiences switching from shakehand to Chinese penhold (CP). First of all, I've been playing CP for around 2 months. General feelings: it's different, but not so much, especially on the FH side. Not much wrist flexibility on the BH, so...
  2. Can anybody translate this video? Ma Lin on equipment

    Hi everyone. I was always fascinated with Ma Lin's plays. In this video according to my very very little understanding of Chinese (and the fact that there's 'yeo' in the subtitles) I think Ma Lin talks about how appropriate YEO is for 40+ plastic ball, something about weight of the racket he...
  3. Proper penhold grip

    I just tried playing penhold today and really enjoyed it. I think I am pretty knowledgeable in the area of shakehand grip, which fingers to put pressure on, when to relax, when to stiffen the grip, etc. I've found several videos on YouTube explaining different Chinese penhold variations and now...
  4. Chinese defenders setup

    I was just wondering what equipment these cool players use, have a look at these two vids. Zhou Yu makes a lot of mistakes against this defender... What blade? what rubbers? Second game is even more ridiculous...the handle of the defender guy looks like DHS Long 5/w968/Long3 I assume FH...
  5. Glue for boosted rubbers

    Heya everyone. I've been using DHS #15 and Revolution #3 for boosted rubbers. Revolution requires many layers for proper hold of the rubber (it also smells bad :)) I personally think DHS #15 suits it very, very well and is easy to remove. Unfortunately, DHS and Revolution glues are not easily...
  6. Nittaku Acoustic with Hurricane 3

    Hello, everyone! Sharing my (very brief) thoughts about Nittaku Acoustic with unboosted commercial H3. Anybody still plays with Acoustic and tacky Chinese rubber these days ?
  7. A word of appreciation to Yinhe Pro 01

    Boy this blade is well balanced. For the record: I also have older version of Timo Boll Spirit and it's too fast for my liking, there's less dwell time/catapult effect/call it whatever - my subjective feeling is that I can do full swing forehand top spin with Yinhe Pro 01 wihtout hesitation...
  8. Soft or hard rubber for better blocking ?

    Hello, TTD :) So I've purchased Nittaku Ludeack 7 ply wooden blade as an upgrade from Nittaku Acoustic (same wooden composition, but 5 ply) and find it amazing in doing loops, controlling the game is just outstanding, etc. But one aspect I don't like at all: blocking. It's more stable when I...
  9. Weight of the blade. Too heavy ?

    Hello everyone. I've found several posts on this forum regarding the weight of the racket and how it affects the feeling/play and most suggest that the heavier the better feeling/power etc. I have Nittaku Acoustic (85g) and Yinhe V-14 Pro (92gr). I am OK with playing Acoustic, but I don't...